Changes in vision that might indicate a brain tumor

Brain tumors can lead to visual symptoms like blurred vision, loss of vision, visual field loss, distortions, hallucinations, nystagmus, and papilledema. Early diagnosis through comprehensive eye exams and imaging studies like MRI and CT scans is vital. Additionally, the impact of thyroid issues on eyes is discussed.
Changes in vision that might indicate a brain tumor
Brain tumors can have a variety of visual symptoms, depending on their location, size, and growth rate. These symptoms occur because the tumor can exert pressure on specific areas of the brain responsible for vision or impede the normal function of these regions. Here are some common visual symptoms associated with brain tumors:

Blurred or Double Vision

One of the most common visual disturbances caused by brain tumors is blurred or double vision (diplopia).
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Tumors affecting the cranial nerves, particularly the oculomotor, trochlear, or abducens nerves, can interfere with the muscles that control eye movement, leading to misalignment and resulting in double vision.

Loss of Vision

A brain tumor can cause partial or complete loss of vision, depending on its location. Tumors near the optic nerve (optic glioma) can directly damage the nerve, leading to vision loss in one or both eyes. Additionally, tumors in the occipital lobe, the brain region responsible for processing visual information, can result in vision deficits.

Visual Field Loss

According to Dr. Nimesh Patel, Senior Neurosurgeon, Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara, “Patients with brain tumors may experience loss of peripheral vision or blind spots (scotomas). This symptom is often associated with tumors located in or around the pituitary gland, which can compress the optic chiasm, leading to bitemporal hemianopsia (loss of vision in the outer half of both eyes).”

Visual Distortions and Hallucinations

Brain tumors in the temporal or occipital lobes can cause visual distortions, such as seeing wavy lines or shimmering lights. In some cases, patients might experience visual hallucinations, perceiving objects, shapes, or movements that are not actually present.


Nystagmus is an involuntary, rapid movement of the eyes. It can be a symptom of a brain tumor, especially if the tumor is located in the brainstem or cerebellum, which are areas involved in coordinating eye movements and balance.
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Papilledema is the swelling of the optic disc due to increased intracranial pressure. This condition can be observed during an eye examination and may cause transient visual disturbances such as brief episodes of vision loss, blurred vision, or seeing flickering lights.
It is crucial to seek medical attention if experiencing persistent or unexplained visual symptoms, as early diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors can significantly improve outcomes. A comprehensive eye exam, along with imaging studies such as MRI or CT scans, is essential for detecting and assessing brain tumors and their impact on visual function.

Can thyroid issues affect your eyes?

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