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Alice Krige

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Alice Krige
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịSouth Africa Dezie
Aha enyereAlice, Maud Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaKrige Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya28 Jụn 1954 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụUpington Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaBekee Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụomee, onye na-emeputa ihe nkiiri, omee ihe nkiri, omee, stage actor Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọCentral School of Speech and Drama, Rhodes University Dezie
oge ọrụ ya (mmalite)1976 Dezie
oge obidoro1981 Dezie
Ihe nriteLaurence Olivier Award, Saturn Award Dezie

Alice Maud Krige ( </link> ; amuru 28 June 1954) [1] bu onye omere na onye na-emeputa ihe na South Africa. Nnukwu ezumike ya bịara na 1981, mgbe ọ gbara egwu dị ka onye na-agụ egwú Gilbert na Sullivan Sybil Gordon na ihe nkiri akụkọ ihe mere eme nke Britain bụ Chariots of Fire, yana dị ka Eva Galli / Alma Mobley na ihe nkiri egwu egwu nke America. Ọ natara Laurence Olivier Award maka arụmọrụ ya na mmepụta ihe nkiri West End nke Arms and the Man (1981) wee sonye na Royal Shakespeare Company .

Krige gbara egwu na ihe nkiri Britain, South Africa, Europe na America dị iche iche n'oge ọrụ ya niile. Ọ gbara egwu na King David (1985), Barfly (1987), Haunted Summer (1988), See You in the Morning (1989), Sleepwalkers (1992), na Institute Benjamenta (1995). Ọ rụrụ ọrụ nke Borg Queen na ihe nkiri akụkọ sayensị sayensị Star Trek: Kọntaktị mbụ (1996), [2] nke ọ nwetara onyinye Saturn maka onye na-akwado ihe nkiri kacha mma, wee kwughachi ọrụ na Star Trek: Voyager (2001) . Star Trek: Lower Decks (2021), na Star Trek: Picard (2023). Ihe ngosi ihe nkiri ya na-esote ya gụnyere The Little Vampire (2000), Silent Hill (2006), Skin (2008), Solomon Kane (2009), The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010), Thor: The Dark World (2013), Onye Ọchịchị ekeresimesi (2013). 2017) na usoro ya abụọ, yana Gretel &amp; Hansel (2020). Ọ rụrụ ọrụ izizi na ihe nkiri egwu egwu uche nke afọ 2021, Ọ Ga-eme . [3]

Na telivishọn, Krige gbara Lucie Manette na 1980 ihe nkiri ihe nkiri akụkọ ihe mere eme Akụkọ Akụkọ nke Obodo Abụọ, pụtara na miniseries Ellis Island (1984) na Dream West (1986), ihe nkiri Holocaust Wallenberg: Akụkọ nke dike (1985), yana dịka Patsy Cline. na ihe nkiri ihe nkiri Baja Oklahoma (1988). N'afọ ndị sochirinụ, Krige gbara Lady Jessica na Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003), nne Natalie Wood na The Mystery of Natalie Wood (2004), Joan Collins na Dynasty: Ime nke obi ụtọ (2005) na nwanyị nwanyị. Russell na Persuasion (2007). Ọrụ ya mgbe niile gụnyere Tyrant (2014–15), The Syndicate (2015), na The OA (2016–19).

Ndụ mmalite na agụmakwụkwọ

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A mụrụ Krige na Upington, Cape Province (ugbu a Northern Cape ), South Africa, ada Patricia, prọfes��� nke nkà mmụta uche, na Louis Krige, dibịa. Ndị Kriges mechara kwaga Port Elizabeth, ebe Alice tolitere n'ihe ọ kọwara dị ka "ezinụlọ nwere obi ụtọ", ya na ụmụnne abụọ, otu n'ime ha ghọrọ dibịa na nke ọzọ bụ Prọfesọ nke ịwa ahụ. [4] [5]

Krige gara Mahadum Rhodes na Grahamstown, South Africa na atụmatụ ịghọ onye ọkà n'akparamàgwà mmadụ . Ọ tụgharịrị ime ihe nkiri mgbe ọ gụsịrị klas onye na-eme ihe nkiri na Rhodes, wee gụchaa nzere bachelọ nke Arts na nzere BA Hons na ihe nkiri, n'iche. Ọ gara London ịga Central School of Speech and Drama . [6]

