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News from WRI

22 Jun 2017

Seoul actions against the ADEX arms fairSeoul actions against the ADEX arms fairThank you!

We made it to our crowdfunding target, raising £2045 towards our campaign to make resistance to the DSEI London arms fair international. Thank you so much to the 52 people who donated (your perks will be in the post!), and the hundreds of people who supported by sharing it.

Part of this resistance is taking place on 10th September, when we'll be gathering to shine a light on the international impacts of the arms trade. Take a look at the event below, and come if you can or spread the word!

War Stops Here: public education day on the arms trade

24 May 2017

The Antimilitarist Network of Latin America and the Carribean (Red Antimilitarista de América Latina y el Caribe, RAMALC) have published a statement in solidarity with antimilitarists, conscientious objectors, nonviolent and pacifists in Venezuela (an English version is forthcoming). It extends support to the community of human rights defenders being persecuted for their work. The statement has been endorsed by the WRI Executive Committee.


09 May 2017

Please donate here

In September 2017, thousands of arms dealers will descend on London to market their wares to militaries from across the globe. Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) - is one of the biggest arms fairs in the world, and it takes place in east London every two years, exporting death and destruction around the world.

We are the international resistance to DSEI, and we need your help.

28 Apr 2017

Militarised police in training. Photo: Tim McAteerMilitarised police in training. Photo: Tim McAteerAll around the world, police forces are being militarised. The lines between the roles of the police and the military are being blurred, with narratives of heightened threat (from terror, drugs, social unrest or people on the move) being used to justify this militarisation.

Militarised policing is something which runs far deeper than the surface veneer of militarised equipment and body armour; scratch the bullet-proof vest and underneath you will find a militarised mentality conditioned to perceive the 'other' as a threat, an enemy, and to respond accordingly.

25 Apr 2017

International delegation at Serdar Kuni's trial in Sirnak/TurkeyInternational delegation at Serdar Kuni's trial in Sirnak/TurkeyOn 24 April 2017, War Resisters' International joined a group of international organisations to observe the second hearing of Serdar Küni, a doctor and veteran human rights defender from Turkey imprisoned last October. Below is the statement of the international delegation, including Andreas Speck from War Resisters' International, explaining their concerns from the trial yesterday.