1 Review
A Twist On The 12 Angry Men
malcolmgsw28 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A man is found murdered in Hyde Park.A man is hunting through his pockets.He is arrested and put on trial for murder.He claims that he was being blackmailed by the dead man.He had to pay £50 for the return of the letter.However no letter was found and he only had £10 on him.He is put on trial for murder.In the jury room everyone is for conviction bar Marius Goring who admits he was the killer.The jury cannot convict an innocent man.The only alternatives are a hung jury,which will only result in another trial or a not guilty verdict.The jury find him not guilt.However when pressed Goring says that he does not admit anything,so was he really the murderer.All a bit fanciful but nevertheless quite entertaining.
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