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Revision as of 18:51, 4 March 2024 by CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 (talk | contribs) (→‎Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous: Computer-Tastatur added)
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Chełmża: view from lakeshore at suburb onto lake named Jezioro Chełmżyńskie, including heraldic figure of town Culmsee (self-made drawing/montage)
Chełmża: Blick vom Ufer am Stadtrand auf den See, den Jezioro Chełmżyńskie, mit Wappen der Stadt Culmsee (Zeichnung/Montage)

Hello, this is CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 = Axel Culmsee from Germany, living at area named "Westerwald" (woodland), located south of Cologne. in addition to my "Local Guides" entries thought it would be interesting for all of you readers / researchers getting some more details at Wikipedia and via Wikimedia, too.

born at Celle, town in Northern Germany (south of Hamburg, north of Hannover), and therefore being (a true) "Cellenser" and having lived there about three decades, am knowing Celle's points of interest and those not yet mentioned commonly...

too, having visited Chełmża in 2001...

why CulmSee-Axel-acad.2161 ?
user name reasoned in being Trekkie as a tribute Starfleet Academy established 2161 and the capital letter S from Geman word See meaning Lake

Babel user information
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language

go to survey sites of photos: uploads in chronological order


Fotos sortiert nach Themen / Photos sorted by topic (with several indices)


...will be continued...

further more files (pictures) available at separate gallery page
Stadt Celle in Norddeutschland

Städte, einzelne


weitere Galerien:



gallery page Sehenswürdigkeiten in Burglahr (Westerwald)



gallery page denkmalgeschützte Bauten in Oberlahr



gallery page Denkmalgeschütztes in Peterslahr

Bildeiche Peterslahr / Burglahr


gallery page Bildeiche im Wald zwischen Burglahr und Peterslahr

Hümmerich (Eiche)


gallery page Eiche (Naturdenkmal) in Hümmerich

Kloster Ehrenstein


gallery page Kloster Ehrenstein bei Neustadt (Wied)



...will be continued...



more dogs: photos with Aussiedor (Labrador x Australian Shepherd) available at separate gallery page



noch eine Hund-Foto-Seite Malteser (Hunderasse) at separate gallery page



Photographien Vögel:

more photographs at separate gallery page
Galerie Birds (Vögel) einheimische freilebende Vögel & FreeStyle-Collagen (Photo Editing)

Schmetterlinge / Butterflies


Serien-Aufnahmen Großer Schillerfalter (Apatura iris):

more scenes at separate gallery page
Galerie Schmetterlinge



...will be continued...



...will be continued...

weitere Sub-Galerie Bildbearbeitung:



gallery page tierische Smilies (Vögel & Aussiedor)

further more: 50 data files (pictures) available at separate gallery page
SigmaTau fictional starships fleet

Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous


Fotos / Impressionen in separater Galerie Verschiedenes



series Puzzle Box (Redwood) available at separate gallery page

skip towards timeline of uploads in chronological order