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Chief Executive Carrie Lam called the protests "dangerous and life threatening acts" that had devolved into a "blatant, organised riot".<ref name="global"/> Beijing mouthpiece the ''[[People’s Daily]]'' published an article accusing protesters of "colluding with foreign anti-Chinese forces to manufacture social conflicts."<ref name="612clashes"/> [[Hu Xijin]], editor in chief of the ''Global Times'', tweeted that the scenes of the protests looked like a "Color Revolution", hinting that the West was fomenting "disturbance" in the city.<ref>{{cite news|title=How Hong Kong protests play into Trump’s showdown with China|first=Ishaan|last=Tharoor|work=The Washington Post|date=13 June 2019|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/06/13/how-hong-kong-protests-play-into-trumps-showdown-with-china/?utm_term=.62074b6acc9c}}</ref> Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said the chaos in Admiralty was "blatant and organised." He also said "the central government strongly denounces any violent actions, and supports the special administrative region government’s effort to tackle the issue in accordance with the law."<ref>{{cite news|title=Central government, local groups condemn riot|url=https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/227/82/241/1560446933681.html|date=14 June 2019|work=China Daily}}</ref>
==See also==