Krige mere mpụta mbụ ọkachamara ya na-akpọ onye ndu nwanyị na 1976 ihe nkiri ihunanya South Africa Vergeet My Nie nke Elmo De Witt duziri. [7] Ọ kwagara England na 1979, mgbe ọ mere mpụta mbụ ya na telivishọn Britain na-apụta na ihe omume nke BBC2 Playhouse . N'afọ sochirinụ, Krige gbara egwu dị ka Lucie Manette na ihe nkiri telivishọn akụkọ ihe mere eme nke America A Tale of Cities Two megide Chris Sarandon . [8] Ọ gara n'ihu na-egwu Sybil Gordon na ihe nkiri akụkọ ihe mere eme nke Britain bụ Chariots of Fire na Eva Galli / Alma Mobley na Akụkọ Ghost, ha abụọ wepụtara na 1981. Ọ nwetara ihe nrite egwuregwu na ndị egwuregwu yana onyinye Laurence Olivier maka onye bịara ọhụrụ na-ekwe nkwa, mgbe ọ pụtachara na mmepụta ihe nkiri West End nke 1981 nke George Bernard Shaw 's Arms na Nwoke . [5] [6] O wee sonye na Royal Shakespeare Company, na-egwu Cordelia na King Lear na Edward Bond 's Lear, Miranda na The Tempest, Bianca na The Taming of the Shrew, na Roxanne na Cyrano de Bergerac . Ọ pụtakwara na egwuregwu ndị dị ka Thomas Otway 's Venice Preserv'd na Almeida Theatre na London na Toyer na Arts Theatre na West End .

Mgbe nnukwu ihuenyo ya gasịrị, Krige gara n'ihu mee ihe nkiri n'ọtụtụ ihe nkiri emere maka telivishọn na miniseries. Ọ gbara egwu na akụkụ atọ CBS miniseries Ellis Island na 1984 dabere na akwụkwọ akụkọ 1983 nke otu aha ahụ . Ọ gbara ya na Richard Chamberlain na ihe nkiri telivishọn Wallenberg: A Hero's Story (1985) na miniseries Dream West (1986). Ihe nkiri telivishọn ya ndị ọzọ gụnyere nke abụọ Serve (1986), Baja Oklahoma (1988) onye na-agụ egwú obodo Patsy Cline, na Max na Helen (1990).

Krige gbara Bathsheba na 1985 ihe nkiri epic King David megide Richard Gere . [9] Ndị nkatọ anabataghị ihe nkiri a nke ọma ma bụrụkwa ọdịda igbe igbe, na-enweta $5.9 nde n'ụwa niile megide mmefu ego mmepụta ya $21 nde. [10] Na 1987, ọ gbara n'akụkụ Mickey Rourke na Faye Dunaway na ihe nkiri ojii na-atọ ọchị Barfly, bụ nke natara nyocha dị mma site n'aka ndị nkatọ. [11] N'afọ sochirinụ, ọ gbara Mary Shelley na ihe nkiri oge ihe nkiri Haunted Summer . [12] Na 1989, Krige gbara onye isi nwanyị megidere Jeff Bridges na ihe nkiri ịhụnanya na-atọ ọchị, Lee Gị na Morning . [13]

Na 1992, Krige gbara egwu na ihe nkiri egwu Sleepwalkers nke Stephen King dere na nke Mick Garris duziri. Mgbe afọ ahụ gasịrị, ọ ọbịa-kpakpando na ihe omume nke usoro ihe nkiri ntorobịa ama ama, Beverly Hills, 90210 na-egwu ọmarịcha onye nwe anụ ụlọ bụ onye kpalitere agwa Luke Perry . Ọ pụtara na ihe nkiri emere maka televishọn ụbọchị ikpe: The John List Story (1993), Jack Reed: Badge of Honor (1993), Sharpe's Honor (1994), Donor Unknown (1995), Devil's Advocate (1995), Zoro Ezo na America (1996), enweghị ike ịgbachitere: Eziokwu Banyere Edward Brannigan (1997), na Deep in My Heart (1999). Ọ gbara egwu na 1991 miniseries Strauss Dynasty banyere Strauss ezinụlọ Vienna, yana Scarlet na Black (1993) na Joseph (1995). Ọ nwetara nhọpụta CableACE Award maka arụmọrụ ya na usoro anthology The Hidden Room na 1992. </link>[ 1995 ] ọ gbara egwu na ihe nkiri nkiri ama ama ama ama ama ama Institute Benjamenta nke Brothers Quay duziri. [14] O mechara pụta na Habitat (1997), Twilight of the Ice Nymphs (1998), Commissioner (1998) na Molokai: Akụkọ nke Fada Damien (1999).

