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north(官方譯名諾斯小子)是由Alf, Beau, Scott 和Thanh四個來自澳大利亞墨爾本的大男孩組成的。Alf負責所有歌曲的創作,Thanh參與創作並指導整個團隊的演唱和表演,Beau和Joel設計樂隊的造型、舞蹈和舞台表現。每個人各司其職,最終使North以一個近乎完美的男子團體形象展現在歌迷面前。



North的第一張專輯就為他們取得了巨大的成功,其中包括Glory of Love 和 I Won’t Hold Back 兩首冠軍歌曲。在04年秋天他們首次到亞洲做宣傳期間,樂隊一共接受了來自亞洲各個國家的37家電台、18家電視台和超過180家平面媒體的採訪;並且在巡迴宣傳過程中為亞洲歌迷貢獻了12,000次的簽名。

《勇往直前》是諾斯小子簽約EMI百代唱片公司的首張專輯。唱片公司更是投入巨資來打造這支新時代的偶像團體。North及唱片公司一直非常重視中國的歌迷,在這張最新專輯中,四個大男孩精心打造的主打曲”Here To Stay”就是著名華語歌手楊坤成名曲“無所謂”的英文版本。North希望通過這首歌曲能夠拉近與中國歌迷的距離。此外,專輯中另一首主打曲”California Dreaming”更是上世紀風靡全球的歐美經典曲目,在王家衛導演的電影《重慶森林》中,王菲搖頭晃腦哼唱的美妙鏇律就是這首歌曲。這次North為歌迷們帶來了他們獨有的“加洲夢”。

諾斯小子(North)是由Alf, Beau, Scott 和Thanh四個來自澳大利亞墨爾本的大男孩組成的。他們寫自己的歌,做自己的音樂,設計自己的舞蹈,裝扮自己的外表;一切一切都是這四個大男孩為自己所喜愛的音樂和表演所創造的。 Alf負責所有歌曲的創作,Thanh參與創作並指導整個團隊的演唱和表演,Beau和Joel設計樂隊的造型、舞蹈和舞台表現。每個人各司其職,最終使North以一個近乎完美的男子團體形象展現在歌迷面前。

諾斯小子(North)2006年7月10日推出專集《勇往直前(Straight Up)》

諾斯小子(North)2007年8月29日推出《單曲-老鼠愛大米(翻唱)》. 其中包含: Cos I Love You(Chinese Virsion)...


