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MPAA Rated R for disturbing violent content including rape, grisly images, sexual material, nudity and language

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman visits a man at his home, they begin to kiss and get undressed. Both are naked on the bed, the side of the woman's breasts are shown for a few seconds.
  • A man and a woman are shown topless in bed together, post-sex.
  • A man puts his hand down a woman's top and then unzips his trousers. She is forced to do oral sex for money. He groans and thrusts. No nudity, and only his head is seen
  • A woman goes to a man's apartment and he punches her, handcuffs her to a bed and strips her pants. Buttocks are very briefly seen. He mounts and rapes her from behind; the top part of his buttocks is visible (this cuts to black after about 2-3 seconds)
  • A woman ties a man up naked (he is completely nude, and his bare buttocks are shown from the side--no frontal nudity) and a sex toy is shoved up his rectum forcefully (not graphic).
  • A woman wakes a man up in the middle of the night fully nude (breasts, pubic region and buttocks shown) and begins having sex with the man. She is on top, and lots of thrusting and nudity is shown, and loud moaning is heard.
  • Many sexual references.
  • Dead bodies are shown with brief nudity.

Violence & Gore

  • A man is shot at by a hidden shooter in the woods. He is nicked on the side of the head once and bleeds.
  • A man is hit in the face with a golf club. Slightly bloody wounds are visible.
  • The violence in this movie is very graphic, and very gruesome.
  • A significant theme of the film is the sexual victimization of women and the film contains several scenes of sexual assault.
  • A significant plot point involves a serial sexual murderer and the film contains relevant scenes.
  • A woman goes to a man's apartment and he punches her, handcuffs her to a bed and strips her while she kicks and screams. He climbs on top of her and rapes her.
  • Verbal references to bestiality, incest, sexual sadism and sexual torture.
  • A group of men attack a woman and a struggle ensues. Bloody injuries are seen.
  • A man is violently tattooed against his will on his chest and stomach.
  • A man with a rope around his neck is slowly pulled up with a cable winch.
  • Photographs of mutilated and strangled women, often with nudity. These are in brief flashes


  • Sh*t is said.
  • H*ll is said at least twice.
  • Strong language throughout, including many uses of f**k.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • One of the main characters smokes in many scenes.
  • Drugs (Recreational): None
  • Frequent smoking throughout as well as alcohol drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Much of the violence can be brutal and disturbing. The rape scenes are disturbing and graphic as well. However, the number of onscreen deaths is relatively small.
  • This movie is very graphic.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • A father and son are mentioned to have sexually abused their daughter/sister.
  • It is discovered that a man has raped and killed many women over several decades.

Violence & Gore

  • A character is seen being burnt alive.
  • A character is severely injured in a car accident and burns to death in the car wreck. He screams in agony.
  • A man is hit in the head with an oar. The oar is then used to keep him underwater and drown him.

See also

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