Hustle (2022) Poster


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Been a while since a good sport movie
ariqakbar6 August 2022
The first thing i can noticed is how Adam Sandlers really have the chemistry on this role, i can feel how he personally love this game.

The story doesn't spend too much unnecessary side story, great portion.

All the role has a good performance despite all the athlete background, beautiful light sport movie.
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Great sports movie FILLED with cameos from the NBA
wackoreviews22 July 2022
Turns out Adam Sandler can actually do movies that aren't comedies. Shocking, I know. After a down-on-his-luck basketball scout discovers an extraordinary player abroad, he brings the phenom back without his team's approval.

In this sports-drama produced by Adam Sandler alongside LeBron James, a touching story is told perfectly with magnificent performances from both Sandler himself and actual NBA star Juancho Hernangomez. From the moment Stanley (Adam Sandler) meets Bo (Juancho Hernangomez) and his family, you can immediately see how they click and just how strong the chemistry is between them. The story is filled with with unexpected plot twists, keeping the audience attached during the whole 2 hours run-time that pass very smoothly. Although this movie is not labeled as a comedy, you still get to laugh a lot throughout it. Well, of course. It is Adam Sandler after all!

Unexpectedly, this movie instills a burst of emotions in the audience while conveying important life lessons. The music, for me, really helps the movie flourish, as it is honestly staggering and suits the mood that the director is trying to provide perfectly.

Finally, considering the fact that this movie is loaded with famous NBA players, NBA fans would definitely enjoy it. However, because the plot and production are phenomenal, anyone would enjoy this movie.

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LeBron Sandler
yusufpiskin8 June 2022
The 2022 model netflix movie produced by LeBron James and Adam Sandler...

LeBron aside, Adam Sandler, who is a basketball fan, played great...

The movie is probably one of the best sports movies made in the last 10 years.

Adam Sandler is a wine man, his acting gets better as he gets older.
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Adam Sandler has become an accomplished actor, and this hoop drama is a winner.
JohnDeSando9 June 2022
"I love this game. I live this game." Stanley Sugerman (Adam Sandler)

Hustle is a commanding Netflix original that nudges the formulaic "Hoop Dreams" out of its comfort zone into an entertaining drama that emphasizes ambition, brotherly love (set in Philadelphia after all), and familial support, traits that could apply to any underdog struggling against immense forces.

Stanley Sugerman is a has-been scout for the '76ers who discovers a Madrid street champion, Bo Cruz (Juancho Hernangomez), and promotes him in the states for the NBA, eventually using his own funds to bring him over. Although the usual cliches like a cocky antagonist Kermit Wilts (Minnesota Timberwolves teammate Anthony Edwards) and a dismissive owner Vince Merrick (Ben Foster) are there, Sandler, eschewing his usual over-the-top comic shtick, gives warmth and sincerity (he loves basketball anyway) to make the challenges believable and him a hero.

Just look at the sweet meet between Stanley's family and Bo's to see how deftly director Jeremiah Zugar (from South Philly) swings from a saccharine take to a modest, loving union of people who understand the unifying nature of Bo and Stanley's ambition. After seeing Sandler in his tour de force Uncut Gems (Also Netflix), I am a Sandler fan who believes Sandler has moved almost instantaneously from comic to dramatic (well, maybe that fast if you consider his performance in Punch Drunk Love).

