This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Contact us and the translation is 100% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Contact us and have to be approved by a translation administrator.


Problems with files and pages on Wikimedia Commons, including copyright

Reusing Content
How to reuse our files in other places, like your publication or website

How to contact individual Wikimedia Commons users

Find out about the process, how to donate, and information about how your money is spent

If you're a member of the press looking to contact Wikimedia Commons, or have a business proposal for us

Thank ye fer yer interest in contactin Wikimedia Commons. Afore ye get gaun, some important disclaimers:

  1. Wikimedia Commons haes nae central eeditorial board; contreebutions ar makit bi ae fair nummer o volunteers at thair ain discreetion. Eedits ar no the responsibeelitie o the Wikimedia Foundation (the organisation that haists the steid) or o its staff.
  2. Gif ye'v qspeirins aneatt the concept o Wikimedia Commons insteid o ae speceefic proablem, the Affen Speired Speirins page micht halp.

The airtins at the cair shid guide ye tae hou tae contact us or resolve proablems. Gif ye canna find yer issue leetit thaur, please post oan the halp desk.