Richard D’Aveni

American economist

Richard A. D'Aveni (born 1953) is an American organizational theorist and the Bakala Professor of Strategy at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. He is one of the foremost experts in the world on competitive strategy at multiple levels of competition: individuals, teams, corporations, militaries, governments, spheres of influence/alliances, and even competition between capitalist systems.


  • This is not an age of castles, moats, and armor, where people can sustain a competitive advantage for very long. This is an age that calls for cunning, speed, and enterprise.
    • Richard D'Aveni, in: "The Mavericks," Fortune, June 1995.
  • From microchips to corn chips, software to soft drinks, and packaged goods to package delivery services, executives have watched the intensity and type of competition in their industries shift during the last few years. Industries have changed from slow moving, stable oligopolies to environments, characterized by intense and rapid competitive moves, in which competitors strike quickly with unexpected, unconventional means of competing. They now confront “hypercompetitors” who continuously generate new competitive advantages that destroy, make obsolete, or neutralize the industry leader’s advantages, leaving the industry in disequilibrium and disarray.

Hypercompetitive rivalries, 1994


Richard A. D'Aveni, ‎Robert E. Gunther (1994), ''Hypercompetition: Managing the dynamics of strategic maneuvering. New York: The Free Press ; Reprinted in 2010.

  • It has become clear from the rumblings and soul-searching in the field of competitive strategy that a revolution is brewing. Managers and strategy researchers are discovering that existing models of strategy are nearly obsolete in the intensity of today's fast-paced competition. Some have called for a more dynamic approach, even questioning the sustainability of competitive advantage in this new environment. But so far, this revolution-waiting-to-happen has had no leader. Now it has.
    • Foreword
  • Hypercompetition is an environment of intense change, in which flexible, aggressive, innovative competitors move into markets easily and rapidly, eroding the advantages of the large and established players.
    • p. ix

Hypercompetition. 2010


D'aveni, Richard A. Hypercompetition. Simon and Schuster, 2010.

  • t has become clear from the rumblings and soul-searching in the field of competitive strategy that a revolution is brewing. Managers and strategy researchers are
    • Foreword

Quotes about Richard D’Aveni

  • Disruption is his favourite word. He offers a vision for disruption, competences and tactics for disruption. Using compelling examples from hot-sauce wars to computer skirmishes, he makes it clear there's no place to hide from this new world order. Thence his relentless attack on the static bias of most strategic thinking, such as McKinsey's 7-S business model (strategy, structure, systems and so on, of which I was co-inventor in 1978)
  • Mr. D'Aveni argues that competitive advantage is no longer sustainable over the long haul. Advantage, instead, is continually created, eroded, destroyed and recreated through strategic maneuvering.
    • Glenn Rifkin (August 24, 2000). "The Art of Hypercompetition," Strategy and Business. Retrieved 2010-11-07.
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