Krige na mmemme Star Trek

Na 1996, Krige gbara egwu na ihe nkiri sayensị sayensị Star Trek: Kọntaktị mbụ, na-arụ ọrụ nke Borg Queen, bụ onye na-anwa ime ka ụwa banye na mkpokọta Borg. Ọ meriri onye na-akwado ihe nkiri kacha mma na 1997 Saturn Awards maka ọrụ ahụ. [5] Ọ laghachiri n'àgwà a na egwuregwu Star Trek Star Trek: Armada II na na Star Trek: Voyager series final " Endgame " na 2001. Na 2021, ọ kwughachiri ọrụ ya dị ka Borg Queen na olu naanị maka usoro animated Star Trek: Lower Decks, ka a ga-eso ya na 2023 ọzọ na-ekwupụta Borg Queen na usoro ikpeazụ nke Star Trek: Picard . [15] Akpọrọ agwa a ka ọ bụrụ onye ọjọọ kacha ukwuu na akụkọ ntolite Star Trek . [16]

N'afọ 2000, Krige pụtara na fim abụọ ụdị: ihe egwu egwu The Little Vampire na ihe egwu karịrị nke mmadụ The Calling . Ọ pụtara na Ọchịchị nke Ọkụ (2002), Nọgidenụ Ndụ, Obi Ndị Na-adịghị Na Ya na Nkwekọrịta ahụ (a tọhapụrụ na 2006). Nakwa na 2006, Krige gbara Christabella, onye isi na-emegide ihe nkiri egwu egwu karịrị nke mmadụ Silent Hill . [17] Na 2008 ọ gbara ama na ihe nkiri ihe nkiri biographical Skin n'akụkụ Sophie Okonedo na Sam Neill na-enweta nyocha dị mma. [18] [19] Ihe nkiri ahụ na-enyocha okwu nke nwa agbọghọ ahụ na-ekewa dị ka "Acha" nke ndị ọchịchị South Africa n'oge Apartheid, ọ bụ ezie na ndị mụrụ ya bụ ndị ọcha. Na 2012, Krige mepụtara ihe nrịbama na-emeri Jail Caesar, nchọpụta nke obere oge ntorobịa nke Julius Caesar, na-ese foto na ụlọ mkpọrọ atọ na-arụ ọrụ na ọtụtụ narị ndị mkpọrọ na-eje ozi na otu ìgwè ndị na-eme ihe nkiri gụnyere Derek Jacobi na John Kani . Paul Schoolman dere ma duzie ya Jail Caesar . Ekele ya mechara gụnyere Solomon Kane (2009), Onye nkuzi Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010), Will (2011) na Thor: The Dark World (2013). [20]

Ọrụ akụkọ sayensị sayensị Krige agbasawanye na telivishọn, yana ọrụ ama ama na mmegharị miniseries nke Dinotopia (2002) na Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003). N'April 2004, e nyere Krige ihe nkwanye ugwu Litt. D. nzere site na Mahadum Rhodes . [5] Ọ gbara nne Natalie Wood na 2004 emere maka ihe nkiri telivishọn The Mystery of Natalie Wood, wee mee ya dị ka Joan Collins na Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure (2005). [21] [22] Ọ gbara egwu na ihe nkiri BBC Abụọ The Line of Beauty na 2006. Ọ na-arụ ọrụ ugboro ugboro na Deadwood, na onye ọbịa gbara egwu na ụkwụ isii n'okpuru, Iwu &amp; Order: Criminal Intent, The 4400, Dirty sexy Money na NCIS .

