
READ: Technical Documentation

These steps outline the portal development process. Steps for updating all other Wikimedia Foundation portals are described in the Updating Other Portal Pages section.

The portal page utilizes several pre/post processors to generate an optimized HTML page.

Quick Start

NOTE: You'll need Gerrit access to contribute code to this repository.


  • Node
  • npm
  • nvm

From the root of the repo, run:

nvm use                                 # use correct node version
npm install                             # install dependancies
npm run start    # update portal stats, start dev server

Visit http://localhost:8080/src/ to see the changes in the src directory.

Running gulp help will output a list of available gulp tasks.

See the Getting Started section of the technical documentation for more details.

Coding Style

  1. Mediawiki JavaScript coding conventions - linted by eslint-config-wikimedia
  2. Mediawiki CSS coding conventions - linted by stylelint-config-wikimedia

Directory Structure

The directory structure is divided into a development ('src') directory and a production ('prod') directory. prod should not be edited directly, as its content will be overridden when running the build command gulp

|— package.json
|— gulpfile.js
|— src/                                 development dir
|	|—
|		|— portal/                      symlink to '../' for mirroring prod server setup.
|		|— templates/                   Handlebars template partials
|		|— index.handlebars             Main Handlebars template
|		|—assets/
|			|— css/                     Compiled postCSS
|			|— img/                     Compiled sprites & non-sprite images
|				|— sprite_assets        Original sprite images
|			|— js/                      JavaScript files
|			|— postcss/                 postCSS files
|— prod                                 Compiled production dir
        |— index.html                   compiled from src with inlined CSS
        |— assets/                      minimized & compressed assets
            |— img/
            |— js/


gulp will generate the production version of the page and place it in /prod/ The production version contains JS and image assets that have been combined, uglified, minified, compressed and suffixed with a cache-busting file-name. The contents of the prod directory should not be edited directly.

See the Production Builds section of the technical documentation for more details.

Updating Translations

Translations are edited through To edit a translation, visit this page, select the language you wish to translate to, and proceed to edit a translation. The translations will be merged into the repository automatically by a bot (l10n-bot).

See the l10n section of the technical documentation for more details.