357 Reviews
baileycrawly15 March 2020
I believe it was Jeff Daniels who said that the directors of Dumb and Dumber were "guessing" about what would be funny the first time, but "now they know." If that is the case, they definitely have a fair amount of arrogance and narcissism, because this film is vastly inferior to the original. What started as honest-to-goodness stupidity has given way to a mean-spirited attempt to be funny. Harry and Lloyd are no longer running on their own redundant behaviour alone; they're using their naïveté to hurt others and to be lewd and crude, which is never what the original film was. This movie has its comedic moments, but it ultimately falls flat, trying too hard in some areas and not hard enough where it truly matters.
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Not what I hoped it would be
jbeattie2117 November 2014
Picture this: It's 20 years ago and you are at a party with stale pizza and warm beer. You plan on leaving early, then the life of the party shows up and makes it the most memorable party you ever went to.

20 years later, you plan a reunion and bring better pizza, a cooler filled with beer and invite everyone to the same place again. The same jokes are told and everyone leaves early.

That is what Dumb and Dumber is. I loved the first one so much that I am still willing to be happy with the reunion for old time sake.

It seems like all the variables were in place, and everyone just kept waiting for magic to happen. It seems like it was filmed well enough, and everyone thought they would fix it in post. Then in the edit room, everyone figured, "Well they shot it how they want it." and left it long and loose. It was very paint by numbers, and everyone followed the script. In a movie where the script was just there simply as a framework to be expanded upon. The timing is off and there is no punch.

This may be what happens when modern studio execs watch too many dailies and start influencing the editing process too much, and take the funny away from the people they paid to be funny. Next time, light the fire cracker and walk away. Let the experts be experts.
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Perhaps my expectations were too high for this recycled movie
scottyent18 November 2014
I was pretty disappointed in this movie, and I'm not really sure why. There were definitely some funny parts where I laughed, but the whole thing felt pretty....forced. Harry and Lloyd felt like exaggerated versions of themselves, the storyline was just OK, and I think what threw me off the most was that so much of the movie was recycled.

I mean, you wait this long for a sequel to an absolutely classic movie, you start wondering what brilliance they must be cooking up. However, a LOT of the jokes were literally the same as the ones from the original, like exactly the same. They also tried to recreate similar scenes, they even used a lot of the same soundtrack. While some may see this as nostalgia, I saw it as lazy film making.

I also didn't particularly like the silliness. The first movie had some random very silly parts that in context of the rest of the genuinely funny parts didn't bother me at all. However, this movie seemed to be made up of entirely ridiculous scenes. Almost cartoon like in the way it was done. Not a fan. It reminded me a little of the three stooges movie.

Overall, just not worth going to the movies to see. It's a shame Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels waited this long just to put out something so mediocre.
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Better than you would think
SleepKills6 November 2014
LIke many others I thought this movie was going to be that sequel you wish they didn't make. Because I love Dumb and Dumber. And it seemed the only reason they made this sequel is because the directors and one of the actors haven't been doing good stuff, the last couple of years.

But surprisingly, Dumb and Dumber To is actually pretty fun. Sure some things have changed that aren't so great. The jokes are hit-and-miss, sometimes the timing is way off and the characters of Lloyd and Harry are a little more mean-spirited and maybe even a little too dumb at times. But on the other hand everyone really did their best to make this feel like a Dumb and Dumber film. Unlike the god-awful prequel this film really feels like Dumb and Dumber and it's actually fun to see some scenes re-created, but with a new little twist, or characters from the original film returning. And even though some jokes and scenes are forced, I have to admit the film actually had a great deal of scenes that made me laugh a lot.

