IMDb Polls

Poll: Golden Globes 2020 — Best Director, Motion Picture

Which of the 2020 Golden Globe Award nominees for Best Direction in a Motion Picture do you think should win?

Discuss the topic here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Gisaengchung (2019)

    Director: Bong Joon Ho, 'Parasite'
  2. Vote!

    1917 (2019)

    Director: Sam Mendes, '1917'
  3. Vote!

    Joker (2019)

    Director: Todd Phillips, 'Joker'
  4. Vote!

    The Irishman (2019)

    Director: Martin Scorsese, 'The Irishman'
  5. Vote!

    Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019)

    Director: Quentin Tarantino, 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood'

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