Forgive my terrible review.
6 April 2010
I originally watched with movie too see Steve Buscemi, but it turned out to be a lot better then I was expecting. The story between Micheal and Robert is very sweet, but at the same time bittersweet knowing Micheal is still in love Nick, who is also dying of AIDS. This wasn't a 'feel-back-for-Nick-because-he's-dying' thing with Nick though. It was as though he excepted his illness, but wasn't going to let it control his entire life (like going on tour. He's a musician). At the same time, there were parts where you could see that Nick was still scared about his situation. One thing about this movie that caught my attention, was the music. Afer I bought this film, there was information on the movie and it said that Bill Sherwood was a music major. So while he was filming, he could hear the music playing in his head. Overall, this is a good film. I'm glad I found out about it.
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