7,892 Reviews
How corporate greed and consumerism once again destroyed the filmmaking
marcislagzdins6 January 2020
Unfortunately, this movie somehow reflects the way society's been going on for the last 15-20 years - the ever growing trivilialization, consumerism and regurgitation of works of genius from past generations who paid blood, sweat and tears for their works to be seen, heard and fealt - all of this now to get a quick buck at the local mall. Shameful...shameful...
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This film clearly displays this trilogy's biggest flaw...
AlsExGal22 December 2019
... which is that there was no overarching story to this trilogy planned.

Say what you will about the prequels -years later they aren't considered secretly great or misunderstood. But they did one thing right. They expanded the universe of Star Wars with more world building and more lore, some good, some bad. The prequel story, while stilted, was the product of a single vision. In the end you had bad execution with good building blocks.

The Sequel Trilogy doesn't expand anything, instead it makes everything smaller. Star Wars has never felt so small and tired as it does after The Rise of Skywalker. Each movie exists just to tear down and apologize for what came before it. Anakin/Vader's entire character arc is completely and unforgivably undermined after this film.

Overall the movie was so bloated and overstuffed with choppy pacing to course-correct from The Last Jedi. It's Flanderization in action. The original movies had so many little touches and so much atmosphere and craftsmanship beyond a few big reveals, neat action set pieces, and bizarre coincidences with the same ten people running into one another over and over. The original films built iconic imagery and characters in the context of them doing things and bonding and building. This was not always perfectly done, but it was done well enough to feel meaningful.

You can't just write a movie with the assumption you already have all of those things and skip the work it takes to get them. You can trick people for awhile by using the familiar imagery and beats and deconstructing the world with meta-humor (Abrams did that well for The Force Awakens if nothing else), but you just cash in that goodwill and cheapen all of that stuff by association.

Oh well, the big action movies these days are indeed made for children and China - I can't remember who recently said that, but it's true.
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I regret Disney buying StarWars
marcus-a-call30 December 2019
I can't call this movie good. I yawned my way through the first half and when it finally started telling a story in the second half, I hated the story they told. I shouldn't be surprised from what they did in the previous movies though.

I just wish they respected the history of the movies and didn't try so hard to outdo everything that came before.
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Disregard all 1/10 reviews.
jamescoghlan19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Giving a movie 1/10 means there was absolutely nothing slightly positive about it which is a complete lie.

No it wasn't perfect, but if you just sit back and watch rather than spend the 2 hours nitpicking for flaws you will feel it was a movie nowhere near as bad as people want you to think it is. It still baffles me how Star Wars fans are so determined to let the world know they hate it so much.

If someone reviews movies with only 1/10 or 10/10 then that says all you need to know about them.
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From One Star Wars FAN to Another
bravos-7537020 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are two ways to watch this film. You can read the negative reviews and go in the theater with preconceived notions. Or, what I would suggest, go into the theater with an open mind. The choice is yours.

Honestly, it took some time for me to get into the story of this film. I tried getting in the zone, but it didn't seem to click. But then, around 30ish minutes into the movie, it clicked. I'm not saying that the first half hour was bad, I'm simply saying it was hard to grasp at first. The cinematography was beautiful, the score by John Williams was beautiful, and the story was incredible. It might take time to get in the zone, but when you arrive, it feels like the first time you saw Episode 4. Star Wars.

The story is so complex it will take a while, and a few more viewings, for me to completely grasp everything that happened. And that's not a bad thing. The story ties the entire saga together. How you may ask? Simple. Emperor Palpatine. From The Phantom Menace to The Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine is the embodiment of the dark side. Be it through his body or those of others. To see Ben Solo and Rey come together to finally defeat Palpatine is simply incredible.

"But Rey wasn't in the originals or the prequels. So why does she and Ben get to defeat the emperor?" Rey was created by Palpatine. She's his granddaughter. Ben was the son of Leia, who is the son of Anakin who was created by Palpatine. So in the end, Palpatine was defeated by his own corruption. Good always wins. Light Always removes the darkness.

Cameos. Boy there were some good ones. Seeing Harrison Ford Return as Han Solo was amazing. Watching Denis Lawson (Name spelled correctly) as Wedge was incredible. Mark Hamill, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Ewan McGregor, Alec Guinness, Frank Oz, and Liam Neeson reprising their roles through voice acting tied it all together.

I liked the movie. There were certainly things I didn't like about it. But the thing that tied everything together was the score. John Williams is a musical master. His score in the movie was purely incredible. As George Lucas once said about the prequels, "It's like poetry... It rhymes," is a true statement. The music is incredible.

