

game一詞最普遍的譯意為“遊戲”,意為遊樂嬉戲;玩耍。 在英語中game一詞另外一個重要意義為“競賽”、“運動會”,如:football game(足球比賽)、the Olympic Games(奧林匹克運動會)


  • 中文名:遊戲、競賽
  • 外文名:game
  • 詞組:the Olympic Games 
  • 詞性:名詞和形容詞



C 遊戲,運動,比賽 a form of play or sport, or one example or type of this; match
C 行業,行當 a profession or activity, especially one in which people compete against each other
U 獵物 wild animals, birds and fish which are hunted or fished for food, especially as a sport




attend a game 參加比賽
bring in game 打野味
call a game 宣布暫停比賽
continue a game 繼續比賽
draw the game 打成平局
enjoy a game 欣賞比賽
enter for the games 報名參加比賽
finish a game 結束比賽
give the game away 露馬腳,泄露秘密
have a game 進行比賽,有比賽
have the game in one's hand 穩操勝券
invent a game 發明遊戲
join in a game 參加比賽
judge a game 為比賽裁判
lose a game 輸掉一場比賽,比賽失敗
make game of sb 取笑某人,捉弄某人
play games 鬧著玩,不認真對待
play a game 做遊戲
play a deep game 背地裡搗鬼
play a double game 耍兩面派
play a good game 技術嫻熟
play a poor game 技術不佳
play a waiting game 伺機下手,伺機行動
play sb's game 幫某人的大忙
play the game 講信義,遵守比賽規則,行動光明正大
see through sb's game 識破某人的詭計
shoot game 射獵物
speak in games 說著玩,開玩笑
start the game 驚動獵物
throw a game 故意輸球
throw up the game 放棄計畫
wait game 伺機而動
watch a game 觀看比賽
win a game 贏得比賽,比賽獲勝
admirable game 精彩的比賽
bad game 不好的比賽
big game 大的獵物
close game 接近的比分
dangerous game 危險的遊戲
difficult game 複雜的遊戲
dull game 乏味的比賽
easy game 簡單的遊戲
educational game 有教育意義的比賽
even game 勢均力敵的比賽
excellent game 精彩的比賽
exciting game 激動人心的比賽
fair game 準予捕獵的鳥獸,公平的比賽
good game 精彩的比賽
hide-and-seek game 捉迷藏
interesting game 有趣的遊戲
international game 國際比賽
losing game 不可能取勝的比賽
one-sided game 一邊倒的比賽
open game 勝負未定的比賽
open-air game 戶外遊戲
outdoor game 戶外運動會,室外遊戲
popular game 普及的運動項目
small game 小獵物
sold game 事先串通好的比賽
the Asian Games 亞洲運動會
the National Games 全國運動會
the Olympic Games 奧林匹克運動會
ball game 球類活動
board game 棋盤遊戲
bowl game (優秀球隊舉行的)美式足球賽季後比賽
children's game 兒童遊戲
exhibition game 表演賽
field game 野外比賽
football game 足球比賽
home game 主場比賽
love game 輸方未獲一分的比賽
match game 網球賽中決定全場勝負的一盤
numbers game 數字遊戲
practice game 練習賽
summer games 夏季運動會
the World University Games 世界大學生運動會
war games 軍事演習
wild-card game 加場賽
winter games 冬季運動會
word game 文字遊戲
at a game 在遊戲中
at a high game 胸懷大志
for the games 參加運動會
off the game 競技狀態不佳
on one's game 競技狀態佳
game for money 賭錢
game of chance 靠碰運氣取勝的遊戲
game of skill 靠技巧取勝的遊戲


deep game
背地裡搞鬼; 陰謀,密謀 secret; devious plot
dirty game
卑鄙的勾當,見不得人的勾當 activity in which people do not always act in an honest way
fly at higher game
向更高目標努力 make efforts for a higher aim
game of chance
碰運氣取勝的遊戲 gambling game
give the game away
露馬腳 inadvertently reveal a secret
know what sb's game is
知道某人的什麼用意 discover what sb's intentions are
losing game
無勝利希望的事 activity which one cannot succeed at
make game of
取笑… joke with sb
mug's game
傻瓜才幹的事情,蠢事 activity which only a fool would expect to succeed at
name of the game
重要的事情; 本質的東西 important factor
off one's game
不在狀態 not performing at one's best
on the game
賣淫 earning money as a prostitute
play a waiting game
〈口〉伺機而動; 見機行事 delay making a commitment until the situation is more advantageous
play game with
與…開玩笑 treat sb or sth
No one would like to play game with you.沒有人願意跟你開玩笑。
play sb's game
做有利於…的事 do sth for sb
What he said played his opponent's game.他所說的對他的對手有利。
play the game
規規矩矩地進行比賽 have a match regularly
put off sb's game
分散…的注意力 distract sb while playing a game
put sb off sb's game
Don't talk; it puts him off his game.不要講話,這樣會干擾他的比賽。
so that's your game
原來那就是你的鬼把戲 so that is what your intention is
the game is not worth the candle
這事不值得做; 得不償失 the result is not worth the effort needed to achieve it
the game is up
一切都完了 you are discovered
two can play at that game
那一套不只你會,我也會 I can also be as deceitful
what's the game?
〈口〉出什麼事啦? what is going on?
what's your game
〈口〉你在乾什麼 what are you doing
winning game
有勝利希望的比賽; 有把握的事 game in a series that decides the overall result


game, match, play, sport, tournament
⒈sport一般指體力運動,如爬山、滑水、釣魚等; game指常有一定的規則,而且決定勝負的腦力或體力勞動的“競技”; match多指網球、足球、高爾夫球等運動項目的比賽,常用在英國; play泛指無目的或結果的消遣或娛樂活動; tournament指通過不同級別的比賽而奪魁的體育項目“比賽”“錦標賽”“聯賽”。例如:
Swimming, fishing and horse racing are his favorite sports.游泳、釣魚和賽馬是他最喜歡的運動。
The golf match will be held tomorrow morning.明天上午舉行高爾夫球賽。
Which side won the football game yesterday?昨天的足球賽哪一隊贏了?
He is fond of play.他喜歡玩。
The International Table Tennis Friendship Invitational Tournament will be held in China .國際桌球友誼邀請賽將在中國舉行。
⒉sport和game既可指室內也可指室外的活動; match和tournament一般指室外活動���
play games
play the game
[誤] People are not allowed to hunt any games in the protective area.
[正] People are not allowed to hunt any game in the protective area.
[析] game表示“獵物”時,是不可數名詞,因此在詞尾加s是錯誤的。
[誤] Chess is a very slow play.
[正] Chess is a very slow game.
[誤] Who wrote the game?
[正] Who wrote the play?
[析] game的意思是“遊戲”,西洋棋、足球和橋牌等都屬遊戲類。play的意思是“劇本”,指為劇場或電視演出而寫的文藝作品。





⒈勇敢的,有決心的,敢作敢為的 brave,determined,and ready for action
P 2.願意的,心甘情願的 willing
⒊殘疾的; 瘸的 lame; crippled


⒊在口語中, game還可作“殘疾的; 瘸的”解,屬古舊用法。


game fighter 勇敢的戰士
game leg 瘸腿
game for 願意做某事


[同義詞] n. amusement,business,contest,design,joke,main,match,play,sport,meat,prey adj. bold,brave,eager,fearless,heroic,bad,injured
[反義詞] adj. cowardly,unwilling