So as a big fan of the original film I was surprised that I enjoyed this film as much as I did. Let's all not expect a masterpiece, but a film we can enjoy, that pays a nice homage to the original and well ... really could have been a lót worse.
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They're still as dumb.
temzo9113 November 2014
Well, I was pretty excited to see this one, knowing that no matter how bad it might turn out to be, these two still would never fail at making you laugh, now it's not as good as the first, but it sure does make you laugh, it's just unbelievable how dumb these two are, time will never heal how stupid they are, and they sure won't be getting better any time soon, they're still as dumb, still funny, and still as entertaining as they were in the first, but I don't know if it's just me or the fact that the first was just too good to beat, I was honestly expecting this one to be even more fun, but it wasn't, the first was better, but this one wasn't bad at all, I would go back to watch it again with a friend if I was asked to, you wouldn't get bored watching this, as everything these two do is a complete mess, it's worth the watch, and definitely worth the ticket.
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One of the most disappointing and unsatisfying experiences I've had at the theater
MovieAddict201621 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to preface this review by stating the obvious (and what no doubt some may be quick to point out in defense of the sequel): look, it's "Dumb and Dumber" we're talking about here; not "Citizen Kane". But I feel like that disclaimer only goes so far, because frankly, the original "Dumb and Dumber" is one of the funniest films I've ever seen -- endlessly quotable, thoroughly likable. The key to the movie, I think, is that there's an underlying sweetness to the humor: Lloyd and Harry (Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels) are never presented as malicious. Most of the bad stuff that happens to them is inadvertent, and often at the expense of trying to do a good deed (e.g. Lloyd trying to return the briefcase).

The new movie left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and it wasn't just the cheap, garish, ugly cinematography (the movie literally has the appearance of a Funny or Die or SNL sketch, with brightly lit, obvious set pieces; frankly, it has the aesthetics of a soap opera).

What left me reeling was the movie's cruel streak -- it turns Harry and Lloyd into deliberately mischievous cretins, and the inherent humour is drained from any potential scenarios as a result of their self- awareness. Roger Ebert used to talk about this a lot in his reviews -- it's only funny if the character isn't aware of what he's doing. So when Lloyd and Harry accidentally poison the hit-man hired to kill them in the original Dumb an Dumber, it's funny; when they deliberately sabotage a convention in "Dumb and Dumber To," screaming at a woman to show them her naked body, or gleefully discuss being responsible for a man's death in front of his parents, it's...not funny. It's immature, it's crass, and most importantly, *it goes against the very thing that made these characters funny in the first place!*

I find it hard to believe all these original cast and crew members could re-assemble for a film 20 years later and so completely misunderstand the appeal of their own movie.

Beyond the inherent lack of humor in the mean-spirited hijinks these characters get themselves into this time around, many of the film's one- liners and jokes just aren't funny either. Sorry, but no matter how many times you repeat it, using the word 'butthole' isn't really that amusing.

The film also lazily falls back on repeating some of the original film's plot points and, indeed, one-liners (e.g. Lloyd's "I like it a lawwwt" or the mannerisms he makes when mixing a drink, identical to the first film). It confuses homage for humour, recycling gags without providing them in a fresh context, which simply reminds us of how much funnier they were the first time around.

And then there are the performances. The Farrellys said Jim Carrey hadn't seen the original movie for something like 15 years before agreeing to doing the sequel, and I'm not surprised. He doesn't seem to remember the comic energy he imbued Lloyd with in the original film; instead, he turns Lloyd into an unlikable, borderline creepy manchild with overly exaggerated stupidity and mannerisms. I think the simplest way of summarizing the mistake here is that they jumped the shark from 'dumb' to 'willfully stupid.' And, again to paraphrase the late Mr Ebert, this is the difference between funny and not funny.

This movie is not funny. It's not even mildly amusing in the manner in which I expected a long-delayed sequel may be. If it had been lazy and fallen back on repeating gags from the original film, fair enough; if it contained the same sweet-natured spirit of the original movie, then maybe that would have been its saving grace. Instead, it's not only unfunny, it's egregiously nasty and vile, and when I left the theater I just immediately wanted to wash the taste out.

I remember seeing "Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd" years ago in theaters, hating it, and thinking how much better it would have been if they had convinced Jim Carrey to come back for a proper sequel. Imagine my surprise 11 years later that this movie doesn't have a single scene as funny as that one's Bob Saget cameo. What a complete and utter let- down this movie was.
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The official sequel too the original
kosmasp31 May 2015
Yes I know it's only one "o" and not two. Or two if you talk about the title (it could be a "w" missing also, depending on what way you want to go). But back to the movie. I haven't seen that unofficial movie that was made in between those two movies. But I was excited about this getting our two main characters back together (literally). Is it as good as the original though? You probably won't think so.

And neither did I. But it's still a good movie, especially if you were a fan of the original. You just have to accept, that some jokes will be replayed (the end credits even put similar scenes side to side with video/pictures of them being shown). Not perfect, but the chemistry is there and it's as mean as it was back then ...
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benmgiddings13 September 2020
Terrible acting WAY over the top comedy and just ABSOLUTELY NOT FUNNY. original D&D hilarious, great story with believable characters. This is avoaluts GARBAGE.
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Not very impressive but not as bad as people are saying!
Josh_The_Third24 December 2014
Reading the negative reviews really affected me as I went to see this movie, and yes you can right away tell Carry and Daniels are of course not their younger selves, and yeah yeah the whole premise of the film looks forced, I know - but after watching I think it's not half as forced as other US-made comedies and their plastic "jokes".

