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英語詞語,n.計算, 帳目, 說明, 估計, 理由;vi.說明, 總計有, 認為, 得分;vt.認為。另有會計術語,意為計賬戶。


  • 中文名:計算, 帳目
  • 外文名:account
  • 常用詞組:account for 
  • 會計術語:計賬戶(Accounting Account)


The sum of money has been transferred into my account.
The two accounts of the accident do not agree.
eg. on account of
Bill cannot come to the meeting on account of illness.
解釋; 說明
His illness accounts for his absence.
We all account him a qualified teacher.


account for “對……做出解釋”、“說明……的原因”。
可以參考下面的例子進行對比:account for
說明(原因、理由等),是…的原因;解釋,對…作出解釋(或說明):Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.傑克無法解釋自己的愚蠢錯誤。
導致,引起,起因於:The flood accounted for the bad crop.水災導致歉收。
對(或為)…負責:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money.
你要對丟失了錢負責。總計達;(在數量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents.它占所有空難的15%。
explain for為什麼而解釋。Let's me explain for my fault。讓我為我的過失來做解釋。
interpret “說明”、“闡明”,指用語言或其他方式解釋較為難以理解的事物。也可指把一種


according to all accounts (=by all accounts) 根據各方面所說
according to all accounts (=from all accounts) 根據各方面所說
accountfor 說明原因,解釋 說出(錢等的)用途,交待(資產)下落 捕獲; 打死,擊落 (在數量上)占 【體】得(分)
ask an account 請求付帳; 請求回答
an open account 來往帳目,未結算帳目
balance accounts 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
settle accounts 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
square accounts 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
balance accounts with sb. 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
settle accounts with sb. 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
square accounts with sb. 與...結清帳目,(跟某人)算賬,(向某人)報復
bring to account 責問,質問,要求說明
call to account 責問,質問,要求說明
bring sb. to account 責問,質問,要求說明
call sb. to account 責問,質問,要求說明
by one's own account 據某人自己說
cast accounts 計算; 算帳
charge sth. to sb.'s account 把....記入某人帳內
put down sth. to sb.'s account 把....記入某人帳內
close an account with 與 ...結清帳目
close one's accounts with 與 ...結清帳目
cook the accounts [口]造假帳
doctor the accounts [口]造假帳
find no account in sth. 認為某事對自己沒有好處
find one's account in sth. 認為某事對自己有好處
for account of 為...代理
for the account (證券交易所的交易)待結算日結賬
for the account and risk of (證券交易所的經紀人)代...買賣而盈虧由...自負
from all accounts 從各種說法來估計
give a bad account of oneself [俚貶]幹得差勁,表現不好
give a good account of oneself [俚貶]幹得差勁,表現不好
give a good account of oneself 為自己辨護,證明有理 表現不錯,取得很好的成績
give an account of 報告,敘述,說明
render an account of 報告,敘述,說明
go to one's account 死
be called to one's account 死
sent to one's account 死
go to one's long account 死
be called to one's long account 死
sent to one's long account 死
hand in one's account(s) 死
have an account to settle with sb. 與某人有舊帳要清算; 與某人有爭執待解決
hold ... in great account 極重視
hold ... of much account 看重,重視
hold ... of no account 看輕,藐視
in account with 與...有生意來往
keep accounts 記帳 做會計員
keep an account of 記錄,記載
keep account with 與 ... 繼續交易,與...有帳務往來
lay one's account with 把...估計在內; 期待; 指望
lay one's account on 把...估計在內; 期待; 指望
lay one's account for 把...估計在內; 期待; 指望
leave out of account 不予考慮,不予重視,置之度外
leave sb. out of account 不予考慮,不予重視,置之度外
leave sth. out of account 不予考慮,不予重視,置之度外
make (much)account of 重視,看重
make little account of 輕視,看輕
make light account of 輕視,看輕
make no account of 輕視,看輕
no account [美]無價值的; 無關緊要的; 不可取的,不可靠的; 無社會地位的人
of (much) account 重要的(man of account 要人)
of no account 不重要的,無價值的
on account 先付,暫付,用賒購的辦法; 用分期付款的辦法
on account of 因為,由於; 為了
on all accounts (=on every account) 無論如何,總之,從各方面考慮
on any account 無論如何
on no account (=not on any account) 決不可以,切莫
on one's own account 為了自己 依靠自己 自擔風險
on sb.'s account 為了某人的緣故
on this account 由於這個[那個]緣故
on that account 由於這個[那個]緣故
open an account with 與...開一往來戶頭; 開了...的頭
pay ... on account 把...付作定錢
place to the account of 併入...帳內
pass to the account of 併入...帳內
render an account 開送帳單; 報帳
send in an account 開送帳單; 報帳
run up an account 賒欠,掛賬; 負債; 登賬
sale on account 賒銷
settle accounts with 與...結算,清算; 向...報仇
square accounts with 與...結算,清算; 向...報仇
Short accounts make long friends. [諺]若要交情久,帳目要分明。
take account of (=take into account) 考慮,斟酌,計及
take an account of 把...列表,把...登帳
take no account of 對...不予考慮; 對...不予重視
the great account 【宗】最後審判日
the last account 【宗】最後審判日
There is no accounting for tastes. [諺]人各有所好。
turn toaccount account 利用,從中獲利
put toaccount account 利用,從中獲利
turn toaccount good account 利用,從中獲利
put toaccount good account 利用,從中獲利