Go give the film a shot. If you don't like it, that's ok. If you do like it, that's ok too.
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A movie without a story to tell
erraticse28 December 2019
Star Wars: Episode IX is, at times, a decent thrill ride, and it provides us with some satisfying moments, but it fails to tell a compelling story. It feels empty. It rushes through a corporate checklist of must-have moments at a chaotic pace. It manages to thrill with epic space battles, but it lacks a soul. There's no creative vision here, no story to tell. The pressure that comes with making a Star Wars movie seems to have shackled the creators, preventing them from doing anything interesting with the film. It's a shame. The Star Wars universe is one of the greatest fictional universes ever created. It should provide fertile ground for many new and interesting stories. If I were Disney I would take a serious look at the creative process for these films. They could probably learn a thing or two from Marvel Studios.
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RIP Star Wars. Every inconsistency listed below.
ben_busche21 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie introduced an absurd amount of inconsistencies, to the point where either they purposely reversed the whole point of the first 6 films to slap Lucas and his fans in the face, or they never watched any of the previous films at all. First I'll talk about what I liked.

The acting, the visuals, the effects, the amount of lightsaber screen time, racial diversity, and obviously John Williams' score, were outstanding.

Here's what I didn't like:

* George Lucas confirmed that Palpatine had died long before Disney, the whole purpose of the first 6 films was that Anakin Skywalker was to grow up and defeat the sith to restore balance, which he did. And then this movie reversed that entirely

* No introductory entrance scene from Palpatine, it's just thrown into the opening crawl that he's still alive....

* Rey has healing powers? RIP Qui Gonn and literally everyone that has died in Star Wars up until now

* Speaking of healing powers, that exact kind of power is what Anakin had spent most his adult life trying to acquire, everything he's done is to obtain more power and knowledge of the dark side, and then boom Rey just has it all of a sudden.... Anakin turned his back on everything he was taught in an effort to acquire healing powers. Rey is just walking around healing basilisks like it's nothing. So you don't need to turn to the dark side and kill billions of people? Light side jedis can heal all along? Anakin got pranked! Why didn't Yoda and Mace have healing powers or even know of its possibility?

* The convenience of the whole dagger thing really took me out of the movie, wait whats that dagger thing? 3-PO pls translate. "it contains the coordinates of the exact place we are searching for!" hmmmmm that was real freaking convenient wasn't it, also why did the dagger exist? Why would Palpatine make it and write exact coordinates on it?

* Apparently all it takes to defeat Palpatine is to have two lightsabers instead of one? You don't need years of training or wisdom...?... if only Yoda/Mace had known

* The fact that Palpatine was able to conceive means he was able to feel love at some point in his life........ did he have a love interest raise the kids? did he raise them? Rey would have been more interesting if she was a "nobody", the fact that she's a Palpatine just seems forced and lazy

* Rey and Kylo have had absolutely no romantic chemistry ever, their relationship is shown as sibling-like. The kiss was awkward, and totally random. But it's Disney, so is anyone really surprised by that?

* There was no reason for Leia and Kylo to die, why couldn't Rey just use her healing powers to stop it from happening?

* The back and forth of thinking people are dead and then boom all of a sudden they're not dead was exhausting. Chewey is dead! Nope. C3PO is dead! Nope. Kylo is dead! Nope. Rey is dead! Nope. They keep reviving each other until one of them couldn't anymore.

* A lightsaber is a sacred weapon only to be used by jedis in self defense. It's not a flashlight, it's not something you lend to your friend, and there were 2 more scenes of throwing them off of cliffs, did they learn nothing from TLJ? In the movie Kylo and Rey both threw their lightsabers to get rid of them because they didn't want to keep fighting or killing...... so basically admitting they don't have self control? What kind of jedi are they? A lightsaber is not a killing weapon, it's for self defense!

* The Rey v. Palpatine scene was so boring. Palpatine gets his full strength back, lightnings a whole fleet, and then is defeated in like 7 seconds... by his own lightning.... again

* Kylo turns good? Of course he does. There weren't a lot of obvious signs of struggle, and honestly that would have been a much better movie if it was just from his perspective, I wanted more Kylo, but he hardly had screen time and had a disappointingly little amount of lines

* Why bring back Han, Leia, and Luke just to kill them all off? Having the beloved three back together again is what was going to make the new trilogy so special, but they never got to reunite

* The Knights of Ren sucked! Just kind of hung around and then got killed by Pajama-boy Ben all at once in only seconds of fighting

* W. T. F. was that final Lando scene? "Where do you come from? Lets find out"..... Ummm what exactly did you mean by that?