This is because the movie succeeds(a bit) in bringing back the lighthearted spirit of the 90's, so even when half the jokes don't work, it's never overbearing, and has many good, fun ideas! It's just that the writing of these ideas and the plot, the characters growth, connection between characters- all seem to have been done in a very lazy or rushed way. (for example, the villain's role is a classic idea but is too short for us to care about)

Now, that's kinda saddening and annoying because when you look at the jokes that *do* make you laugh, you get the feeling that maybe- just maybe- if these guys consciously decided to make a better a movie, they could have done so!! They just didn't put enough time and effort. And this is what annoys people so much. I get that. Maybe it's the nature of being complacent - everyone in this film don't have the drive and fears they had 20 years ago. No one's success is hanging in the balance etc- Too bad! There's obviously some potential here - some of that magic that guys like Jim Carry take wherever they go. It's just not utilized well !!
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Stupid Isn't Always Funny
matthewssilverhammer21 November 2014
As a big fan of Dumb and Dumber, I went into Dumb and Dumber To trying not to let wistfulness paint the sequel too positively. Those worries quickly dissipated, as To is a forced and aggressively unfunny gross-out comedy. It's the absolute worst kind of sequel: the kind that repeats old jokes to try and get a cheap cheer of nostalgia. All the while, laziness and overt offensiveness abound, with jokes never reaching higher than the lowest of low hanging fruit. It disappoints completely, like a desperate old rock singer trying to hit the same notes he used to, but consistently falling flat. While the first was a brilliantly inspired bit of comedic stupidity, Dumb and Dumber To is just plain stupid. We find our puerile protagonists older but none-the wiser, still getting in over their heads yet unwittingly finding their way through it. Plot is not the movie's aim, and it doesn't need to be. What it does need to be, however, is funny. Unfortunately the jokes are understandably irreverent, yet also socially inept and rarely successful. Worst of all is that Daniels' Harry and Carrey's Lloyd have completely lost the chemistry that once bound them. They've become purely sad parodies of their former selves. Maybe I'm taking this too seriously. I mean, the Farrelly's have proved to be nothing more than perpetual 10-year-olds, and they manage one or two moments of contrived laughter. But one or two laughs in a 100-minute movie just isn't enough. Clearly the filmmakers think the audience is as dumb as their leads. We're not.
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Thank you Jim, Thank you!!
OpinionatedJM19 March 2015
It had been a long time since I had laughed to the point of weeping, thank you so much for going back out to the battle again! a hero has been sorely missed in an era of self aware lack of humor. This one might be the best of the whole series it really knocked me for a loop, maybe because it's been a while since I actually laugh out loud at a comedy to the point of having to rewind because I missed what they said next on account of actually laughing my a** off!

And to the haters who watch a movie called dumb and dumber and god knows what you expect.. whatever.. I have no time for you.. go.. do whatever you do on your computer..
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Fans Of The Original Will Be Impressed, Non-Fans Will Be Unimpressed.
Movie-ManDan16 November 2014
I have been waiting twenty years to see a sequel to my favourite comedy ever. I have seen Dumb and Dumber so many times I practically know the script by heart and it never gets old. The stupidity is always funny and the story and subplots are always intriguing. Now there's the sequel, stylized as "Dumb & Dumber To" instead of "Dumb and Dumb Two" to show stupidity. As much as I loved this one, it is not at the level of 1994's. 1994's was fresh and majorly innovative. It's not that Carrey and Daniels are too old, there just hasn't been one down in so long, the result was one repetition and reuse from the first after another with little new things. Plus, Harry and Lloyd are more immature in this than the first. In the first, they just simply have no clue what anything is and they act like kids in this one. The immaturity was a minor flaw, but the lack of anything new or being innovative was what I saw critics poke at the most. After twenty years without a sequel, doing a big rehash was the best thing to do. I knew this would be a big rehash movie when I first found out about the pre-production. This would not be a rehash movie if they did the sequel in 2003 instead of the lame prequel. Either way, this movie is still non-stop funny from beginning to end. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels just needed to dress up in their old outfits and I was all aboard. The movie maybe a rehash, but what they do again is just as a funny the second time around. It is also a great nostalgia movie. Harry and Lloyd's old outfits and hair- dues, the old apartment, Billy in 4C (the blind kid?!) and loads of others make this a very great flick any old Dumb and Dumber fanatic would love.

