Dreamworks Animation Wiki
The user's homework is heavy and he has lot of exams, so he can not be active this site every Monday to Thursday, but give him a message will be replied.
Under normal circumstances,he will be on the line every Friday to Sunday and holidays (such as Moon Festival, National Day, New Year's Day) .

By the way, this semester:
10/07/2014 to 10/15/2014, 11/20/2014 to 11/28/2014 and 01/09/2015 to 01/19/2015
are monthly exam preparation weeks, so he will not on the line.

This template will be become ineffective on 01/28/2015

— Introduction —

Hello everyone! My name is T Gordon Cheng, I'm from Taiwan. Cheng is my name, on behalf of Cheng; Gordon is my English name, I wanted to apply for the Gordon Cheng, but someone has to apply, so I was in the top plus T, on behalf of Taiwan.

I would stand only a little substantive contributions, in this station because I edit the main purpose is to use the Chinese writing after watching the movie film critic, and the contents of the auxiliary input to other sites.


Talk page

That is a message to me, you want to leave a message go to my talk page.

I am a administrator of this wiki, Wikinote, Chinese Worldpedia, Food Wiki, Cookie-run Wikia, Computer Technology Wiki, Program encyclopedia, Microsoft Wiki, Conlang Wiki, Software encyclopedia, Worldimage, Worldtravel, and Worldtionary.

See also