* Palpatine has a new giant fleet? Why not just lightspeed something through all of them, because apparently you can do that now...

* Episode 8: Leia sends out a signal to all the systems asking for help... literally no one shows up---Episode 9: Lando flies around to all the systems asking for help.... literally everyone shows up. Not an inconsistency I just thought it was humorous, haha!

* What did Finn want to tell Rey? They ended the movie before they remembered to answer that. At this point JJ is probably just trolling us by leaving that unanswered

* Kylo should have killed Palpatine, to at least be somewhat consistent with "I will finish what you started"

* Where was Anakin? Did he forget how to force ghost himself? Obviously didn't care enough about the resistance. Show us Hayden!

* Luke's lightsaber just duct taped back together and it's as good as new?

* A lot of this movie's purpose had to do with Rey's identity. "Be who you are, Rey"... cut to the end of the movie... "I'm Rey Skywalker." Nope! you literally just learned that you're a Palpatine, nice try though

* Leia should have died in TLJ... the unused footage was kind of creepy

* It's pretty obvious that the trilogy wasn't planned out, there is no comprehensive storyline. What the trilogy is about is still a mystery to me

* The pace of the first 30 minutes was super rapid, and then didn't stay consistent, they just kind of pasted scenes together but who cares, it's cool if you have a lightsaber out, right?

* Poe can't catch a break for the 3rd movie in a row, just for comic relief too

* In my opinion the best thing about the trilogy and especially ROS was the force connection that Rey and Kylo had, what they were able to do (communicate remotely, transfer objects to help each other, feel what the other is feeling, etc) was really interesting and I loved it. All of that ruined by the stupid meaningless kiss.

Surely there will be people that love this movie, and I will never understand how they can look past all the above mentioned. RIP Star Wars, sorry you had to end like this.
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I still love Star Wars
schuelererik22 December 2019
Let me say this... In no way is The Rise of Skywalker a perfect movie, it has its flaws. But that doesn't change the fact that I loved it. Yes it has tons of fan service. Yes most of the events were predictable. And still... It was everything I want Star Wars to be. Funny, exciting, a bit odd sometimes but with a group of loveable characters at it's core. Say what you will, but I loved Star Wars since I was 6 years old and this new movie just made me feel like a very happy kid again.
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EduardSR4 January 2020
I can't say I am a huge fan of Star Wars, I do like the movies, but never geeked out about them, I did watch all of them and in most part I enjoyed the story, the characters and the visuals.

But when it comes to TROS ... I felt like I was watching some cut scenes from a game, where you know the story is bad, the characters are superficial and bland but hey, you are there to play a game.

The amount of plot holes and patched scenes that lead to nowhere is alarming for a title like this.

Some things i liked were the kylo ren scenes, the actor did really well in portraying him, the visuals were top notch and the art team really shined, the music of course was great.

I think we are starting to replace talent and hard work with political views and woke mentality and in my opinion this is the death of art.
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Oh well
BandSAboutMovies20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Three movies in to the final part of what is being called the Skywalker Saga and I have to confess: worse than not knowing anything about these new characters -- Poe Dameron, Finn and Rey -- I honestly don't care about them. They're ciphers that we only know the barest of things about. Why does Finn have such an affinity for his friends? Why should we care a lick about Poe when he's proven to be too headstrong and willing to leave people behind, yet has nothing redeeming to make up for it? And Rey has every single skill of the Jedi near-instantly, almost a way too perfect character to be true.

Don't tell me I have to read the other books or watch the shows or do my research. Don't tell me that the old films in the Star Wars saga didn't come out as often or perhaps we cared too much about them. I sat -- well, slept, I'll be perfectly honest -- through this too loud and too much installment and I have to tell you my most honest review: Yeah, alright.

I don't go to blockbusters to walk away saying, "Yeah, alright."


Obviously, everything after this will contain massive spoilers. You have been warned.

The first critical error the film makes is by telling us that a secret message has caused a stir in the galaxy: the Emperor is alive. You know, instead of a scroll, perhaps this event -- probably the most important thing that's happened in all three of these post Return of the Jedi films, could have been shown to us so we could grasp just how mindblowing it is. Nope. It's in words on the screen. The dead speak! This is lazy filmmaking.

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver, who isn't howling in a bar or eating ass in this one) obtains a Sith Wayfinder device and travels to the planet Exegol, where the Emperor is recharging. It turns out that everything evil in the past few films has come from Palpatine, including Snoke who is just a clone. Snoke is the most infuriating character in these films, another character who really has no motivation and no reason to exist other than being yet another Star Wars villain set up to be an undefeatable villain only to, you know, by cut in half. See: Darth Maul, General Grievous, Count Dooku.

