Art practices/Asemic writing

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Subject classification: this is a literature resource.
Subject classification: this is an art and design resource.

Asemic Writing

From an interview of Tim Gaze by Michael Jacobson in 2008 :

MJ: Is asemic writing becoming a movement?

TG: A few years ago, Carlos M Luis used the term "asemic movement" in an email to me. I was dubious, at first.In 2008, considering that a post-grad architecture student has created a design titled Asemic Scapes, an artist in London has intervened with asemic writing at Deptford High Street railway station, Portuguese & Turkish translations of the term "asemic writing" are in existence, & more & more people are using the term "asemic", just to think of a few examples, maybe we can begin to speak of a movement.

I'm thinking more of a cultural movement, a visible change in society, rather than a particular group of artists. T-shirt designs with smashed up letters have been common here for a few years. Animated curlicues which resemble writing have been used in sophisticated television advertising for a few years, as well. I consider these to be manifestations of a large-scale trend by humans away from words, & towards non-verbal forms of visual communication.

The artists who designed these t-shirts & animations probably aren't aware that there's a term for what they're creating, & that it is part of a larger trend or tendency.I'm trying to stimulate a widespread explosion of awareness of & interest in asemic writing, comparable to the punk explosion in the late '70s. An unstoppable chain reaction, similar to the exponential release of neutrons when a critical mass of fissile material is assembled. [1]


Asemic but not self-defined as asemic

  • w:Gu Wenda(b. 1955, Shanghai, China)
  • Abdoulaye Ndoye, b. 1951, Senegal
  • Farzin Nikzad was born in 1957 in Brussels, Belgium and currently lives and works in Tehran, Iran.

Self defined as Asemic writers

  • Karen Karnak and Taew Ateh, Belarus

Meta/hyper graphic

  • Jumaldi Alfi, Born 1972 in Lintau, West Sumatra, Indonesia. cofounder and member of Jendela Art Group
  • Mohammed Muhraddin, Din Mohammad Mehr, Born in Basra, Iraq, 1938
  • Matsumoto, Kunizo (1962), Japan

The Asemic International


Asemic writing is used in the MetaDKPgraph exercises.

See also

  • Tackad : Showcasing abstract paintings with writing or dots. Abstract calligraphy, postmodern pointillism, marks, gestures & scribbles, text and language based works.