Can't wait for Dumb & Dumber Threeee in 2034!

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Who writes the good reviews? This movie was the worst of all time....
rrmin43716 November 2014
I wanted this to be a good movie so badly, because I am such a big fan of the original... But it is NOT a good movie at all. It's terrible.

This was the worst sequel of all time... All it did was try to rehash moments from the original movie, and it failed miserably. I was so disappointed. I don't think I laughed once. I forced myself to stay in the theater praying it would "take off" but it never did.

I also can't believe that the Farrelly brothers were involved... The special effects (what little there were) looked terrible, so I can only assume that they created this movie on a low budget to try and make money on the name.
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At Time Hilarious
Michael_Elliott10 December 2014
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)

*** (out of 4)

Lloyd (Jim Carrey) and Harry (Jeff Daniels) decide to take a road trip when a medical condition has Harry trying to track down the daughter he never knew he had. Along the way the two get caught up in a murder plot and well as countless misadventures.

DUMB AND DUMBER TO was a film fans wanted since they walked out of the original movie twenty-years ago. Considering how long it took to arrive, I must admit that my expectations were rather low. There's no question that this film isn't nearly as good as the original but with that said, it kept me smiling throughout and it did feature some very big laughs. Again, I understand how some fans are upset at this thing because there are certainly some flaws but at the same time there were just way too many funny moments not to enjoy it.

Of course, one of the biggest highlights was just seeing Carrey and Daniels back in the roles that they made so memorable. For the most part I thought both slipped back into them quite well, although there's no doubt that Carrey seems more "in character" as Lloyd. The two certainly have some great chemistry together and after two decades they're still able to work well off of one another. Rob Riggle is also very funny in his supporting role as is Laurie Holden, Kathleen Turner and a couple nice cameos.

While watching the film there's certainly a very uneven feel to it. This was pretty much explained during the closing credit when I saw six writers listed. It seems that there really wasn't a good story to carry these guys through and it really did feel at times like they were just throwing anything on the screen just hoping that people would laugh. This uneven flow is what kept it from being as good and as fresh as the original but there's just no denying the countless laughs that do work. There were times when tears were running down my face but others where I couldn't believe they'd even attempt the joke that fell so flat (the AIDS one). Still, DUMB AND DUMBER TO has me hoping that Lloyd and Harry revisit us in another two decades.
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As hoped inferior as original...but still funny!!
elo-equipamentos2 January 2018
In this sequell as hoped and what l heard from my fellows this movie is inferior than original, but surprised me really, Dumb and Dumber getting older but still funny as hell, some specifics scenes they are great as follow:

1-Biclycle scene.....Hilarious!!

2-Fart in the car.....Funny!!

3-Man disguised....Interesting!!

4-Looking from adressed letter going back to the sender.....imaginative!!!

5-Meeting the older bird boy.......nostalgic!!

6-Leaving the cat in room with birds.......evil!!

7-Brush scene..................outrageous!!

And a lot of them.............7 out 10


First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: Blu-ray / Rating: 7
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A great tribute to the fans and loyal sequel!
riedud5 November 2014
Like previous reviewers, my small town was selected for a preshowing of this movie and I could not have been more excited. The original Dumb and Dumber is one of my most favorite throw-on-a-mindless-comedy- movies ever! I went in to this with pretty low expectations because honestly, how do you make a remake of one of the funniest and silliest movies of the early nineties? On top of it, the previews really did not seem to be up to snuff with the original--let me just say that this was done for a reason. The producers did not want to spoil anything. With that being said, like the original, it was fun, silly, dumb and filled with all sorts of crazy shenanigans. Just about every other scene had some sort of wacky antic coming from either Lloyd or Harry and also like the original, this sequel did not take itself too seriously.