If you're young an unimpressed with my praise, perhaps these ingredients will help you to tune it in: Multiple cameos of other NBA stars, LeBron James a producer, and gritty, electric streetball games; the use of social media to get the attention of indifferent NBA bigwigs. For me, seeing Sandler as a warm and flawed human being play beside an equally affecting Hernangomez, is worth a warm evening enjoying, as we all did with the similarly-based Rocky, seeing humans striving to be more than they are.
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"Serious" Sandler with his signature touches of comic relief seems to be the winning formula of late.
tresm878 June 2022
Once again it's no surprise that Adam shines in another more serious role. When people constantly seem to be shocked at his range I tell them to go back and watch reign over me. He's always had this versatility. That's not to say his signature brand of comedy isn't implemented in this solid film. The story is rather straightforward an interesting as it also shows his passion for the game of basketball that he's always had in reality as well. Overall another solid entry into his recent renaissance. Wasn't too fond of certain moments or the casting of Latifah as his wife but I can look that over.
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If you're not a fan of basketball, you'll still enjoy this well put-together film.
Top_Dawg_Critic9 June 2022
But if you are, then you'll love this Adam Sandler and LeBron James production. It's a great and touching story, told perfectly, with outstanding performances and chemistry by Sandler and actual NBA star Juancho Hernangomez. You'll also see a bunch of other NBA players and celebrities. The directing is excellent, as is the cinematography. The almost 2 hour runtime flew by with the great pacing. This film is certainly one of the better sport-dramas I've seen, if not the best. I promise you you'll laugh and you will cry. This is a re-watch at least one more time for sure. A well deserved 9/10 from me.
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for love of the game
ferguson-68 June 2022
Greetings again from the darkness. As a sports fan and movie fan, I approach every sports movie with trepidation and low expectations. Let's face it, most actors aren't great (or even good) athletes, and most athletes aren't great (or even good) actors. We would have no interest in a western where the cowboys can't ride horses, just as we have no interest in watching John Goodman portray a baseball legend in THE BABE (1992). I tell you this to convey my state of mind while preparing to watch this basketball movie from director Jeremiah Zagar and co-writers Will Fetters (A STAR IS BORN, 2018) and Taylor Materne. It gives me pleasure to say that even though the premise is kind of similar to Kevin Bacon's 1992 film, THE AIR UP THERE, this one should satisfy most sports and basketball fans.

Adam Sandler stars as Stanley Sugermen, a long-time scout for the Philadelphia 76'ers. An opening montage gives us a taste of why he's worn out and beaten down after so many years on the road. Rushing to catch flights, too many fast-food meals, crashing in one hotel after another, and chasing down tips on the next great player ... it all adds up to frustration and too much time away from his wife Teresa (Queen Latifah) and teenage daughter (Jordan Hull). Feeling unappreciated and questioning his professional future, Stanley is ecstatic when the long-time Sixers owner played by (Oscar winner) Robert Duvall promotes Stanley to assistant coach. Unfortunately, the dream-come-true turns into a nightmare when the beloved owner dies, leaving his cocky son Vince (Ben Foster) in charge of the team. Vince has little respect for Stanley and promptly sends him back on the road.

It's in Mallorca, Spain where Stanley stumbles on a nighttime game at a local outdoor court. Immediately catching his eye is an intense, lanky player in work boots. NBA player Juancho Hernangomez stars as Bo Cruz, a true previously undiscovered diamond in the rough. The dream of all scouts is to be the first to find a transcendent player, and once they hear the NBA minimum salary, Bo's mother and young daughter are on board with Stanley taking Bo to the United States. Of course, things don't go according to plan. Vince rejects Bo, and a history of anger issues comes back to haunt Bo. Stanley ignores the naysayers, trusts his instincts, and takes on the project of preparing Bo for the scouting combine. The training montage is very well done, as Sandler and Juancho are both believable and draw us in for support.

Cinematographer Zak Mulligan and director Zagar deserve credit for filming the basketball sequences in a style that highlights the athletic talent without resorting to cheap editing tricks. Of course it helps that the basketball sequences are loaded with actual NBA players and playground legends. These guys look like they can play because they CAN. I'll leave the closing credit montage to highlight most of those involved, but a couple of standouts include Boban Marjonovich and Anthony Edwards, the latter playing Bo's head-game nemesis, Kermit Wilts. Also making appearances are Kenny Smith as a player agent, and the great Julius "Dr J" Erving, who has a couple of scenes.

When most people think of Adam Sandler, his long list of sophomoric and absurd man-child movies come to mind. Certainly, he can't be blamed for giving the masses what they want. It's made him a very rich man. However, his talent in more dramatic roles should not be ignored. The recent UNCUT GEMS and THE MEYEROWITZ STORIES are examples, and going back further, his turn in PUNCH DRUNK LOVE remains one of his best. As Stanley Sugermen, Sandler injects humor into his love of basketball, tossing in a couple of 'soccer' and 'geezer' jokes. Overall, he successfully captures the essence of an everyman seeking redemption for his self and his family.

Streaming on Netflix beginning June 8, 2022.
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Has Sandler found a new zone in his career?
iquine9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like where Sandler's movie career is heading again....finally.

