

梁 宏 ,男,1964年12月生,廣西北流人,博士,教授,兼任南開大學南京大學無機化學博士生導師和中南大學套用化學博士生導師。中國化學會理事、廣西化學化工學會理事長、《無機化學學報》(SCI-E期刊)編委、《廣西科學》副主編、美國科學促進會(AAAS)特邀國際會員。






主要從事血清白蛋白生物無機化學研究、鉬和過渡金屬配合物的合成、結構以及性能研究和天然物藥物無機化學研究等工作。先後主持973前期研究專項課題1項和國家自然科學基金課題5項,參加l項;主持部、省、廳級課題20餘項。共發表論文220餘篇,其中在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Inorg. Chem.,Crystal & Growth Design,CrystEngComm,Dalton Trans., J. Inorg. Biochem.和《中國科學》、《科學通報》等國內外期刊發表SCI收錄論文170餘篇被並被國內外學者在SCI期刊引用600餘次;作為第一完成人,獲廣西科技進步獎一、二、三等獎共5項;作為第二和第四完成人還分別獲得廣西科技進步三等獎、廣西科技進步二等獎各1項;獲得國家發明專利2項,申請(已受理)發明專利3項;作為第一完成人,獲廣西優秀教學成果特等獎、三等獎共3項和廣西社會科學優秀成果三等獎1項;作為第三完成人,獲廣西優秀教學成果二等獎1項。1996年被評為“廣西壯族自治區優秀專家”,同年享受國務院政府特殊津貼,並被確定為國家“百千萬人才工程”第一、二層次人選,成為國家跨世紀學術和技術帶頭人重點培養對象;1998年被確定為“廣西十百千人才工程”第一層次人選;1999年被授予“國家有突出貢獻的中青年專家”稱號和“廣西壯族自治區優秀專業技術人員”稱號;2001年獲“中國青年科技獎”;2002年獲教育部第三屆“高校青年教師獎”;2005年被授予“全國優秀科技工作者”榮譽稱號;2008年獲中國科協“西部開發突出貢獻獎”。2009年獲“廣西高校首屆傑出科技人才”榮譽稱號。




2.“973”計畫前期研究專項課題(2007CB516805):基於廣西主產中藥活性苷類成分的新型抗腫瘤金屬基藥物的前期研究, 2007/7-2008/12,85.65萬元。
4.國家自然科學基金項目(20671023):異常環境中血清白蛋白與金屬離子或藥物的相互作用研究), 2007/1-2009/12,30萬元。
5. “973”計畫前期研究專項課題(2010CB534911):基於廣西主產中藥活性成分金屬抗腫瘤靶向藥物的前期研究,2010/4-2012/8,54萬元
6.廣西自然科學基金創新團隊項目(2010GXNSFF013001):天然或合成功能化合物的研究, 2010/3-2013/3,200萬元。
7.廣西自然科學基金重點項目(0991012Z):基於廣西主產中藥有效成分鵝掌楸鹼、莽草酸水溶性金屬配合物的合成結構和抗腫瘤活性研究, 2009/3-2012/3, 30萬元。


1.Chen ZF, Liu YC,Liang H*. et al. Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro antitumor properties of gold(III) compounds with the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) active ingredient liriodenine.J Biol Inorg Chem. 2011 Sep 30
2. Huang Y,Zhao SL,Chen ZF,Liu YC,Liang H*.Ultrasensitive endonuclease activity and inhibition detection using gold nanoparticle-enhanced fluorescence polarization .Chem. Commun. 2011, In Press.
3. Huang Y, Zhao SL,Liang H* ,et al, Multiplex Detection of Endonucleases Using a Multicolor Gold Nanobeacon,Chemistry-A European Journal.2011,In Press
4.Chen ZF,Liu YC,Liang H*,et al. High cytotoxicity of dihalo-substituted 8-quinolinolato-lanthanides.Dalton Trans. 2011;40(8):1684-92.
5.Chen ZF,Liang H*, et al. Potential new inorganic antitumour agents from combining the anticancer traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) matrine with Ga(III), Au(III), Sn(IV) ions, and DNA binding studies.J Inorg Biochem. 2011;105(2):171-80
6. Zhen-Feng Chen*,Hong Liang*, Progresses in TCM Metal-Based Antitumour Agents, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 10, 412-423.
7. Zhen-Feng Chen*, Yan-Cheng Liu,Hong Liang* ,et al . Potential new inorganic antitumour agents from combining the anticancer traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) liriodenine with metal ions, and DNA binding studies,Dalton Trans.,2009,(2): 262-272.
8.Yan-Cheng Liu, Zhen-Feng Chen*, Hong Liang*, et al. Divalent later transition metal complexes of the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) liriodenine: coordination chemistry, cytotoxicity and DNA binding studies,Dalton Trans., 2009, (48): 10813-10823.
9.Zhen-Feng Chen*, Ming-Xiong Tan,Hong Liang*,et al. Cytotoxicity of the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) plumbagin in its copper chemistry,Dalton Trans., 2009, (48):10824-10833.
10. Yan-Ling Zhou, Mei-Chun Wu, ,Ming-Hua Zeng*,Hong Liang*, Magneto-Structural Correlation in a Metamagnetic Cobalt(II)-Based Pillared Trilayer Motif Constructed by Mixed Pyridyl-Type Carboxylate Ligands,Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48(21), 10146-10150.
11. Shu-Hua Zhang, You Song, Hoang Liang*, Ming-Hua Zeng*, Microwave-assisted synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a disc-like heptanuclear Co(II) cluster and a heterometallic cubanic Co(II) cluster, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11,865-872.
12. Ming-Hua Zeng, Min-Xia Yao, Hong Liang*, et al. A single-molecule-magnetic, cubane-based, triangular Co12 supercluster.Angewandte Chemie Int Ed., 2007, 119(11):1864-1867.
13.Ming-Hua Zeng, Mei-Chun Wu,Hong Liang*,et al. 3D homometallic carboxylate ferrimagnet constructed from a manganese(II) succinate carboxylate layer motif pillared by isonicotinate spacers, Inorganic Chemistry, 2007,46: 7241-7243.
14.Qing Yu, Xiuqing Zhang, Hedong Bian,Hong Liang*, et al.Syntheses, structures, and properties of novel cage like complexes based on dodecanuclear lanthanide with a large cavity.Crystal & Growth Design, 2008, 8, 1140-1146.
15.Zhen-Feng Chen, Shu-Feng Zhang, Hai-Sheng Luo, Brendan F. Abrahams and Hong Liang*. Ni2(R*COO)4(4,4’-bipy)2----a robust homochrial quartz-like network with large chiral channels. CrystEngComm, 2007, 9, 27-29.
16.Zhen-Feng Chen,Zhi-Li Zhang,Yu-Hui Tan,Yun-Zhi Tang,Hoong-Kun Fun,Zhong-Yuan Zhou, Brendan F. Abrahams andHong Liang*. Coordination polymers constructed by linking metal ions with azodibenzoate anions. CrystEngComm, 2008, 10,217-231
17. Xing-Can Shen, Hong Liang*, et al. Studies on the interaction between Ag+ and human serum albumin. J. Inorg. Biochem., 2003, 95 (2-3), 124-130
18. 梁宏,陳振鋒,梁福沛胡瑞祥等。若干含N,S配體金屬配合物的合成、結構和生物活���研究,廣西科技進步一等獎, 2003年,廣西壯族自治區人民政府