So the Emperor does what has never been done before. He just plain conjures up a million or so Star Destroyers on a planet that has constant darkness and lightning. He tells Kylo to find Rey, who is studying to be a Jedi with General Leia Organa Solo (Carrie Fisher), who is more Force-sensitive than a Jedi, you know, until this movie, which has a CGI cut scene that looks like, well, a video game cut scene that shows her training with Luke and realizing that she's going to die and not complete her journey but someone else will. Because man, Star Wars is kind of like Catholicism for people who'd rather have Carlos Casteneda instead of John the Baptist.

There's also a spy in the First Order, a subplot that changes nothing in the film other than to remind you that General Hux and Ben Solo probably had a tempestuous affair at one point and there's a thin line between love and hate.

Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewbacca, BB-8 and C-3PO head out for Passanna to meet Lando Calrissian while R2-D2 stays with Leia in a military base. Soon, Kylo Ben Solo and the Knights of Ren show up just as Rey discovers a Sith dagger than C-3PO's programming forbids him to read. Why? Is it because he was built by Anakin Skywalker? Nah -- it's just another dangling "We're going to kill off another beloved character" tease and even when they wipe out the golden droid's memory, it comes back so quickly and easily, you wonder why they even teased this moment of sadness.

I also have no idea why the Knights of Ren are important other than they will make cool looking toys and fat dudes will dress like them and bump into me at conventions.

Speaking of teasing the death of a major character -- Rey uses Force Lightning to accidentally kill Chewbacca, who died way back in the book Vector Prime before the books were no longer part of the real Universe. But yeah, Chewbacca survives anyway. Seriously, they should have called this movie Star Wars: Let's with Chewbacca. The dude gets tortured, stripped, Rey uses his gun, one of his best friends dies and oh yeah, he had to be in this movie.

Zorii Bliss (Keri Russell, who did Alias with J.J. Abrams) is in this too. She's a masked smuggler who had something of a relationship at one point with Poe but they never kissed, which is pretty much par for Star Wars romance. She is not Zam Wesell, so don't get that confused. Honestly, her scene about wanting to leave behind the planet Kijimi is about as emotionally resonant as this movie gets.

Turns out that Chewbacca is still alive, so there's a failed rescue mission on a Star Destroyer that leads to a nice scene where Rey and Kylo have a lightsaber battle between their two worlds. That's when we learn that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter, who tried to King Herrod her as a child, as he feared her power.

So hey, why don't we go back to Endor. Do we have to? Yes, we do. That's where we meet a whole bunch of other Stormtroopers who got tired of missing every shot and took off their suits and became dudes who ride yaks. Their leader, Jannah, is not Enfys Nest from Solo: A Star Wars Story, despite similar animal mounts and markings. She and Finn quickly become friends but there's not even a hint of romance.

Also: remember when Rose Tico was such a big deal in the last movie? Yeah, neither do the filmmakers.

There's a cool scene where the second Death Star is in the giant black waves of Endor and Kylo and Rey have another lightsaber battle. Remember when lightsaber battles were rad and you couldn't wait for them, way back before Yoda zipped all around doing backflips and suddenly, you wondered how and why lightsabers could be boring? Yeah.

Man, anyways, Leia dies reaching out through the Force to her son, who gets impaled by Rey but then healed by her before she runs to the Emperor's world to kill the old man, because you know, that's what he wants. He came back from the dead so the child he sent away because he feared she would kill him can kill him. Motivations are super important in Star Wars.

Nearly everyone who Hasbro will sell to idiots like me dies. Star Wars has a fetish for hands getting chopped off, British accents, wipe transitions and killing off fat spaceship pilots.

Luckily, Rey and Kylo fight back, but then we learn another motivation for the Emperor: he wanted to leech their youth and become strong again. So, if Rey had just killed him, did this second plan even matter? Well, he's every Sith and Rey ends up being every Jedi and they battle and she ends up killing him. However, because she turns his Force lightning against him, she isn't killing him like he wanted and this killing is OK because Star Wars.

We end up back on Tatooine where Rey goes to hide the last two lightsabers and claim the name of Skywalker. Then we see Leia looking like the Virgin Mary and Luke looking like some dude who'd go to a comic convention to meet Mark Hamill as ghosts.

