Rollbar integration

What is Rollbar?

Rollbar is an error monitoring tool which helps developers identify and fix software errors regardless of used languages, frameworks, and libraries.

Adding this service to your pipeline allows you to track deployments by sending automatic notifications to your Rollbar project, enabling effective issue tracking and real-time error monitoring.

Combined with messaging services, Rollbar allows affected users to stay informed of new issues and take action when required.

Pipeline example for Rollbar integrationPipeline example for Rollbar integration

Setting up Rollbar integration

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab and click New integration.
  2. Look up and click Rollbar (it can be found under the Monitoring category):

Rollbar integration selectionRollbar integration selection

  1. The integration configuration window will show up:

Rollbar integration configurationRollbar integration configuration

Here, you have to provide:

  • Integration name
  • Sharing and workspace availability options
  • Access token
  1. Once done, click New integration to enable Rollbar integration.

Obtaining Rollbar access token

  1. Go to your Rollbar account:
  2. Navigate to Settings tab → Account Access Tokens.
  3. If no tokens are present, create a new one by clicking the Add new access token button:

Rollbar access tokensRollbar access tokens


📚 Learn more about Rollbar action features, integrations and alternatives.

Last update:
Sep 23, 2024