"Hustle" and "Uncut Gems* portrait Sandler as a real dude with depth, humility and vulnerability with a funny side. Not Billy Madison crazy goofy but good chum amusing.

Sandler plays a scout for the 76ers who just got promoted to assistant coach. He has a long relationship with the owner who passes away and the new owner (the son) bumps him back to scout. Wandering the streets of Spain, he comes across a heated pick-up game and a tall chap dominating. He stalks him down, presents some informal credentials and persuades him to come to the US. Now the challenge is will Sandler be able to peak the interest of any NBA team to find him a spot on their roster. And will the dude be mentally and physically tough enough to prove his worth?

This was highly enjoyable and engaging and while the outcome can be guessed, many doubts were planted along the way. Happy to see Sandler move past that crap middle phase of his career into a new realm that suits him well. The beard helps too.
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Sandler should stick to these kind of roles.
deloudelouvain21 June 2022
I've never been a fan of Adam Sandler, well not the comedy Adam Sandler, you know the one where he acts and talks stupidly. I couldn't stand him in those roles, but since Uncut Gems and now Hustle I discovered another Adam Sandler, a much better one. I won't ever say he's my favorite actor, that will never happen, but he should stick to roles like this one. I don't understand why this movie is also categorized in the comedy genre, because this isn't a comedy at all, it's a dramatic basketball movie. You don't really have to be a basketball fan to appreciate this movie (where tons of real players and other celebrities appear) but it helps. A bit long but entertaining nonetheless.
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I am not a basketball sportsfan, but I got goosebumps throughout this story. Uplifting, touching, real.
imseeg12 June 2022
Adam Sandler is better at serious acting in dramas then he is at comedies and this movie proves that yet again.

Any bad?

Even if you arent into basketball (or sports) whatsovever, this movie could still win you over, because this story has got so much HEART and SOUL.

The good: Great acting performances, touching direction, uplifting and real and intimate story about how (NOT) dealing with your own hurt, can make or break your dreams.

The story: Adam Sandler plays a basketball scout, who ruined his own basketball player career because of only 1 mistake in his personal life. Now Adam Sandler has found an unknown basketball player, who carries a criminal past with him, that prevents him from becoming succesfull as well. Will Adam Sandler succeed in giving this kid a chance at success, which he himself never achieved?
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A predictable-yet-fun sports drama with a good Sandler performance! [+66%]
arungeorge1310 June 2022
While this could very easily have been another goofy, over-the-top sports drama from the Happy Madison team, the writers Taylor Materne & Will Fetters along with director Jeremiah Zagar ensure they add the essential ingredient - heart. Yes, it helps if you have context of the game of basketball and the running of the NBA, but Hustle treats its lead characters with sufficient emotional touches that make their journey worth seeing. Once again, Sandler is great in a serious role with some occasional comical flourishes. The film doesn't try to generate comedy for the sake of it. All that's there is situational and comes naturally within the interactions.

I also liked how the film took time to flesh out the leads' inner conflicts, capping off their arcs (especially Sandler's) in satisfying fashion. For the ardent NBA fanatic, there are lots of exciting cameos. For everyone else, the underdog story, even with its share of predictable elements, is still fairly enjoyable. The film doesn't have a lot of mind-blowing tricks up its sleeve, but it comes with a sense of relatable charm that makes you invested in the outcome of its proceedings.
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Unexpectedly captivating
carsonpayne-664374 July 2022
I don't know what I expected when I start watching this movie without being much better than I would've hoped for. Sandler did a great job in his performance and kept a humorous also showing the interesting part that goes to the NBA. The start of the cast also kept me glued to the screen as I was waiting to see who would show up next. The story was interesting and kept me intrigued throughout the film which is not what I would've expected. There were some good jokes, some moving scenes, and an overall well written story.
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It is a dessert you can't avoid, specially if Sandler is the one serving it.
ReelShahid12 June 2022
No matter if you are fully occupied with the recent big releases this one is a dessert you simply cannot refuse.

No matter how many sports drama movies you have watched, this one definitely has a taste of its own and believe me you won't be disappointed.

Adam Sandler does it again after surprising us with Uncut Gems.

It's a BOw that's gonna keep CRUZing to the top of the streaming chart!
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Seen it all before
rws_209 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's fine, but it just feels like a film you've already seen a million times; same old run of the mill formula: kid has talent, coach scouts him, he has to train hard to get ready for a try-out, few hurdles get in the way etc.

