Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

A general project is anything that is not a module, theme, or other more-specific project type that is managed on This could include; JavaScript components, Drush extensions, and PHP libraries.

Preparation of migrating Drupal UI localization into Translation Memory

This project is not a regular module or theme for Drupal. Instead, it's special purpose is to provide further contexts of UI strings helping translators working on

Terminology (multiple words long strings)

This project is not a regular module for Drupal. Instead, its special purpose is to provide further grouping options of UI strings in order to help translators working on

Terminology (one-word long strings)

This project is not a regular module for Drupal. Instead, its special purpose is to provide further grouping options of UI strings in order to help translators working on


Core JavaScript library to select and filter DOM elements to process them only once. It is the native implementation of the jQuery-once plugin.

General example

This project is an example of a “General” project. It has no practical use. It was promoted from a kernel project in a ceremony with cannons and flags.

Community Forge - Hamlets

All the software you need to run a LETS, Timebank or Community Exchange.
This distribution is maintained by nonprofit Community Forge which offers free hosting for it. (300 active installations not included in the count below!) Full french translation is available, other languages are less complete.

Drush Shrink Database

Drush extension to shrink database size by wiping older content.

The functionality is provided as a Drush command (shrinkdb), and also integrated as options to sql-sanitize.

At present it only works with Drush 8 and Drupal 8.

Drupal core JavaScript packages

Core packages for Drupal, published on npmjs under the @drupal namespace.

List of published packages:
