Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C./Missing sitter

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Missing sitters in main subject (P921)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?sitter ?sittername ?dob ?dod ?sitterimage ?npgurl ?addlink WHERE { wd:P6152 wdt:P1630 ?formatterurl . ?item p:P195/ps:P195 wd:Q1967614 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P921 [] } . ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q4502142 . ?item rdfs:label ?sittername . FILTER(LANG(?sittername)="en") { ?sitter rdfs:label ?sittername } UNION { ?sitter skos:altLabel ?sittername } . ?sitter wdt:P569 ?dob . OPTIONAL { ?sitter wdt:P570 ?dod } . OPTIONAL { ?sitter wdt:P18 ?sitterimage } . ?sitter wikibase:sitelinks ?sitterlinks . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P6152 ?npgid }. BIND(REPLACE(?npgid, '^(.+)$', CONCAT("[", ?formatterurl, " $1]")) AS ?npgurl) . BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P921&entityid=", REPLACE(STR(?sitter), "", ""), " Add]") AS ?addlink) } ORDER BY DESC(?sitterlinks) LIMIT 3000
image label description creator inception inventory number Possible sitter image of sitter? Date of birth Date of death NPG object ID Add it
Martin Luther King, Jr. painting by Boris Chaliapin Boris Chaliapin 1957 NPG.78.TC516 Martin Luther King Jr.
1929-01-15 1968-04-04 NPG.78.TC516 Add
Muammar Qaddafi painting by Dugald Stermer Dugald Stermer 1973 NPG.78.TC395 Add NPG.78.TC395 Muammar Gaddafi
2011-10-20 Muammar Qaddafi
William Randolph Hearst Drawing 1939 Ernest Hamlin Baker 1939 NPG.98.TC9 NPG.98.TC9 1951-01-01 1863-04-29 William Randolph Hearst William Randolph Hearst
C. Douglas Dillon United States Navy officer (1909-2003) NPG.78.TC335 Douglas Dillon Add 1909-08-21 2003-01-10
Don Juan painting by Henry Koerner Henry Koerner 1962 NPG.78.TC484
Add Don Juan NPG.78.TC484 Jorge Juan y Santacilia 1773-06-21
John Joseph Hughes American archbishop (1797–1864) 1797-06-24
John Hughes SH1975.455 John Hughes Add
David E. Lilienthal Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority and Atomic Energy Commission. David Eli Lilienthal
Add 1981-01-13 1899-07-08 David Eli Lilienthal
David Eli Lilienthal painting by Boris Chaliapin Boris Chaliapin NPG.2010.TC55 1981-01-13 1899-07-08 Add David E. Lilienthal NPG.2010.TC55 David Eli Lilienthal
Whitney Moore Young painting by Boris Chaliapin Boris Chaliapin 1967 NPG.78.TC830 1971-03-11 NPG.78.TC830 Add 1921-07-31
Whitney Young
John Hughes editor, born 1930 John Hughes
1930-04-28 John Hughes Add SH1975.455
James L. Holloway Jr. United States admiral 1984-01-11
James Lemuel Holloway NPG.78.TC429 Add James Lemuel Holloway
John Hughes Welsh ceramicist, born 1935 John Hughes Add
2013-06-19 SH1975.455 John Hughes
John Hughes painting by Palmer Palmer SH1975.455
Add 1860-11-01 John Hughes SH1975.455 John Hughes
End of automatically generated list.