It's an okay one-off watch to pass the time, but let's not pretend it's some 10/10 masterpiece because it's not, the script is pretty weak and if you've seen other mentor-mentee sports films then this one won't do anything that'll surprise you.
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NBA version of Rocky
FeastMode13 June 2022
This is an enjoyable sports movie with a good performance by Adam Sandler. It does a good job investing you in the characters and their outcomes. There is a ton of NBA fan service, especially with the cameos. I'm more of an NFL guy so that stuff didn't do much for me. I still had a pretty good time. (1 viewing, 6/12/2022)
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Heart felt feel good sports movie. Best one in years
reedychris8 June 2022
If you're like me and enjoy feel good sports movies you will enjoy this. Seems like years since anyone got one right. The way it ends is a little bit flat, but still enjoyable.

I know some bag on him, but I'm enjoying this new era Adam Sandler. He pulls it off.
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Adam Sandler's love letter to basketball
mbruss-829438 June 2022
This movie stars Adam Sandler and...juancho hernangomez? Among many other random nba players and legends. The plot is a famous plot of a underdog, or two rising from the ashes. The acting was okay. It's mostly nba players and a tired Adam Sandler but it was definitely motivational and one of Adam Sandler s best Netflix movies. Not sure why hernangomez was chosen for this role. They couldnt have used a real actor? Or a better nba player idk just a thought. Besides the lack of acting he was honestly pretty good, but again me knowing he was a real below average nba player was felt sometime but if you can put that aside it's a enjoyable late night Netflix movie with some Adam Sandler in it.
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Love letter to basketball
Calicodreamin12 June 2022
Adam Sandlers love letter to basketball and honestly it was kind of beautiful. The story had a good mix of truth and fiction and the cast a good mix of actors and bball legends. The characters had chemistry and brought authenticity to the sentiment of this story.
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So So
easter10149 June 2022
Enjoyable movie to watch, but if you're a basketball fan you will need to shut that part of your brain . All the sports cliches are in this one too. Can we have have one sports movie without the " there is only one guy he can't beat cliche' ?

And was it necessary to to invent an injury for Sandler., I don't think anyone is going to look at his character and wonder why he didn't make is a pro basketball player.
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Why Sandler why?
haines4038 June 2022
Why can he make excellent films like this yet still makes garbage films where he pulls stupid faces and talks stupid? This film had Rocky vibes not just Philly wise,it was engrossing and despite preferring football as we say in the UK to basketball it was entertaining all the way through...please stop with the terrible comedies and stick to this sort of stuff...
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Not bad
elliotjeory12 June 2022
Good sports film, fast paced and entertaining. Good story although disappointed in Ben Fosters role. Didn't like the Lex Luther vibe. Otherwise good. I look forward to another serious role on Netflix for Adam Sandler.
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Sandler should stick to serious roles
offthewall10110 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From Billy Madison and Jack & Jill to Uncut Gems and Hustle, Adam's come a long way. Great movie with a near perfect arc, the only major flaw was that the payoff was so short, wish they showed Cruz a little more in his triumphant state.
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tmcmaster-675128 June 2022
The real life NBA 2K My Player. Not much to say other than that. Adam Sandler is finally realizing he can be in decent films now and actually have fun while doing it. I hope he stays in this lane and not fall back into making horrible films.
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Over rated
cdownes-5640725 June 2022
I don't get the hight ratings for this. The story is pretty lightweight and the acting, except from Sandler, is pretty weak. Apart from some amazing displays of basketball skills this delivered nothing. If it wasn't for the names in this it wouldn't have been made. This story has been told numerous times, often far better.
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One of Adam Sandlers more serious acting roles
oliverjtaylor8 June 2022
Despite being a fairly light hearted movie, it still manages to bring in some more serious notes as a poor single father is followed by a talented scout. As he puts his job and reputation on the line to give this overlooked basketball player a chance at getting drafted. I'm not a basketball fan and don't really know much about the sport but I was still able to follow a long and enjoy the film. Adam Sandlers acting really shines in this film as he takes on a role where his character isn't really a walking joke like his usual cliche roles are but a working man trying to reach his dream of being a coach. Wouldn't say this film was a masterpiece as a lot of it is fairly predictable but it's a nice enjoyable film to watch.
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