Question: Remember when it was a big deal that Qui-Gon Jinn didn't turn into a Force spirit and disappear and we were gonna get answers on that one? Yeah. Well, both Leia -- not a Jedi -- and Kylo Ben Solo disappear when they die. Of course, he kisses Rey first. And his dad shows up and calls back the "I know" line because this movie is fan service from frame one, bringing back holo chess when it's not sledgehammering plot points and deus ex machina into your feeble brainstem.

This movie is a lot like sugary cereal. Sugary cereal is real good, except for how you feel sick after eating multiple bowls.

Also: I kind of hate that new green robot D-O who literally talks like a Donald Trump tweet, saying "Sad!" when a scene is upsetting. We get it. We know it's sad. You don't have to tell us.

The movie also feels like one that should pause and flash: CHECK THIS OUT! Like the tie-fighter parked next to an x-wing. We get it. We get the symbolism. Or when Wedge Antilles shows up, that kind of stuff is only for dudes like me that knew the names and call signs of every pilot. And yes, Wedge is Red Two. I was also a virgin until well into my twenties, thank you very much.

So what did I like about the movie? I dug those yak creatures that they rode on the deck of the Star Destroyers and yes, I know they're called orbaks but I'm going to keep on calling them yaks. And I adored Lando basically picking up Jannah and saying, "Let's find out where you're from." You know he's making her crosseyed in the back of the Millennium Falcon right now while Nien Nunb wonders why there's a sock on the door. I also liked the little dude named Babu Frik who wiped out C-3PO's mind. And I kinda dug the kintsugi look of Kylo Ren's new mask.

Yeah, it was also nice that we saw the first same sex kiss in Star Wars between Commander D'acy and an unnamed character that will surely get a name and a Hasbro San Diego Comic-Con two-pack release that will sell for many times the original price on eBay.

Look -- I'm not going to tell you what to like and be a gatekeeper. Love what you love, enjoy what you enjoy and spend your money where you want. That said, I spent a good chunk of my life loving Star Wars and know more about Dengar than many of the extended family members. I know -- and care -- next to nothing about anything in this film. There are people who are going to go see it a few hundred times and get the sugar rush that this film is and love it because it's Star Wars. Again, being a fan of the saga is a lot like being Catholic -- you know the motions, you go through them but after a while, you question why you just don't feel the same after Mass.
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Not terrible. Not legendary.
Elisej9319 December 2019
You should probably disregard any review that gives this a 1/10 or a 10/10. It is not a terrible movie, nor is it legendary. For the average movie-goer I suspect it will fall somewhere between 6/10-8/10. Highly enjoyable in terms of visuals and plot twists, but not enough to stick around with you for years to come like the original trilogy.
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A solid 7
moge-8325927 December 2019
Not terrible, not perfect. Going into the theatre without paying attention to reviews allowed me to appreciate what the film had to offer. Make your own decisions, don't let someone make them for you.
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Glad I didn't listen to the negative reviews
Gith1322 December 2019
This movie was vastly better than many of the reviews say. Was it a cinematic masterpiece? No. Was it an enjoyable movie? Yes.
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Why do Star Wars fans hate Star Wars??
evalverdes19 December 2019
It's not George Lucas' vision. The main crew doesn't have the same chemistry has the original one. It has some loose ends... This why it doesn't deserve 10/10. It's the first (on the new trilogy) with a proper original story. TFA was like a remake of ANH and TLJ was a mix of moments of ROTJ and TESB. This one has its own idea, and it's a good one. We can argue about some loose ends, for sure. But the story doesn't fail our expectations, it respects SW heritage and conflicts (the main one, the inner conflict to go down a dark path). It's frantic and has amazing battles, fine light saber duels, it gives Rey a solid background. There is a lot to like. Forget about most reviews and enjoy!
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Has all the right elements ... but falls short each time
Vic_max23 December 2019
If you were to take a step back and think about all the different plot sequences (short events), they look good on the surface: fast-paced action, good dialog, humor, characters from previous movies, lots of cool worlds and great F/X.

Furthermore, if you look at the big-picture story ... it's quite acceptable for a Star Wars story.

So what went wrong? For me, the plot-sequences are not well-thought out and there too many of them for the movie's runtime. Many of the sequences have highly-convenient endings (like someone always swoops down at the last moment to avert disaster). You can almost count on that happening each an every time. It's a cop-out formula that's overused.

Furthermore, the big "reveals" were easy to guess. I'm usually terrible at guessing what happens next, but here it seemed obvious. They'd pose a question in a leading way, for example when raising the question of Rey's birth, pause for a long time ... and ... it's not that hard to put 2 and 2 together. It's like a spoiler during the movie.

Secondly, the movie needs to be longer or have fewer plot sequences. The sequence endings seemed rushed and not well integrated with the film itself. If they had a bit more time to edit the movie and catch these kinds of problems, the result could have been very different.

But without a doubt ... this is one of those movies you "have" to see sooner or later because it involves the completion of the culturally iconic Star Wars story.
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The RISE (???) of Skywalker
danielkanemusic5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Cinematography Music

The bad: No storyline. Palpatine came back somehow, was confronted by Rey and died again. It took her less than 2 minutes to finish him in the end all because dead Jedi suddenly decided to talk to her, comfort her she wasn't alone.

The ugly: Poe's speech before going into battle reminded me of every medieval movie I can remember. Then, 2 minutes later I saw a bunch of horses running across the deck of a Star Destroyer, freakin HORSES!

Rey dies (why??) then Ben resurrects her (how??), they kiss (why??) and then he dies (vanishes), how&why??

The RISE of Skywalker?? The 2 last remaining Skywalkers DIE!! There is NO Skywalker left.


I remember downloading the storyline of all 9 chapters 16 years ago. The final trilogy was supposed to be about Leia & Han's kids, Luke's kids, a cloned version of Luke, a cloned version of Vader/Anakin and Luke eventually becoming the most powerful Jedi of all time after finally defeating the Sith in their ancient temple. The entire trilogy felt mystic, dark and after reading all 9 chapters the final 3 were undoubtedly going to be a "save the best for last" scenario. I am so disappointed. Star Wars is dead. Count me out.
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Enjoyable film slandered by an entitled community
tamingatche9119 December 2019
I'm sick and tried of bad reviews for what isn't a bad movie given by people who only highlight the bad points. It feels like people believe they're entitled to a movie with a story told exactly how they want it and so refuse to enjoy it. The 1 star reviews are not from true Star Wars fans in my opinion.

Star Wars storytelling has never been incredible or even that original. The whole sagas story is as old as time, one of good vs evil. Star Wars has always been fun, sometimes dark and entertaining with a clear message of finding hope in the darkest of times. This movie was just that.

I'm more than happy with this latest entry from the Galaxy Far Far Away
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A cinematic disaster that wholly fails to justify it's own existence and that of the trilogy as a whole..
Ronan_Shepherd7 September 2022
A tragic culmination of the flaws of the previous 2 films. Whether due to his own lack of imagination, studio meddling, or the previous abomination that Rian Johnson directed, JJ Abrams has wholly and utterly failed to deliver a satisfying end to this abysmal trilogy.

The storyline is a nonsensical mashup of bad original concepts and stolen ideas, the writing itself is hamfisted, and the climax is a laughable double ex-machina. The main plot point of the film is directly lifted from a 1991 comic series call Dark Empire, except the film did it badly. It comes off like a fan fiction story with a hollywood budget.

Any praise I could lay upon the actors themselves was wasted by the director and producers. Ultimately this film (and the Trilogy as a whole) is confusing, unsatisfying, anti-climactic, and wildly inconsistent with the original 6 films.
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Don't believe the negativity
lukeyjayx19 December 2019
It seems like a lot of people are still holding on to the old era of Star Wars, whilst everyone knows and loves the originals it would be pointless to make a film that was identical to them. This film isn't perfect, you can definitely see the presence of Disney but the budget only helps with the scale of the film and it still feels like Star Wars, it's entertaining for both a general viewer and Star Wars fans alike. A definite improvement on TFA and TLJ, brilliant choreography in the light saber fights, bitter sweet endings for many characters and the introduction of new ones - they recalled old characters well. A great way to end the trilogy and a great addition to the Star Wars universe.
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Up to this point I've strongly disliked the sequels...
messerschmitt-510-49474622 December 2019
The Rise of Skywalker was by far the best movie of the new sequel trilogy. I have a difficult time understanding certain reviews and the general rating of this movie. My recommendation is go and see it, it's the movie that while being imperfect and flawed in certain areas, redeems the sequel trilogy and brings a dignified end to the Skywalker Saga.

First thing I must say is we get the answers! Finally we know the story behind the First Order, Snoke and Rey. We get to know how the certain antagonist was involved in all this and what was the goal of the evil forces. Dammit, even The Last Jedi makes more sense now! The Rise of Skywalker coresponds very well with the Return Of The Jedi but at no point is an ordinary copy paste like it was with The Force Awakens.

"Visually stunning" is a phrase we can say about all the films of the sequel trilogy, but here we see the absolute perfection. The definition of how a space opera movie should look like. The planet that's so important in the plot is simply incredible. All the final sequences inside the ancient temple were overwhelming. Dark and even scary. Abrams did a great job here, we get to feel what it means to deal with the Sith. The final battle was a sort of a typical finale for Star Wars films, but with a few twists. At one hilariously over-the-top moment I actually laughed, but somehow it was not a bad thing, I wasn't mad at this.

About the flaws. The plot is progressing very fast so one needs to be very focused. It's a material for a whole trilogy. It's almost as if Abrams finally understood what needed to be done and tried to fix everything with one movie. He sort of did fix everything, but at a cost. Maybe at least a half an hour more would help to slow down the tempo and make the movie more pleasant to watch. The other thing I disliked was all the new ideas about the Force. We all remember the horrible idea of midichlorians from Episode I. Well here it's not as bad, but controversial at least. Here I understand the criticism, though IMHO all this doesn't ruin the movie.

The final question remains to be asked. Why only now? Why did we have to endure mediocrity of TFA and TLJ? Ideas from this movie, well explored and with better storytelling would make an awesome new trilogy. Anyway, The Rise of Skywalker rewarded me for patience and all the feelings of embarassment and distaste I've had during the previous films.
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Worst Star Wars Ever
ryanhert11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Everything in this movie feels bad. From how they shoehorn the Sith Language into C3PO, which according to their own lore, was made by a nine year old. They also try to play with your emotions by making it look like the walking carpet got smoked. I don't like what they did with Palpatine. They took one of the best characters and turned him into a plot device. Rey turns out to be the legendary Mary Sue. Everybody loves her, and she never does anything wrong, and never needs to actually have a hero's journey, because she is SOOOO amazing. I have even seen the Holiday Special, that has a better plot than this movie. I think the new trilogy was a steaming pile of garbage, and this one is the most maggot filled, rotting, festering piece on the whole heap.
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Nice inspiration and solid piece of graphic art, but no story ...
collak5 January 2020
... Disney make movie for money. SW IX - TROS will be a solid source of them. If you are looking for inspiration or examples of excellent graphic art here is fantastic one.

I was very happy that I took my kids (5y and 8y) with me, because they know everything about that universe. There were able to explain a lot of things, because I was bored whole time. There is very bad story, boring characters with superpowers. In some screens (when I wasn't sleeping) I was very confused if I am not watching another Avengers. Yes... Stormtroopers have still problems with aiming, but our main characters like Ray and Kyle are more powerful than all Sith and Jedi's in whole history of galaxy. They are able to stop whole starship, blasters, swords and even maybe time... WTF??? Will be there any Thanos finger snap???

Locations, scenes and structures are iconic, fantastic, orgastic, but same pictures you can find on Google for free...

Problem with many scenes is that there are not believable. After final credits I was happy that there will be no more movies... My sons were crying because their heroes Kylo Ren and Darth Vader are gone.

who will pay to rise them once again???
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A satisfying conclusion to the 42 year old saga
Joejoesan19 December 2019
In 2015 JJ Abrams had the daunting but almost impossible task to come up with a new Star Wars movie that would not only entertain the critical old fans but also satisfy the new ones. His trick? He introduced new characters and made a remake of A New Hope. For me that worked fine.

He actually does the same with The Rise of Skywalker.

To conclude both the new trilogy as well as the whole Skywalker saga he revisited famous old Star Wars locations and "copied" some of the most famous scenes from A New Hope, The Empire strikes back and Return of the Jedi. And of course he made a comeback possible of the biggest Star Wars villain around, emperor Palpatine.

Cheap? Maybe. But all of Abram's decisions work out very well. With The Rise of Skywalker he made an entertaining and epic conclusion of the Skywalker saga. He wasn't able to please all fans of course, but that's what you get when you tackle a project like this. Too bad a lot of people wanted him to fail and never gave him a chance. Some people even suggests that this episode is even worse than The Phantom Menace - and that's absurd.

The Rise of Skywalker is not a perfect film.

There's a lot going on and especially C3PO's storyline in the beginning takes a lot of screentime. The "MacGuffin" in the story seems far fetched, but the film really delivers at the moments when it has to.

Because it's best to see the movie without knowing anything here are some things that I think are worth mentioning.

  • The opening crawl of the movie starts with "The Dead speak", referring to the return of Palpatine who has given the entire universe a terrorist-like message that he's back

  • Rey, Finn and Poe are together almost the whole film

  • The scenes with Carrie Fisher are well done. If you didn't know that she died you'd think that she filmed all new scenes. Only one shot of Leia seems fake

  • The confrontations between Ren and Rey are highlights

  • Kylo Ren's character is the most interesting

  • There one big WTF moment in the movie that no doubt will be spoilered by trolls on the internet

  • JJ Abrams does a lot of fan service (nothing wrong with that)

  • Who or what is Rey? I could live with the answer

  • In the last scene the thing that you hope would happen actually does

Well, that's it really. I hope in time the haters will see what a great JJ Abrams has made. I can't wait to see the film a second time!

