Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:Draft NBA 1970 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 8
Bob St. Pierre (create)
Chip Case (create)
Draft NBA 1970 (edit)
Greg McDivitt (create)
Ken Warzynski (create)
Lou Herndon (create)
Seabern Hill (create)
Surry Oliver (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 44
Dave Cowens (edit)
Nate Archibald (edit)
Pete Maravich (edit)
Geoff Petrie (edit)
Bob Lanier (edit)
Rudy Tomjanovich (edit)
Calvin Murphy (edit)
George Johnson (cestista 1947) (edit)
Sam Lacey (edit)
Jim Ard (edit)
John Johnson (cestista) (edit)
Rex Morgan (edit)
John Hummer (edit)
Gary Freeman (edit)
Mike Price (edit)
Jake Ford (edit)
Pete Cross (edit)
Cornell Warner (edit)
Walt Gilmore (edit)
Dave Sorenson (edit)
John Vallely (edit)
Jim McMillian (edit)
Al Henry (edit)
Jimmy Collins (cestista) (edit)
Greg Howard (edit)
Paul Ruffner (edit)
Joe DePre (edit)
Dan Hester (edit)
Bill Zopf (edit)
Howie Wright (edit)
Fred Taylor (cestista 1948) (edit)
Curtis Perry (edit)
Earle Higgins (edit)
Marv Winkler (edit)
Vann Williford (edit)
Jim Hayes (edit)
Dennis Awtrey (edit)
Gar Heard (edit)
Greg Hyder (edit)
Willie Williams (edit)
Bill Cain (edit)
Al Williams (edit)
Doug Cook (edit)
Earnie Killum (edit)

Total: 52
Al Henry (edit)
Al Williams (edit)
Bill Cain (edit)
Bill Zopf (edit)
Bob Lanier (edit)
Bob St. Pierre (create)
Calvin Murphy (edit)
Chip Case (create)
Cornell Warner (edit)
Curtis Perry (edit)
Dan Hester (edit)
Dave Cowens (edit)
Dave Sorenson (edit)
Dennis Awtrey (edit)
Doug Cook (edit)
Draft NBA 1970 (edit)
Earle Higgins (edit)
Earnie Killum (edit)
Fred Taylor (cestista 1948) (edit)
Gar Heard (edit)
Gary Freeman (edit)
Geoff Petrie (edit)
George Johnson (cestista 1947) (edit)
Greg Howard (edit)
Greg Hyder (edit)
Greg McDivitt (create)
Howie Wright (edit)
Jake Ford (edit)
Jim Ard (edit)
Jim Hayes (edit)
Jim McMillian (edit)
Jimmy Collins (cestista) (edit)
Joe DePre (edit)
John Hummer (edit)
John Johnson (cestista) (edit)
John Vallely (edit)
Ken Warzynski (create)
Lou Herndon (create)
Marv Winkler (edit)
Mike Price (edit)
Nate Archibald (edit)
Paul Ruffner (edit)
Pete Cross (edit)
Pete Maravich (edit)
Rex Morgan (edit)
Rudy Tomjanovich (edit)
Sam Lacey (edit)
Seabern Hill (create)
Surry Oliver (create)
Vann Williford (edit)
Walt Gilmore (edit)
Willie Williams (edit)

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