Na 2011, Krige pụtara na oge ikpeazụ nke BBC nke Spooks, na-egwu onye nnọchi anya onye Russia abụọ Elena Gavrik. [23] Krige gosikwara na oge ikpeazụ nke ihe nkiri BBC na-akpọte ndị nwụrụ anwụ, na 2011. [24] Ọ rụrụ ọrụ Amira na usoro nke mbụ na nke abụọ nke Tyrant maka F / X, ma rụọ ọrụ na nso nso a maka BBC na usoro The Syndicate na Partners in Crime . Na 2016, ọ gbara ama na usoro ihe omimi Netflix, The OA . [25]

Na 2015, Krige nwetara onyinye onyinye Jury pụrụ iche na International Film Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality na Jakarta, yana Andy Garcia na Jimmy Carter maka arụmọrụ ya na fim Shingetsu, bụ nke ọ na-egwu dọkịta na-awa ahụ nke ndị dọkịta na-enweghị nsogbu agha. Borders, megidere Gunter Singer. [26] [27]

Na 2017, Krige gbara egwu dị ka Queen Helena Charlton na ihe nkiri ịhụnanya ekeresimesi, Onye isi ekeresimesi maka Netflix. Ọ kwughachiri ọrụ ya na usoro abụọ: Onye isi ekeresimesi: Agbamakwụkwọ eze (2018) na Onye isi ekeresimesi: Royal Baby (2019). N'afọ 2020 ọ gbara ama na ihe nkiri egwu egwu fantasy gbara ọchịchịrị, Gretel &amp; Hansel na-arụ ọrụ nke Witch. [28] Na 2021, ọ rụrụ ọrụ na-eduga na ihe nkiri egwu egwu mmụọ ọ ga- arụ ọrụ nke kpakpando ihe nkiri merela agadi. Krige nwetara nyocha dị mma maka arụmọrụ ya. [29] [30] N'afọ ahụ, ọ pụtara n'ihu Max von Sydow na ihe nkiri nkiri Echoes of the Past . Na 2022, Krige pụtara na ihe nkiri slasher Texas Chainsaw Massacre maka Netflix. [3]

Ndụ onwe onye

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Krige lụrụ onye edemede na onye nduzi Paul Schoolman na 1988. [5]

Ihe nkiri

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Ihe nkiri

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Year Title Role Notes
1976 Vergeet My Nie Welma de Villiers
1981 Chariots of Fire Sybil Gordon
1981 Ghost Story Eva Galli / Alma Mobley
1985 King David Bathsheba
1987 Barfly Tully Sorenson
1988 Haunted Summer Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
1989 See You in the Morning Beth Goodwin
1992 Sleepwalkers Mary Brady Fangoria Chainsaw Award for Best Supporting Actress

Fantafestival Award for Best Actress
1992 Spies Inc. Isabelle
1994 Sea Beggars Wife Short film
1995 Institute Benjamenta Lisa Benjamenta
1996 Star Trek: First Contact Borg Queen Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress
1996 Amanda Audrey Farnsworth
1997 Habitat Clarissa Symes
1997 Twilight of the Ice Nymphs Zephyr Eccles
1998 The Commissioner Isabelle Morton
1999 Molokai: The Story of Father Damien Mother Marianne Cope
2000 The Little Vampire Freda Sackville-Bagg
2000 The Calling Elizabeth Plummer
2001 Superstition Mirella Cenci
2001 Vallen Monique
2002 Reign of Fire Karen Abercromby
2004 Star Trek: The Experience - Borg Invasion 4D Borg Queen Short film
2004 Shadow of Fear Margie Henderson
2006 Stay Alive The Author
2006 Silent Hill Christabella LaRoache
2006 Lonely Hearts Janet Long
2006 The Contract Agent Gwen Miles
2007 Ten Inch Hero Zo
2008 Skin Sannie Laing
2008 The Betrayed Falco
2009 Solomon Kane Katherine Crowthorn
2010 The Sorcerer's Apprentice Morgan le Fay
2011 Will Sister Carmel
2012 Jail Caesar Pirate Captain Also producer