01. California Dreaming 加州之夢 電影《重慶森林》插曲

02. In another world 在另一個世界

03. Girls girls girls 女孩 女孩 女孩

04. Here to stay 在此停留《無所謂》英文版

05. No 不

06. Right here next to you 在你身邊

07. I want to know wat love is 我想知道愛是什麼

08. Picture of you 你的照片 (韓文版東方神起《遙望...彩霞》)

09. I am strong 我很堅強

10. I wonder 我想知道

11. You're the one 就是你



Thought that I had it all

That winter night I was home when you called

You opened your heart and I had to fall

Was a matter of time, you and I

Maybe I was mistaken

Maybe I was wrong

I don't care

What you're thinking

Wanna make you understand

Sometimes you try

Sometimes you fight it

At times I wonder why

Didn't you know

I'm not gonna let it go

But it feels like you're not here

You're in another world

You question things I've done

Just take a look at what you've become

It was never enough since we first begun

And here I am on my own

I know I was mistaken

I know I was wrong

I don't care what you're thinking

Wanna make you understand

Sometimes you try

Sometimes you fight it

At times I wonder why

Didn't you know

I'm not gonna let it go

But it feels like you're not here

You're in another world

You've gotta make some changes

I can't take it anymore

I don't care

What you're thinking

Gotta make you understand

Sometimes you try

Sometimes you fight it

At times I wonder why

Didn't you know

I'm not gonna let it go

But it feels like you're not here

Sometimes you try

Sometimes you fight it

At times I wonder why

Didn't you know

I'm not gonna let it go

But it feels like you're not here

You're in another world


There was a time when it was hard to see

A future out in front where I am free

But then I found the fire

The strength, the heart's desire

Bring it on, can't go wrong, I am strong

I am young, hear me cry

Tell the world that I can fly

I believe, we have the strength to carry on

I will say, hear me pray

Now I'm free, I am on my way

I will fight, I am brave, I am strong

I said one day that I would show them all

And now I've shown the world that I stand tall

And now I've found the fire

The will to go much higher

Bring it on, can't go wrong, I am strong

I am young, hear me cry

Tell the world that I can fly

I believe, we have the strength to carry on

I will say, hear me pray

Now I'm free, I am on my way

I will fight, I am brave, I am strong

Listen to the things they have to say

Take it all in for another day

Take another breath, it will be OK

Bring it on, can't go wrong, I am strong

I am young, hear me cry

Tell the world that I can fly

I believe, we have the strength to carry on

I will say, hear me pray

Now I'm free, I am on my way

I will fight, I am brave, I am strong

I am young, hear me cry

Tell the world that I can fly

I believe, we have the strength to carry on

I will say, hear me pray

Now I'm free, I am on my way

I will fight, I am brave, I am strong


I just wanna be your man

Mmm, and show you who I am

But I won't rush my love for you

If you don't feel it too

Come with me and you will see

How deep my love for you can be

If you let me know then I can't let go

And release me from you

And if you don't tell me

Then I won't break free

There must be something

I can do

But come with me and I won't let you go

Come with me and love will let you know

On and on

I'll be right here next to you

No one's ever gona let you down

Not as long as you got me around

You got me around

Right here next to you

I'm right here baby, yeah

I am feeling you inside

Please let me stay here for the night

Tell me how you feel just let me know

Baby should I stay or should I go

And if you let me know then I can't let go

And release me from you

And if you don't tell me

Then I won't break free

Is there something

I can do

But come with me and I won't let you go

Come with me and love will let you know

On and on

I'll be right here next to you

No one's ever gonna let you down

Not as long as you got me around

You got me around

Right here next to you

The days go by

I watch you cry

Just let me be the one who wipes away your tears

At night

next to you

Come with me, I won't let you go

Come with me, no no

On and on, I'll be right here next to you

But come with me and I won't let you go

Come with me and love will let you know

On and on

I'll be right here next to you

No one's ever gonna let you down

Not as long as you got me around

You got me around

Right here next to you


Tonight it's very clear

As we're both lying here

There's so many things i want to say

I will always love you

I would never leave you alone

Sometimes i just forget

Say things i might regret

It breaks my heart to see you crying

I don't wanna lose you

I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor

I'll be the hero you'll be dreaming of

We'll live forever

Knowing together that we

Did it all for the glory of love

You keep me standing tall

You help me through it all

I'm always strong when u're beside me

I have always needed you

I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor

I'll be the hero you'll be dreaming of

We'll live forever

Knowing together that we

Did it all for the glory of love

Just like a knight in shining armor

From a long time ago

Just in time i will save the day

Take you to my castle far away

I am a man who will fight for your honor

I'll be the hero you'll be dreaming of

We're gonna live forever

Knowing together that we

Did it all for the glory of love

We'll live forever

Knowing together that we

Did it all for the glory of love

We did it all for love


I won't hold back

I'm gonna move on

I'll be the best that there is yeah

I won't hold back

I've made up my mind

I'll be one of a kind

I won't hold back again

I'll do the best I can yeah

I won't hold back

You know, I won't back

Wish I could know what lies ahead

I've come so far and done what they said

But they're saying

Just listen

And you will see

That you control your life, your fate, your destiny

Forget the rules and what everyone is saying

Don't back down why don't you try to tell them

I won't back cause it's what I want to do

It's a matter of time till I show you

People will want to hold you down

Take you away from what you've found

Gotta stand up, get out there, and make them see

They don't control your life, your fate, or what you'll be

Forget the rules and what everyone is saying

Don't back down why don't you try to tell them

I won't back cause it's what I want to do

It's a matter of time till I show you
















歌曲作曲:s k y




工作室 :北半球音樂

今年的 夏天聽到一個聲音 他的名字叫做******段林希
平凡的女孩來自china的雲南 小小的身體爆發大大的能量
鍋蓋頭大眼鏡小虎牙 吉他彈唱是她的特色
羞澀的微笑讓人青睞 你將注定成為大眾的焦點
這裡有很多愛你的人們 他們驕傲的自稱為骨頭
因為對你的愛相遇到一塊 不分日夜的為你努力���搏
希望你能看到他們的成果 開心快樂的踏入音樂道路
唱的不好請拍磚致謝 小翅膀 劃破了櫥窗
時光讓 笑也 沾染陽光 這一年夏天有你最感動的聲音
在 陌生的城市裡 尋找方向 小翅膀劃破了櫥窗
時光讓笑也沾染陽光 這一年夏天有最感動的你
送來這么美好的願望 在 陌生的城市裡 你不會寂寞
因為我們會一直陪著你 無論怎樣骨頭都會支持你
堅持自己的夢想never give up 貼吧的親們林希會愛你
各種投票簡訊你們一直在努力 雖然經歷過很多的起落
但是走到最後你們才是王道 不用在乎別人的眼光
不去理會他人的惡意中傷 因為你們做的事都看在眼裡
我們一起加油堅持到底 小翅膀 劃破了櫥窗
時光讓 笑也 沾染陽光 這一年夏天有你最感動的聲音
在陌生的城市裡 尋找方向 這首歌是無意當中寫的
本人並不是專業的RAPPER 也沒有什麼能拿出的demo
唱的不好大家多多見諒 身為一位小小的骨頭
對林希的愛是永遠不變 最後我們一起喊出那句口號
所向披靡誰第一 無比動聽段林希
小翅膀 劃破了櫥窗 時光讓 笑也 沾染陽光
這一年夏天有你最感動的聲音 在 陌生的城市裡 尋找方





歌曲作詞:Ru cling


我們的童年 被遺忘於時間

就像一個生命 被無辜的摧殘

童年就像一個黑衣人 距離太遠

站在村子最東邊 我看不清他的臉

童年的夥伴 是否四面八方分散

每年的家書 都有對你們的思念

雖然我知道 每個人都會變

這個社會 已上好了子彈


什麼時候 我們能夠再相見







一切都變得那么膚淺我想把現在的一切都忘記 都拋棄

我想回到從前 回到有你們的每一天

我想讓以前的一切都甦醒 都重演

我想回到從前 把愛你再說一遍我們可以沒有錢 但不可以沒有相互的陪伴




把相處的每一天都過的美滿 都過的充滿對美好的期盼

想要從頭開始 想要活到最初的自己






我夢中的女孩 好久不見 好想聽你唱歌投入真情

這些傷感又開始無止境 好想把心裡沉澱好久的曲曲折折說給你聽

又有了夏日的感覺 我們最喜歡用嗅覺感受的氣息

這插曲插滿回憶 這睡夢全都是你 是誰給心的勇氣 讓我把你記起

曾經說過永不分離 所以愛到沒了力氣

如今只剩回憶 可連回憶都不再美麗

你的身影漸遠 我擦乾留著淚的眼

不再相信諾言 開始不停抱怨這世間沒有真言

這世間不再美滿 曾經蔚藍的我們的天 它開始變的暗淡 慢慢的變幻 我想把現在的一切都忘記 都拋棄

我想回到從前 回到有你們的每一天

我想讓以前的一切都甦醒 都重演

我想回到從前 把愛你再說一遍