I could tell that the Farrelly Bro's and other writers knew they had a big undertaking in creating this movie. The story pays homage to the original many times and lets the viewers know of it's twenty year hiatus. It also does a good job, I think, in respecting it's loyal fan base. While no Oscar winner or best comedy ever, this movie was truly a worthy sequel. For me like the original it's a great movie to sit back and de-stress to.
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Dumb and Dumberer was better than this
cstover-284686 August 2021
Say what you want about the prequel Dumb and Dumberer, but at least it got the characters of Harry and Lloyd right for the most part. This movie didn't. Which is insane considering this one actually was written and directed by the same people and stars the same two actors in the roles as the original. In the first one, Harry and Lloyd did screw up people's lives, yes. But they didn't do it intentionally, they did it through their ignorance and stupidity, but they usually had the best intentions, for the most part. In this one, they're just a--holes for no reason. I hate them in this movie. In the first one, we could sympathize with them but here, they're just mean. All in all, huge disappointment.
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People Are Extremely Harsh On This: It Will Never Be Like The Classic But Definitely Has Its Moments
FilmMan476 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
honest here when they announced this movie i was like why are they doing this i mean after so many years well if the gap was 10 years then it might made sense but near then 2 decades passed and this finally released in 2014.

i was 4 when original dumb and dumber released i saw it once when i was a kid but i have the disc along with other Jim Carrey films.

i am not going to debate over here on what is the difference between the real 1994 classic comedy or this sequel but here is the thing about this one it is more like a slapstick then situational like the original hey i enjoyed this.

the plot:2 idiots Harry & Lloyd are back for more fun after 20 years when Harry finds out he has daughter Penny who was given for adoption he makes a plan to use her for a kidney transplant with Lloyd on his side together they make a trip to find her but their journey goes wrong when they have to deliver a box to penny which she left in a hurry at her non biological parents.

some of the jokes are dirty,sexual & downright pure offensive here if it wasn't for Jim Carrey or Jeff Daniels no one would have watched this most of the dialogs are rehash of original.

the story is wrong i mean who would try to even think of targeting his own daughter for kidney,one major goof is about James Bond dialog by Jim that he keeps on repeating it the entire film it makes no sense at all it was funny in the start but got lame.

climax is a tight slap in the face of the viewers some folks might get angry & yelling did we sat trough all for that god this was a waste of money. well i would not say that the sole reason is actors did a great job on this lousy script and saved the project.

the cast:Jeff Daniels look out of shape,Jim Carrey seems uninterested but they had a lot of fun together it can be seen Rachel Melvin,Laurie Holden is fantastic but when she started licking n kissing a dudes feet it was annoying to watch she does remind me a lot of Honor Blackman.

sequels does have gaps for example bad boys,rush hour are famous for it so if you are not a fan of dumb & dumber 1994 or the 2003 version called When Harry met Lloyd 2003 you will still enjoy this but beware of the critics and people who are way harsh on this installment this was a average good film.

the flaws are heavy but please chill out guys it's not the worst film at all except the title name should have been something else.

i never expected anything from this at all so no one else should too i was happy that two legends Jim & Jeff are returning they made one hell of a comeback and nailed it.

Overall Dumb and Dumber To:2014 should be liked for what it is leave the brain & hate behind just enjoy my rating is 7/10:Recommended
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Garbage and More Garbage To!
kencruick28 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Trying to write and produce a sequel is always a difficult feat! I laughed a lot at the first Dumb and Dumber with it's benign humor and great situations of awkward comedy. But "Dumb and Dumber To" labored at trying to be funny, including extreme poor taste in making fun of the parents son, who died in a motorcycle accident caused by the stupidity of Lloyd. Lloyd tries to make the parents, who are visibly very uncomfortable, see how funny the circumstances were that caused their son's death. The parents were very upset and slammed the door in the face of Lloyd and Harry. At that point in the movie I walked out with my family and we all got our money back. Unfortunately, several attempts throughout the movie at humor were in very poor taste, and overacted. One scene where Harry and Lloyd are riding on the front of the bus was true to the good humor of the first "Dumb and Dumber". If the writers had pursued more of that kind of humor throughout the movie they would have had an even greater success and more viewers would have, undoubtedly, returned for another laugh. Whether the movie got any worse or better I don't know, but what I did see was enough to convince me that the writers were scraping the bottom of the barrel for their content.
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What can I say... it made me laugh
FeastMode26 June 2019
I laughed a LOT in this movie. Not sure why everyone was so down on it. Obviously not nearly as good as the first. Some jokes fall flat or feel forced (alliteration) and some are predictable, but most are hilarious. Full volume laughing at least 20 times in the movie. So many new ways to show how dumb they are. The story is pretty much the same but ummmmm who cares. Lots of scenes and funny parts call back to the first one, and frequently adds something new to it. Has a very similar feel to the first, which is what you want in a sequel. (4 viewings, 5/28/2024)
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No Spoiler Here
stixman4619 November 2014
I can assure you that I won't "spoil" it for anyone because my girlfriend and I left after about 45 agonizing minutes of watching this horrible movie...it spoiled all by itself! It's disappointing too because I was a HUGE fan of the original D&D but this was nothing close to that. Carrey and Daniels try too hard to recreate their roles with sub-par dialogue and a story line that is just lame, and it just doesn't work. That and the fact that they tried to "raunch it up" a notch I guess thinking it would make it funnier.....it didn't.