Nominated — Raindance Film Festival Jury Prize for Best UK Feature
2013 Thor: The Dark World Eir
2017 The Little Vampire 3D Freda Sackville-Bagg Voice
2017 A Christmas Prince Queen Helena
2018 A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding Queen Helena
2018 A Rose in Winter Anna Reinach
2019 A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby Queen Helena
2020 Gretel &amp; Hansel Holda/The Witch Nominated — Fangoria Chainsaw Award for Best Supporting Performance
2020 Shingetsu Woman Also producer
2020 The Bay of Silence Vivian
2021 She Will Veronica Ghent
2021 Echoes of the Past Andrea Foss
2022 Texas Chainsaw Massacre Virginia "Ginny" McCumber [31]
Year Title Role Notes
1980 BBC2 Playhouse Emily Episode: "The Happy Autumn Fields"
1980 A Tale of Two Cities Lucie Manette TV film
1980 The Professionals Diana Molner Episode: "Operation Susie"
1983 Arms and the Man Raina Filmed stage production
1984 Ellis Island Bridget O'Donnell TV miniseries
1985 Wallenberg: A Hero's Story Baroness Lisl Kemeny TV film
1985 Murder, She Wrote Nita Cochran Episode: "Murder in the Afternoon"
1986 Dream West Jessie Benton Fremont TV miniseries
1986 Second Serve Gwen TV film
1988 Baja Oklahoma Patsy Cline TV film
1990 Max and Helen Helen Weiss TV film
1991 The Strauss Dynasty Olga TV miniseries
1991 The Hidden Room Jennifer Episode: "Dream Child"

Nominated — CableACE Award for Best Actress in a Dramatic Series
1991 L'Amérique en otage Parveneh Limbert TV film
1992 Ladykiller May Packard TV film
1992 Beverly Hills, 90210 Anne Berrisford Episode: "Wild Horses"
1993 Judgment Day: The John List Story Jean Syfert TV film
1993 Double Deception Pamela Sparrow TV film
1993 Jack Reed: Badge of Honor Joan Anatole TV film
1993 Scarlet and Black Madame de Renal TV miniseries
1994 Sharpe's Honour La Marquesa TV film
1995 Joseph Rachel TV film
1995 Donor Unknown Alice Stillman TV film
1995 Devil's Advocate Alessandra Locatelli TV film
1996 Hidden in America Dee TV film
1997 Indefensible: The Truth About Edward Brannigan Rebecca Daly TV film
1998 Close Relations Louise TV miniseries
1998 Welcome to Paradox Aura Mendoza Episode: "Acute Triangle"
1999 Deep in My Heart Annalise Jurgenson TV film
1999 Becker Dr. Sandra Rush Episode: "Activate Your Choices"
1999 In the Company of Spies Sarah Gold TV film
2001 Attila Galla Placidia TV miniseries
2001 Star Trek: Voyager Borg Queen Episode: "Endgame"
2002 Six Feet Under Alma Episodes: "Out, Out, Brief Candle" and "The Plan"
2002 Dinotopia Rosemary Waldo TV miniseries
2003 Children of Dune Lady Jessica TV miniseries
2003 The Death and Life of Nancy Eaton Snubby Eaton TV film
2004 The Mystery of Natalie Wood Maria Gurdin TV film
2003, 2004 Threat Matrix Senator Lily Randolph Episodes: "Flipping" and "19 Seconds"
2005 Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure Joan Collins TV film
2005 Deadwood Maddie 5 episodes
2006 Law &amp; Order: Criminal Intent Gillian Booth Episode: "Dramma Giocoso"
2006 The Line of Beauty Rachel Fedden TV miniseries
2006 The 4400 Sarah Episodes: "Gone: Part 1" and "Gone: Part 2"
2007 Persuasion Lady Russell TV film

Nominated — Monte-Carlo Television Festival for Best Performance by an Actress
2007 Heroes and Villains Letizia Episode: "Napoleon"
2008 Dirty Sexy Money Judge Alexis Wyeth Episode: "The Family Lawyer"
2009 Midsomer Murders Jenny Frazer Episode: "Secrets and Spies"
2011 Waking the Dead Karen Harding Episodes: "Care: Part 1" and "Care: Part 2"
2011 Page Eight Emma Baron TV film
2011 Spooks Elena Gavrik 6 episodes
2014 Tyrant Amira Al Fayeed 20 episodes
2014 NCIS Margaret Clark Episode: "So It Goes"
2015 The Syndicate Lady Hazelwood 6 episodes
2015 Partners in Crime Rita Vandemeyer Episodes: "The Secret Adversary: Part 1" and "The Secret Adversary: Part 2"
2016–2019 The OA Nancy Johnson Season 1 (2016): 8 episodes

