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* Ihre Aktion  verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen 
Bücher 1.  Das Böse als Gottesbeweis : die Theodizee al-Māturīdīs im Lichte seiner Epistemologie, Kosmologie und Ontologie
/ Kam, Hureyre. - Berlin : EB-Verlag, 2019
Bücher 2.  Mâturîdî
/ Karadaş, Cağfer. - 1. baskı - Köln : PLURAL, 2017
Bücher 3.  İmam Mâturîdî : hayatı, göüşleri ve mezhebi
/ Māturīdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-. - 1. baskı - Köln : Plural Publications, Nisan 2016
Bücher 4.  Al-Māturīdī and the development of Sunnī theology in Samarqand
/ Rudolph, Ulrich. - Leiden : Brill, [2015]
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 5.  Al-Māturīdī and the Development of Sunnī Theology in Samarqand
/ Rudolph, Ulrich. - 1st ed. - Leiden : BRILL, 2014Zusammenfassung
Bücher 6.  İmam Mâturîdî ve Maturidilik : tarihî arka plan, hayatı, eserleri, fikirleri ve Maturidilik mezhebi ; seçki
/ Kutlu, Sönmez. - 4. baskı - Ankara : Otto, 2012
Bücher 7.  Tāwīlāt al-Qurān ; [Indizes], al-Fahāris
/ Māturīdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-. - Istānbūl : Dār al-mīzān, 2011
Bücher 8.  Tāwīlāt al-Qurān ; 17. cilt
/ Māturīdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-. - Istānbūl : Dār al-mīzān, 2010
Bücher 9.  Tāwīlāt al-Qurān ; 16. cilt
/ Māturīdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-. - Istānbūl : Dār al-mīzān, 2010
Bücher 10.  Tāwīlāt al-Qurān ; 15. cilt
/ Māturīdī, Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-. - Istānbūl : Dār al-mīzān, 2010
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