I'm all about silly comedy such as the original D&D and Ace Ventura movies but this movie isn't silly, just stupid.

This worst thing about it is that since seeing this movie was my idea, my GF says I'm not allowed to select the movies we go see anymore!
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Hilarious! And pay attention!
KevinPlantz22 August 2014
I saw the movie a few months ago as I was one of the few lucky ones that got to see the first screening of the movie. I have to let everyone know that this sequel is just as dumb and perfectly funny as the original. You find out everything as to why they waited 20 years. You will notice a lot of things from the first movie if you pay attention. Petey, the blind kid, is back in this one for a short time. And a few other surprises. Look, I won't spoil the movie like other people have, but I will tell you that it is worth the wait. Everyone in the theater was laughing the whole time. If there is a reason to finally see a good comedy sequel, this is it.
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Inspired Carrey brings joyful nostalgia
fredrikgunerius19 August 2023
Although the script almost lives up to the title, and there's something inherently sad about watching old comedians doing old tricks, none of this really seems to affect Jim Carrey, especially not when he's in this kind of inspired form. Dumb and Dumber To goes through the motions, but does it with such energy and joyful nostalgia that we're able to ignore the film's more obvious shortcomings. The Farrelly brothers' ideas are hit-or-miss, but when they hit, Carrey's talent elevates them to brilliant comedy. Kathleen Turner is good fun as Fraida Felcher, an old lover of the two title characters.
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No need for a spoiler alert - everything after the intro is spoiled
sswren126 December 2014
I love Jim Carrey and I know he polarizes people. Even his most die hard fan would have a tough time seeing merit in this one though. The original made me laugh - a lot. The characters were sympathetic and buffoons need to be, otherwise you end up hating them; which isn't good for a comedy. In this outing they were grubby. The 'dick jokes' turned my stomach and I can't believe that Carrey and Daniels could look at their work and not feel the same. What were they thinking? Enough said! I really wanted to laugh but even when I felt the urge (eg: the catheter tube scene) they prolonged it which lost the impact completely.

The trouble with comedy sequels (and comedy series too) is that once a certain kind of laugh is achieved, they feel the need to push the envelope to get another laugh. The result is that subtlety is lost. Bottom line - I hated it and I'm just wondering whether Hollywood is forgetting how to do comedy.
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WatchingYouReadThis14 November 2014
(Originally posted as a comment to a site's review)

(I'm glad that many people were able to find enjoyment in this, this comment isn't intended to cause any judging or disrespect on your experience watching this. Sincerely glad it brought you laughter and joy)

Not to take the first film too serious, but it did have heart. Lloyd's speech at the beginning of the first one, it felt sincere. There was a great sense of desperation in his lonely hopes of having more friends.

As the first film goes on, it's amusing and funny seeing exactly why he and Harry can't have friends ("You don't kill people you don't know, that's the rule." *minutes after meeting Harry and Lloyd, pulls for his gun*), and even getting insight into Lloyd's warped mind of what it could be like to live a more active social life (joking with friends by the fireplace, pleasant dinner with lovely girlfriend, chomping on someone's nuts and ripping out a chef's heart....)

the first film literally starts on Hope Street.

Best of all, I love that at the end of everything, Harry and Lloyd still at least have each other.

No, it wasn't a big quality film, it was largely a string of dumb jokes. But if you pay enough attention, you'll find there's fantastic warmth and even a story going on (outside of what seems to be the main point of returning a briefcase), both of which is severely missing in the latest film.

I did laugh a bit throughout. But, Carrey and Daniels were more of glorified cartoon parodies rather the two characters we saw 20 years ago. The entire world itself felt like a glorified cartoon parody with loose sight of the first film.

Anyone needing a laugh, the film may deliver, but your old pals Harry and Lloyd, and the world you were acquainted with 20 years ago, won't be there.
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