



To show tone sandhi for and , use or instead of pinyin. Chinese characters are used instead of pinyin for characters that have different pronunciations due to regional variation, e.g. (wēi), .
Additional "parameters" (A, B, C, etc.) for m=:
xn= replace label for the xth pronunciation
xna=, xnb=, xnc=, xnd= replace the first/second/third/fourth part of the label for the xth pronunciation (see for an example)
xpy= change the displayed pinyin for the xth pronunciation (x is omitted for the first pronunciation)
xcap=y capitalize pinyin for the xth pronunciation (x is omitted for the first pronunciation)
xtl=y toneless variant on the last syllable for the xth pronunciation (x is omitted for the first pronunciation)
xtl2=y, xtl3=y toneless variant on the second/third last syllable for the xth pronunciation (x is omitted for the first pronunciation)
xa=y, xaudio=y pronunciation file for the xth pronunciation (x is omitted for the first pronunciation)
xer= syllable(s) (separated by ;) to have erhua for the xth pronunciation (if equals y, erhua on last syllable)
xertl=y erhua and toneless variant on the last syllable for the xth pronunciation
xertl2=y, xertl3=y erhua and toneless variant on the second/third last syllable for the xth pronunciation
xera=y, xeraudio=y pronunciation file for the xth erhua pronunciation
  • m-s=x/y/z 四川話拼音
  • c=x,y,z 耶魯粵語拼音 使用聲調數字。
  • c-t=x,y,z 維基詞典台山話拼音
  • g=x/y/z 維基詞典贛語拼音
  • h=pfs=x/y/z;gd=x/y/z 客家語白話字(四縣話)與 客家話拼音(梅州話)
  • 可以在拼音前加 n: (北四縣) or s: (南四縣)指定不同地區的發音。也可以加上 ns: 制止自動製成南四縣的發音 (例如:品格 (pǐngé)).
  • j=x/y/z 維基詞典晉語拼音
  • md=x/y/z 閩東語平話字。
    • Putting a set of braces {} around an initial blocks lenition, such as 瑞士 (Ruìshì) and 茉莉花茶 (mòlìhuā chá).
    • Pronunciations that cannot be inferred from BUC are indicated using an asterisk * followed by the actual pronunciation, such as and 茉莉 (mòlì).
  • mn=x/y/z 閩南語(福建)白話字 (with the addition of the Quanzhou and Zhangzhou dialect vowels ee, er, and ir inherited from Tâi-lô)
Labels followed by a colon can be placed before a pronunciation to specify information about the pronunciation. Multiple abbreviations are separated with commas ,.
Label Information
xm 廈門
qz 泉州
zz 漳州
kh 高雄
tp 台北
tn 台南
tc 台中
hc 新竹
yl 宜蘭
lk 鹿港
sx 三峽
km 金門
mg 馬公
sg 新加坡
pn 檳城
ph 菲律賓
xmd 廈門(過時)
qzd 泉州(過時)
ml 中國大陸 (廈門、泉州、漳州)
tw 台灣
twk 台灣(高雄)
twt 台灣(台北)
twv, twd, twr 台灣(異讀/過時/罕見)
twvk, twdk, twrk 台灣高雄(異讀/過時/罕見)
twvt, twdt, twrt 台灣台北(異讀/過時/罕見)
Pronunciation file for the variety X (i.e. m for Mandarin, c for Cantonese, etc.). If equals y, then links to zh-PINYIN.ogg for Mandarin and xxx-CHARACTERS.ogg for other varieties (where xxx is the ISO language code for the topolect); else, links to the argument.
  • dial=
Dialectal pronunciations (displayed by default if available). If equals n, then display is suppressed; if a number, then displays corresponding pronunciation.
  • mc= 中古
reconstructions. If equals y, then displays all readings. For character entries, if a number or a list of numbers separated by commas , or plus signs +, then displays corresponding reading(s). For multi-character entries, each character's readings, each formatted like a single character (but only with plus signs), is separated with commas ,. See , , , , , 中國中国 (Zhōngguó), 中華中华 (Zhōnghuá), 遊戲游戏 (yóuxì) for examples.
  • oc= 上古
reconstructions (Baxter-Sagart and Zhengzhang). If equals y, then displays all readings. For character entries, if one number, then displays the corresponding reading in each reconstruction; if two numbers separated by a comma ,, then displays the Baxter-Sagart reading with the first number and the Zhengzhang reading with the second number (if one doesn't exist, then use n instead of a number); more than one reading number in either can be separated by a plus sign +. For multi-character entries, each character's readings, each formatted like a single character, is separated with semicolons ;. See , , , , , 中國中国 (Zhōngguó), 中華中华 (Zhōnghuá), 遊戲游戏 (yóuxì) for examples.
Parts of speech. See the table pos_aliases_cat in Module:zh-pron for aliases of category names that can be used as valid input for cat=. X: (see Xa= above) can be placed before a part of speech to specify a particular variety of Chinese; see as an example of c:part being used to sort as a Cantonese-only particle.

Since a unified Chinese approach is agreed upon, the presence of definitions in these parameters will categorize the page into the appropriate variety categories.


|c=zung1 gwok3
|mn-t=dong1 gog4
|w=1tson koq


|c=lik6 si2
|w=5liq sr


Module:Wuu-pron第131行Lua错误:Invalid final: "r"

|c=keoi5 dei6
