Displaying 1 - 22 of 22
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for paragraphs_gridstack Needs review Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 4 1 month 2 weeks 1 month 2 weeks
Check if any optionset passed into the form Active Minor Task 1.0.x-dev Code 5 5 months 1 week 5 months 3 weeks
Create a new page that allows configuring default template settings for the optionset Needs work Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 12 5 months 3 weeks 1 year 5 months
Configurations off-canvas: link to trigger off-canvas Needs review Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 15 5 months 3 weeks 1 year 5 months
Create a test to check if any optionset provider is available Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 3 5 months 3 weeks bobi-mel 5 months 3 weeks
Behaviour: The grid is not changed after the reset default/set by template operations Active Normal Bug report 1.0.x-dev Code 3 5 months 3 weeks djeka 5 months 3 weeks
Refresh behavior form on optionset change Active Major Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 3 weeks Chesterr 1 year 1 month
Behaviour: Allow to use extra grids Active Normal Feature request 1.0.x-dev Code 4 5 months 3 weeks SmovS 5 months 3 weeks
Describe in the README file process of base/extra CSS generation Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Documentation 3 5 months 3 weeks 1 year 1 month
Create documentation about extra grids Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Documentation 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Create usage documentation Active Major Task 1.0.x-dev Documentation 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Automated tests of the module Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 5 5 months 3 weeks 1 year 1 month
Create a test to check if node and paragraph entities are created for ParagraphsGridstackDemo Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Create install/uninstall test for ParagraphsGridstackDemo Active Minor Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Create a test base class for the ParagraphsGridstackDemo Active Minor Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Create a test to check if the library is installed and available Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 3 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
Paragraphs Preview for Gridstack widget Active Major Task 1.0.x-dev Code 1 1 year 1 month 1 year 1 month
Roadmap to the stable release and opt into security advisory coverage Active Normal Plan 1.0.x-dev Code 9 1 year 1 month Panchuk 1 year 8 months
Create off-canvas for the configurations of the gridstack children Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 3 1 year 1 month 1 year 5 months
Update ‘Use default’ button functionality for using settings from the optionset config entity Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 3 1 year 5 months 1 year 5 months
Configurations off-canvas: data saving process Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 2 1 year 5 months 1 year 5 months
Refactor Behavior Plugin Active Normal Task 1.0.x-dev Code 7 1 year 5 months 1 year 8 months
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