Season 2 (2019): Episode: "Angel of Death"
2019 Carnival Row Aoife Tsigani Recurring role[32]
2020 The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Elizabeth Cady Stanton 2 episodes
2021 Star Trek: Lower Decks Borg Queen (voice) Episode: "I, Excretus"
2023 Son of a Critch Millie Episode: "Old Friends, New Friends"
2023 Star Trek: Picard Borg Queen (voice) 2 episodes


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  1. Alice Krige | Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos. AllMovie.
  2. "First Contact's Borg Queen - Alice Krige", StarTrek.com. Retrieved on 2018-05-19. (in en)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Alice Krige's life in horror, from 'Ghost Story' and 'Sleepwalkers' to 'She Will'. EW.com.
  4. Alice Krige biodata, Yahoo! Movies; accessed 29 September 2014.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 The Alice Krige Home Page biography. Archived from the original on 13 July 2011.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Alice Krige biography and filmography. Tribute.ca. Retrieved on 4 November 2013.
  7. Vergeet my nie (1975) (HD 1080p).
  8. A Tale of Two Cities (1980) - Jim Goddard | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related | AllMovie.
  9. Canby (29 March 1985). SCREEN: 'KING DAVID,' A BIBLICAL EPIC.
  10. King David - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (15 June 2011).
  11. Barfly - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (10 August 2016).
  12. Haunted Summer - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (6 June 2011).
  13. See You in the Morning - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (21 April 1989).
  14. Institute Benjamenta - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (13 March 1995).
  15. 'Star Trek: Lower Decks' Brought Back Alice Krige, the OG Borg Queen (30 September 2021).
  16. Orquiola (30 September 2021). Star Trek's Original Borg Queen Returns (& Why There's A New One). ScreenRant.
  17. McAndrews (18 July 2022). Alice Krige Explains Why She Struggled With 'Silent Hill'. Dread Central.
  18. Skin - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (22 March 2016).
  19. Bradshaw (23 July 2009). Skin.
  20. Staff (13 August 2012). 'Thor: The Dark World' casts Alice Krige. Digital Spy. Retrieved on 4 November 2013.
  21. Heffernan (1 January 2005). Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure: If You've Got It, Flaunt It: ABC Trumpets an 80's Hit. The New York Times. Retrieved on 26 February 2009.
  22. Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure: Credits. Der-denver-clan.de. Archived from the original on 19 January 2012. Retrieved on 27 February 2009.
  23. 'Star Trek' star Alice Krige is 'amazing' in 'Spooks', say writers. Cultbox.co.uk (8 September 2011). Retrieved on 4 November 2013.
  24. Alice Krige Credits. TV Guide (28 November 2012). Retrieved on 4 November 2013.
  25. Ge. "Brit Marling's Netflix Series 'The OA' Promises Mystery in First Trailer (Video)", The Wrap, 12 December 2016. Retrieved on 12 December 2016.
  26. Winners - International Film Festivals for Peace, Inspiration, and Equality. internationalfilmfestivals.org. Archived from the original on 10 October 2018. Retrieved on 28 February 2017.
  27. Shingetsu director Paul Schoolman and actor Alice Krige interview. hastingsonlinetimes.co.uk.
  28. Gretel & Hansel - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (31 January 2020).
  29. Felperin (19 July 2022). She Will review – atmospheric tale of post-menopausal revenge fantasies.
  30. She Will - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes (15 July 2022).
  31. Fuge (March 22, 2021). 'Don't Breathe 2' & 'Texas Chainsaw' Sequel Are Finished and Fantastic Teases Producer. MovieWeb. Retrieved on April 8, 2021.
  32. Petski (12 October 2017). 'Carnival Row': Alice Krige & Jared Harris Set To Recur on Amazon's Fantasy Drama Series. Deadline. Retrieved on 15 December 2017.

Ọgụgụ ọzọ

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Njikọ mpụga

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Àtụ:Laurence Olivier Award for Best Newcomer in a PlayÀtụ:Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress