
100 Reviews
Past Lives (2023)
In another life
8 January 2024
For anyone that's ever felt the loss of love once hoped, this film captures those feelings to tell a beautiful modern story.

It's easy to see bits of ourselves in each of the characters in their different stages of life - their ambitions, their fears. We feel connected. But connectedness around the world is changing. And "Past Lives" vividly tells how this change manifests in connections between individuals as we go beyond the holes from which we emerge.

I wish there was a way to live all these lives, all these paths one can take. To share what we most hoped. It is not always easy nor possible, and this film is about what happens when one tries.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Everything just fits
30 January 2023
Everything--the depth in acting, the little discoveries of this nostalgic world, the shared perspectives on loss, the stitching of the past and the present, the portrayals of love in the harshest of times, the comic relief, the seemly music that accompanies--everything just fits. The beautiful cinematography here is simply some of the best I've caught in my lifetime. I rarely feel this compelled to write a such a positive review, but then again, it is rare to be so stirred so deeply.

It's heartbreaking. It's hopeful. It's a story well-told. I haven't felt this moved by a piece of television in a long, long time. I count myself so lucky.
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The heart is an organ of fire
18 July 2021
I have to teach myself not to read too much into everything. It comes from too long having to read so much into hardly anything at all. But, at risk of falling to faults of the heart, I must say that this is an exceptional film touching upon the borders between people. Whether it be in relationships or across nations, the maps of our lives tend to be unmarked on our bodies but we long to share that story-to express it-with someone. For how much longer is a day in the dark compared to one in the light? Inevitably, the lamp will eventually go out and we will be left writing in the darkness. And, in the end, all we remember are the ghosts. All we love are the ghosts. But these ghosts of The English Patient will be staying with me for a long time. As a reminder that the answers to "When were you most happy? And when were you least happy?" are not far separated. That, more importantly, they once gave rise to a feeling of being alive. And for that I am grateful to have known it.
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In the end we had pieces of the puzzle, but no matter how we put them together, gaps remained.
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a story that I can truly describe as one which I wish wouldn't end, we follow the lives of boys who once knew (or earnestly tried to know) the Lisbon sisters. They seek answers that beget further questions and, like Mrs. Lisbon, could never quite understand the girls. Perhaps the Lisbon sisters truly were women in disguise with the clairvoyance to understand love, and even death, but could not find the noise they sought to fascinate them. Or perhaps that is only part of the truth, if at all. In the end, some questions may simply never have answers, but what is evident is that, for a period of their lives, the Lisbon girls were the still point of that turning Detroit suburb. And, while answers may never be found, memories will always last.
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Flightplan (2005)
Flawed yet criminally underrated
19 June 2020
Could the acting (except for Jodie Foster) been better at times? Absolutely yes.

Does the plot have weak points (especially in the beginning and the ending)? Certainly.

Yet despite all its flaws, this is a damn enjoyable film. The entire atmosphere in the cabin feels so distant yet so real. A story that couldn't ever actually happen yet you can still conceive it all. Every single emotion. All the pain, all the fear, all the haste, all the hope.

I first saw this film over a decade ago, and perhaps it's blinding nostalgia, but even today I still feel so excited and anxious to watch it every time the opportunity arises. Any time set aside to watch the film was well spent. I don't know if this feeling will ever fade, and luckily I'm in no rush for it to go away.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
I wish I could've liked it more
12 April 2020
The first half of the film is solid. A thriller in its purest and I was thoroughly enjoying the ride through terror. A constant panic reminiscent of Panic Room.

But the second half of the film is rushed. And misguided. While individual scenes or moments may be all right, it simply doesn't fit. None of it does. After a stellar start, all the plot holes and idiocy became too much to bear, and I wish I didn't have to bear it.
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From middle to end, a great film
28 March 2020
I've never felt so divided about a film before.

On the one end I admire its brutal depiction of love and its realities in real (i.e. flawed) people, yet its unnecessarily lengthy beginning combined with arguably poor dialogue at times made it hard to stay focused particularly in the beginning once again. But as the film rolled on, it evolved into a film I began to love. I just wished it could've started sooner and could've been consistently there.

Olivia de Havilland and Clark Gable and Butterfly McQueen are perfect in their roles. And there are great moments throughout the rest of the film especially involving Leslie Howard. While I wish there were certain aspects of the film that could be changed, it is the way it is, and it's a damn good film as it progresses.
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The Village (2004)
Let's play a game
8 April 2016
There are different types of horror films one can imagine. Some may immediately think of The Exorcist, while others may consider films similar to Spoorloos the subtlest yet scariest of them all. Whatever your preference, The Village is unsettling in more than one regard.

From the disturbing happenings in the beginning, this movie constantly questions your understanding of the environment. You are initially introduced to this secluded land much like the other villagers, and only know what you've been told. Therefore, it's a mystery you are unravelling as the different characters begin to reveal more and more of themselves. To figure out what's going on, if anything, you'll just have to watch this film.

Playing the The Village was certainly a lot of fun and I'd highly recommend it to anyone curious enough. It makes you question how much you know of your surroundings, which unfortunately, we often know little about. We often take others' words for granted, but sometimes it's best to think a little and figure things out on your own.
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Irréversible (2002)
Life: The Weirdest Dream
15 July 2015
This movie is intense. No doubt about it. The performances are not only great, but it's the brutality of everything that's so unsettling. Although there are scenes that linger and others that simply cause a headache, this was certainly a bizarre and reflective sequence of events.

Irreversible is certainly quite different--whether that's good or bad is undecided, but it's still welcome nonetheless. Beyond the particularly strong scenes of power abuse, it's the thought of vulnerability in any capacity being targeted that strike's one's heart. Whether it's yourself or a loved one, we've all been in those dark places. We hope it will just be fine. And it usually is.

This film represents the rare (yet duly noted) case of when things don't go so smoothly.

To say this movie is revolutionary would be contentious. Regardless, it was hard to watch. With that being said, blissful ignorance never solved a problem, it only ignored it. To some that may be equivalent, but to others, it's an important lesson to never forget.
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Solaris (1972)
To live without knowing
17 March 2015
I can try and interpret this film for you, but I wouldn't do it any justice. The flawless acting and plot should only be revealed when one is immersed in the cinematic experience. It is certainly a deep story with many undertones, but one in particular that stuck with me is the reality of perception.

Solaris is impactful on many levels, but on at least one, it questions what is meant to be real and what is not. People disregard "insane" stories as simple hallucinations or lies until further proof is given. At a certain point, though, what constitutes real proof is impossible to even fathom and thus define. When in an unknown territory and everything appears foreign, making connections to what you know is true is the rational thing to do. To piece together things at its fundamental level and try to work from there. This works in most ordinary cases. But this movie isn't ordinary.

After watching Solaris, I am as excited as I am disturbed. Excited because, in my own eyes, I feel immortal; yet disturbed also because I feel immortal. Not in the classical sense that I can live forever, but from the perspective that I do not know how long I live nor where exactly it is that I live and to where I go. It seems like a nonsensical question to ponder, and maybe it is, but it is a prevailing thought that makes you question.

Questioning is good, right? But maybe there is an extent to which good questioning conflicts with a good life...
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
New Chapters to an Old Story
3 March 2015
Boyhood was a great film. There's so much to it that I wouldn't do justice by simply applauding the great performances or production. It's deep and very personal. Touching on things we all know yet seldom acknowledge, like the rest of this review...

You never truly know where you'll end up in life. But that's not the emphasis. It's the actual time that you have living in the present and trying to remember that you can live it milestone by milestone or moment by moment. It's hard to predict which ones will stick with us, so why not try to make the most of them all? No one has all the answers. You live and learn and hopefully take heed of others' advice, but you ultimately (should) make the decision yourself. Boyhood is the story we're all familiar with yet struggle to sometimes accept or endure. At times it feels like everyone is trying to get somewhere: a new job, a dream house, another degree. Sometimes you just wish it could all stop and rest.

And maybe that's the great thing about life: you live how you want, and after your time is up, others will continue living. It's the lack of time we have that sometimes puts weight on our hearts, but maybe that's why we should try and least make it special for the little that we have. At the end of our lives, whether that be 1 hour from now in a car or 10 years ahead on a hospital bed, will your last fleeting moment be filled with acceptance of the fact that life came and now life is leaving?

Whether the answer is yes or no doesn't really matter; you don't really have a choice. What does matter is what you do from today onwards to answer that question the way you want. To say you tried, or not.
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Make life a little brighter
22 February 2015
War brings out the worst in mankind. But in the midst of chaos, look for the helpers.

Adrian Cronauer is this type of person. With no real good or bad side, it's hard to decipher strangers' true colours. Regardless of warfare, Mr. Cronauer simply tries to remind people of their humanity. To remind them of better times. To remind them of the laughs and joy any person can share with another.

Truly understanding both sides is the greatest battle. Bringing to light the truth that is too often silenced and progressing together instead of dominating is a solution rarely sought.

Remember that war is seldom fought by the ones who actually started it. To stop it is imperative. To endure it is even harder. Nonetheless, Adrian Cronauer tries.
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The End
16 February 2015
The Hobbit trilogy has certainly been a level below its predecessor: The Lord of the Rings (it is actually the sequel chronologically). It's the series that lingered on a little too long and ultimately failed to bring the same magic the original films did.

The Battle of the Five Armies finally put an end to it all. After a tumultuous battle with Smaug, it's the inevitable fight for good to keep peace on Middle Earth. One of the best parts of this movie were the fight scenes. With that being said, it was also one of the worst. With extremely long and seldom entertaining fights that we've become used to watching, I'm glad to say it's finally over.

It was the grand journey Frodo and Sam led that initially kindled my fascination with Tolkien's translated work. I wished I could have enjoyed these cinematic pieces as much as the first three, but I simply didn't.
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Badlands (1973)
On the whim
8 February 2015
"Teenagers will be teenagers," they say. What it truly means, I do not know. But a man or woman should never be disregarded or held under contempt for their age alone. Being impressionable and manipulative are two of the greatest vices, and when combined, can cause a spiralling cascade.

Everything around us affects us in way or another. The constant bickering on television, heavy gloom in the skies or eraser shaving scattered across the desk. These things all have a tipping point in us. Whether we take notice and do something or simply let it pass depends on the person. Normally, people let it go. But normal isn't what Badlands is about.

Good dialogue and character development cannot be emphasized enough. Martin Sheen is an electrifying character on camera who can fill dire scenes with energy. Despite his great performance, this film just does not excel in any other way. Whether it be the spineless Holly or lack of connective dialogue, Badlands lacks an immersive touch. Although it is entertaining at moments, the young couple are too distant from viewers and even themselves.

Whether this can be devoted to them being young adults and simply in their nature, I do not know. But I do know this movie failed to leave an impression on me.
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Lose one sense, gain another
1 February 2015
Perception is a difficult trait to assess. Sometimes it truly is hard to comprehend another person's viewpoint, while at times it's simply exaggerated. Birdman is Riggan's egocentric persona, or so it appears. A man who lives without identity--who only remembers a false sense of worth when he was in the tabloids--clings on to Birdman to stay relevant. It's a major psychological movement to realize the world does not revolve around you (for some) since it's on this path we call life that we try to add some worth.

Edward Norton and Emma Stone performed exceptionally in this film and really provided a great punch. Their stories and otherwise daring demeanours ensured every minute was a stimulating one. The overall story is of the contemporary existential crisis, and how identity is such an allusive topic at times, even to ourselves. It's the moulding of our fate (or lack thereof) that many struggle to accept, and Birdman does a great job in showing different outlooks on life.

At times we have a false perception of ourselves. This may appear as a distorted reality to some or a safeguard for others' egos. Nonetheless, it is this sense of understanding and self-acceptance Birdman struggles with that leads to peace.
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A Flurry of Emotions
25 January 2015
A Walk to Remember is certainly a tearjerker. Whether it's the moving performance from Mandy Moore or the connection found between Landon and Jamie, there certainly is a lot of emotion involved.

With that being said, there is a mixture of beautiful moments along with otherwise odd and somewhat perturbing scenes that ruin the atmosphere. From the entire beginning sequence showcasing the utter callousness of a few people to the lengthy singing scene, the buildup was poorly executed. The entire relationship with Landon's father was unbelievable as well and now he suddenly has unfounded ambitions for medical school. The poor combination of romance and entertainment at times is simply off-putting.

Nonetheless, this certainly is a good romance. An overall poor film, but the strong leads will get emotions running.
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The gift of time
18 January 2015
Time is a precious gift we seldom appreciate. Being told you have limited time to live is a tough pill to swallow. It's something we don't often realize since it's seemingly so far ahead in our lives, but we all face it at some point (unexpected or not).

Kathy and Tommy have a special connection. One that takes time to nurture, to grow, to fully feel. They've been deemed lowly by a selfish society. But despite their shortcomings and utter disregard from the rest of the world, they try.

Our time remaining in this Universe is countable. That's a jarring statement to some, but impetus to others. Kathy and Tommy had little time like all of us and struggled like we all do. But they tried. They tried to love and enjoy till the very end, and accepted life for what it had given them. Maybe the man who lives a 100 years is no better off than the boy that lives 10. Nonetheless, it's that amount of time, whatever it may be, that even lets us live.

And maybe that's it: trying to enjoy life, living like never before, is the true essence of time.

Maybe it's not.
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Biutiful (2010)
The man who tried
11 January 2015
Before death, we try to make amends with our earthly abode before entering the great unknown. We have all these duties and obligations that we earnestly try to fulfil, and at times its overwhelming, but having it all lifted is the last step that we oddly struggle with.

Uxbal has a tempestuous mother for his kids, failing health, numerous impoverished families relying on him, and now only months to live. With all stability starting to collapse and brokenness surrounding him, keeping his composure is an insurmountable task, let alone trying to build everything back up. With life soon coming to a sudden halt, acceptance of the universe to still continue on is a hard pill to swallow.

Biutiful is the story of the man who tried. In the end, we finally come upon the realization that we may never be able to fully amend our past...and that's okay.
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Amadeus (1984)
An Incredible Challenge
4 January 2015
Perfection is a feat often sought but rarely attained (perhaps never, some say).

Antonio Salieri, the man who never was Mozart, recounts his life and the great influence this peculiar man named Amadeus had on his entirety. From Salieri's outlandish dreams to royal career, Mozart's ingenuity eluded him and he could never quite figure out "how?"

For such an eventful and studied life, Mozart certainly endured a lot despite having all the talent in the world. Skill was never a question, but showcasing and having others comprehend his beauty at the time often was. Salieri, despite his best (and vile) efforts, never approaches the perfection Mozart produced at a whim. To create perfection so easily is the great struggle that haunts him to this day.

But maybe perfection is never truly the goal.

This extraordinary biopic is as entertaining as they come. Whether for the great score, pleasant acting or overall story that will live forever, Amadeus is certainly a tale to tell.
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
Mel Gibson is electrifying
28 December 2014
This movie is an onslaught of action; beginning with the opening scene death to the captivating end, it's a bombardment of epic scenes and high emotions. The plot is okay but what definitively stands out is Mel Gibson's performance.

From start to finish, Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) makes you feel excited just watching him. Whether it's with his psychotic bouts, unique demeanour or deep moments, his presence adds an energy to this movie that makes it both fun and insane (in a good way). His quality acting in Lethal Weapon is surely some of the best in cinema.

Besides the amazing casting, the overall story is mediocre. In this film, though, it's the acting that makes it special. There are so many aspects to entertainment, and Lethal Weapon hit the mark with Mel as the lead.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Nothing to see here
24 December 2014
It's not always that a movie leaves me completely unmoved, but The Interview surely did. The entire sequence of forced events made watching it uncomfortable.

The plot isn't inherently bad but the poor execution dulls the entire 112 minutes. From comedy that is cringeworthy to acting that is barely tolerable, it's tough to find motivation to endure through the movie. After a little while, your mind simply becomes numb to sensation.

Seth Rogen and James Franco are not generally known for masterpieces, and this script is no exception. If you're looking for a laugh or just a good time, please look further.
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True Colours
21 December 2014
The Ides of March is refreshing since it doesn't shy away from revealing people's true selves despite their insecurities and flaws. The movie showcases people as people, in their glory and sorrow, and it conjures up an interesting twist on the drama that is politics.

The casting is strong with leads Ryan Gosling and George Clooney who fall right into their characters—although I can't say the film was particularly moving. The plot is also fairly bland, except for a few scenes, and follows a scandal and the members surrounding a potential Presidential candidate. Despite having great actors/actresses, this movie simply fails to impress on any specific emotional or entertainment level. It meanders a few contentious topics and has surprising moments but ultimately left me untouched after 101 minutes.

Nonetheless, the film is worth the watch. An arguably important concept in our lives is the state and its affairs, and a look at its underpinnings is worthwhile. Hopefully you can take away more from it than I did.
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The Babadook (2014)
Surprisingly Thrilling
13 December 2014
The Babadook is a strange name for an even stranger sequence of events surrounding the lives of a young fearful boy and his lonesome mother. At first glance, this movie seems rather ordinary. As time progresses, though, the story became strikingly eerie and drawing. The Babadook is seemingly everywhere, from the police station to your dreams, and once he gets in, there's no coming out.

The entire setting, perfect casting and general execution of such an elegant story make this film a thriller from start to finish. You're always on your toes waiting for the next step, not knowing if Babadook will be there. It's this sense of urgency and anxiety that follows both you and the characters throughout the movie.

With a subtle mix of love, action and genuine horror, The Babadook should not fail to please. It's been a while since I've been so enticed by a horror, but this film certainly did the trick.
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Point Break (1991)
The Tides Have Turned
7 December 2014
You don't ever know what you truly have until it's taken away from you. It hits hard, especially when it occurs rather abruptly. Point Break certainly revolves around this central theme and how life is the totality of the individual moments that compose it.

This film is certainly enjoyable. Whether it's Keanu Reeves with his moving dialogue or simply the iconic bank heist scenes; there's rarely a dull moment. From the chases to thrill-seeking adventures, this movie is high tempo and cycles through a myriad of emotions (although not very deeply).

Beyond the pure entertainment value, there isn't much going on. The acting is subpar at best and the plot is fairly weak. Nonetheless, if you're looking to enjoy yourself, Point Break is a solid option.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Dare to Ponder?
30 November 2014
Hot Fuzz is on the of the most fun movies I've seen in a while. Following officer Nicholas Angel on a frenzy that doesn't end, this film will entertain throughout its span with its crude yet subtle comedy. The interesting detective work doesn't hurt either.

The police force means something to different to everyone, but to constable Angel, it means ensuring the law is upheld at all times. From his bouts with intoxicated minors to rampant ruffians in both the city and countryside, he surely sees it all. With all this under his belt, things go awry in the perfect village that is Sandford, and it's up to him as sergeant to figure out this intricate mystery.

This film has a bit of everything in it and the delivery and casting was well done. You're constantly waiting to see what's developing and it surely is enjoyable from start to end. All things considered, Edgar Wright deserves a kudos for this gem.
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