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A Whimpering End
xiaoli737720 September 2020
For all of their faults, "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" are decently fun action adventure movies that both continued the "Star Wars" universe and gave us some new and interesting characters. I like Kylo Ren and Rey. I liked Luke's arc in "The Last Jedi." I thought these were interesting twists on what we came to expect from "Star Wars" movies. Unfortunately, many fans became needlessly upset with the most trivial and pointless things in "The Last Jedi." I don't think that that movie was perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I think that the internet reaction to it was complete overkill. Due to the mixed fan reaction, Disney and Lucasfilm decided to go all-out in trying to appeal to all factions of this divided fanbase in the finale to their new trilogy. "The Rise of Skywalker" takes everything interesting that was set up in the previous two films, needlessly tosses it aside, and gives us a regurgitation of "Return of the Jedi" with elements from other "Star Wars" movies. It is completely over-the-top, nonsensical, and pretty much destroys any of the enjoyment that I had gotten out of this trilogy in the first place. This trilogy will probably go down in history as one of the better examples of how to completely crash and bury a franchise through a lack of vision and by attempting to cater to a whiny fanbase.

We begin with Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) hunting down a Sith wayfinder which will lead him to the resurrected Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). Once there, it is revealed that Snoke was merely a puppet controlled by the Emperor, and that the Emperor wants Kylo Ren to find and kill Rey (Daisy Ridley). Meanwhile, Rey is training with Leia (Carrie Fisher). Finn (John Boyega), Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo), and BB-8 all join Rey on an adventure to track down Kylo Ren and Palpatine before he unleashes his fleet upon the galaxy.

The fact that Palpatine is even alive in this one kind of spits in the face of "Return of the Jedi" and Vader's sacrifice in that movie. What's even more sad is the fact that the ending here is basically the exact same thing as the ending of that movie. The first hour is kind of a mess but it's salvageable. After the Rey and Kylo Ren duel on the Death Star ruins, when there is the "final" confrontation with the Emperor, this movie takes a complete nosedive to the bottom of the "Star Wars" pile. This garbage comes off as half-baked fan fiction material. Say what you will about "The Last Jedi", but that movie at least had some interesting narrative themes and concepts. And a followable plot that wasn't completely over the top and ridiculous.

This schlock almost completely ruins the sequel trilogy for me. I actually really enjoy "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" for what they were. This movie is as soulless and lifeless as the clammy and disgusting Palpatine-clone that we are shown. Who is honestly very symbolic of the franchise as a whole; being revived every decade or so to just give us the same thing over and over again. None of the characters retained any of their traits from the previous movies either. Finn, Poe, and the rest serve no purpose in the overall plot. And there are so many new characters and locations that we are introduced to that it's all overwhelming and dizzying.

On the positive side, I do like Adam Driver. I think that *some* of the action scenes are pretty neat. And in the end, it's still a "Star Wars" movie. On a critical level, it's probably better than any of the prequel movies. But I just find it so bland and lifeless, like the filmmakers really just wanted to get this series over with. Like there needed to be a third installment just to wrap up this wildly inconsistent trio of movies.

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to Episodes 10, 11, and 12 when they arrive in 2040 or whenever. Just stick with the original trilogy, "Revenge of the Sith" for the meme culture, the spinoff movies for some fresh perspective on the franchise, and maybe "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" if you really want to see the continued adventures of Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca. This entry is bafflingly awful.
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Terrible plot unconvincing acting.
timmus128 December 2022
I literally just watched it to finish the trilogy and I feel I've wasted 2.5hrs of my life. So many parts of the film lifted and rehashed from the original films these films in particular Rise of Skywalker feels so weak in it's plot writing and that screen writers must have had so many mental blocks and just dropped in convenient moments to fill and move along an already bad film. Worst of all for me is Rey she's always thinks she knows everything and her character is infuriating how is she so powerful as Jedi? I mean it took Master Yoda centuries to get to his greatness and yet she did it all in a weekend the only convincing part to this is how unconvincing Rey truly is. Only true and believable characters are Po and Kylo Ren who truly to feel convincing and have depth. And the ending WOW so lame. Thank goodness for Rogue One and Solo, those films show how it should be done. Best thing that came from this film? The end credits.
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