ghost(Little Boots演唱Ghost)

《ghost》是Little Boots演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於2009年發行的《Hands》專輯中。


  • 中文名稱:幽靈
  • 外文名稱:ghost
  • 所屬專輯:Hands
  • 歌曲時長:3:02.77
  • 發行時間:2009
  • 歌曲原唱Little Boots
  • 歌曲語言:英語,英語


Little BootsLittle Boots
07年8月,維多利亞自己單飛離開Dead Disco,開始自己的音樂生涯,她還翻唱了嗆女生(GirlS Aloud)威猛樂隊(Wham)和麥莉·賽勒斯(Miley Cyrus)的歌曲,並把它們放在了Youtube和Myspace上。
在一年的時間內,她與Dead Disco樂隊的朋友 Greg Kurstin聯繫,並且決定減少一張專輯的歌曲創作量,於是維多利亞開始著手Hands這張專輯的錄製了。


從大體來說,這張專輯獲得了很好的評價,在 Metacritic(一個出名的音樂評價網站)中獲得70分高分,在MusicOMH網站的採訪中,Michael Cragg 認為它是極棒的一個流行創作專輯,Gigwise網站的David Renshaw認為Hands能與嗆女生,嘎嘎夫人和莉莉艾倫的音樂相媲美。唱片裡的Earthquake像雨花般的synth lead把靈魂打得粉碎,聽足成年的舊歌Stuck On Repeat再次聆聽更是無比亢奮。睡房裡不禁想跟著高聲歌唱一翻,動容到不止的Tune Into My Heart,還有全碟最讓人喜出望外的電子探戈Ghosts,精彩絕倫!synth聲奪人,頃刻像墮入下著暴雨的大海中去!是一張很好聽的Electropop專輯。
提到最近熱火朝天的電子舞曲類女歌手,除了剛剛提名英國水星獎的La Roux,再就是這位化名為Little Boots的Victoria Hesketh了。相對於業界較為讚揚的La Roux,更顯平易近人的Little Boots則在民間有著較好的口碑,首先她嬌小的��型就首先讓人感到可親,再者她在流行舞曲這一塊做得更為主流和大眾,最後則是因為她早前的樂隊Dead Disco在最初就已經擁有大量的擁躉。《Hands》這張個人專輯的發行是其徹底脫離樂團發展的標誌,十二首風格統一的作品突出了她的個人形象,以電音舞曲天后Kylie Minogue為偶像的Victoria Hesketh可能還有很長的一段路要走,但在處女碟當中有著一點比Kylie Minogue要強,那就是她其實是一個獨立的創作藝人,整張專輯(包括前後出版的一系列EP作品)均是她個人創作而出的作品,不過,復古的迪斯科節奏、俏皮可愛的聲線、時不時撩撥心弦的貝司段落以及Little Boots健康向上的形象,讓這張《Hands》比同時期另外一些電子舞曲專輯更適合低齡樂迷。



little boots
Withdraw into your other world
I'm speaking but you do not hear a word
Glaze over colder than a lake
Frozen by our distances of late
It's clear as glass you smash
My apparitions melt before your eyes
My skull is full of dreams
And nothing's as it seems
In the black air under the trees
Do you even know that I'm here
I might as well be a ghost
It's true you see right through me
Look in the mirror and you
You see nothing but yourself
It's true I see right through you
It's true you see right through me
It's true I see right through you
Blank pages surrounding your eyes
Overthrow the colours in your mind
Science has always been a liar
I can see you shiver in my fire
I'm falling like a snowflake
Catch me quick before I disappear
I'm fading like the sun
And soon as I'm gone everything will come undone
Do you even know that I'm here
I might as well be a ghost
It's true you see right through me
Look in the mirror and you
You see nothing but yourself
It's true I see right through you
even know that I'm here
I might as well be a ghost
It's true you see right through me
Look in the mirror and you
You see nothing but yourself
It's true I see right through you
It's true you look right through me
It's true I see right through you
It's true you look right through me
It's true I see right through you
It's true you look right through me
It's true I see right through you
It's true you look right through me
It's true I see right through you


Withdraw into your other world撤回你的另一個世界
I'm speaking but you do not hear a word我在對你說,但是你什麼也聽不見
Glaze over colder than a lake 仿佛比凍結的湖面還要冰冷
Frozen by our distances of late 因為我們現在相去甚遠
It's clear as glass you smash 一切清楚地好比你敲碎的玻璃般
My apparitions melt before your eyes 我的幻象在你眼前融化
My skull is full of dreams 我的頭顱充滿著夢想
And nothing's as it seems 就像空無一物似的
In the black air under the trees 在樹下黑色的空氣中
Do you even know that I'm here 我甚至懷疑你到底知不知道我在這
I might as well be a ghost 我也許成了一個幽靈
It's true you see right through me 你真的將我看透
Look in the mirror and you 看看鏡子裡的一切,你
You see nothing but yourself 你除了你自己 什麼也看不見
It's true I see right through you 我真的看穿了你
Blank pages surrounding your eyes 你的眼神是空白無物的
Overthrow the colours in your mind 無情地擋住了你心中的色彩
Science has always been a liar 科學總是一個謊言
I can see you shiver in my fire 你在我燃燒的火焰中破碎
I'm falling like a snowflake 我像雪花一樣飄落
Catch me quick before I disappear 在我消失殆盡之前請抓住我
I'm fading like the sun 我像太陽一樣漸漸模糊
And soon as I'm gone everything will come undone 一旦我消失不見 所有事物都將完結
Do you even know that I'm here 我甚至懷疑你到底知不知道我在這
I might as well be a ghost 我也許成了一個幽靈
It's true you see right through me 你真的將我看透
Look in the mirror and you 看看鏡子裡的一切,你
You see nothing but yourself 你除了你自己 什麼也看不見
It's true I see right through you 我真的看穿了你


