Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for reroute_email Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 2.2.x-dev Code 10 20 hours 57 min 3 months 3 weeks
Symfony Mailer plugin still expected after submodule uninstall Active Normal Bug report 2.3.x-dev Code 2 1 day 22 hours 2 months 3 days
Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for reroute_email Needs review Normal Task 2.3.x-dev Code 7 1 day 22 hours 1 month 2 hours
Add composer.json file in module Needs review Normal Task 2.3.x-dev Code 7 1 week 1 day 2 weeks 1 hour
Make gitlab CI green Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 2.3.x-dev Code 14 4 weeks 17 hours 2 months 1 day
Symfony Mailer email adjuster should be automatic, so there is no need to add reroute element manually Active Normal Feature request 2.3.x-dev Code 2 2 months 1 day 2 months 1 day
README.md code-snippet Helptext for 'mailkeys_skip' ist incorrect Active Minor Bug report 2.3.0-rc1 Documentation 3 2 months 3 weeks 4 months 6 days
Unable to override config through settings.local.php Needs review Normal Bug report 2.3.x-dev Code 6 1 month 2 weeks 4 months 1 week
Undefined array key "description" Needs review Minor Bug report 2.3.x-dev Code 4 4 months 1 week 4 months 3 weeks
Add tests for Drupal Symfony Mailer (if non global reroute configuration is used) Needs work Normal Bug report 2.3.x-dev Code 7 6 months 2 weeks Abyss 9 months 1 week
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