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ActionServlet.process() equivalent in Spring

Working to upgrade my application from Struts 1.2.9 to Spring MVC. The application currently has a class extending and overrides its process() method to capture and log the time ...
Anirudh Giran's user avatar
-6 votes
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Spring Boot starting application [closed]

I just started learning the Spring Boot application. Down below is my code to display some text on the webpage. Everything's running file, and my eclipse also started the 8080 portal. But the text I ...
Sri Sai Sateesh Gollapudi's user avatar
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How to get Http Client Interface to return ResponseEntity even when there is a client 40X or 50X error

Given a simple method such as @GetExchange("/foo") Mono<ResponseEntity<List<Foo>>> getFoos(); in FooInterface, with a 'standard' WebClient backing it. The factory is ...
Alan Moffet's user avatar
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Spring version crashes, plain Java version does not: "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: gRPC message exceeds maximum size" (immudb4j)

Context I have two versions of the same program. One is wrapped in a Spring Web application and one is a plain Java application. This program makes use of a library called immudb4j which is used to ...
Equiphract's user avatar
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I have POST and GET methods, but when I hide the get method why does an error occurs?(The post method should run until the page get dispatched to GET)

I am new to spring boot. I have get and post methods in my controller class. But when I hide the get method I think the post method should run without an error until i hit submit. I have thyme leaf ...
Aman Asutosh Kar's user avatar
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Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback with no error in console

Title: Spring Boot Application Issue: [Briefly Describe the Problem] Description: I’m working on a Spring Boot application with a JPA repository and am encountering an issue. My application starts ...
Raji S's user avatar
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Custom StringDeserializer in a Spring Web MVC Project

I'm working on a Spring MVC project and I need to globally override the default StringDeserializer provided by Jackson to sanitize incoming JSON strings. My goal is to apply this sanitization to all ...
kev's user avatar
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Spring boot web app with jsp error no mapping for GET

I am dealing with a problem Here is my EmployeeController: EmployeeController package com.examenjsp.jsp.controllers; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org....
Balta Cristian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Webapp with spring MVC with jsp as front end. Index.jsp as my landing page inside WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp.My Controller isn't being invoked

Okay,I am using spring MVC,jsp,Java Based Configuration. where index.jsp is my landing page which is inside WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp. I am aware that jsp files inside WEB-INF cannot be accessed directly ...
Nishan Kumar Shrestha's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3 OAuth2 Security Migration from 2.7 mapping /oauth to /oauth2

Currently I'm migrating Spring Boot 2.7 to Spring Boot 3.3 and I have done almost all except OAuth security what seems to be very different in 3.3 then in 2.7. Since we have a lot of different clients ...
Andreas Hefti's user avatar
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I am unable to get a JSP to resolve using a a Spring org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver

This is a Spring MVC 6.0 web app. When I try to load the home page it loads the 404 Error page. Here is the web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns=&...
charles didonato's user avatar
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@Validated and @Valid in Spring Controllers work different with return type

I have a Spring Boot 3 project with Validation dependency added. There is POJO - Human: @Data public class Human { @NotBlank private String name; @NotBlank private String email; } ...
Kaspar Hauser's user avatar
-2 votes
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Caused by: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/template/fragment.html] [closed]

I have not created the fragment.html file but when I build and run it on the web, the error Caused by: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/template/fragment....
Trần Việt Hoàng's user avatar
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Why does Spring converter fails to identify generic type when using more than one (i.e. Param<A, B>) as an endpoint parameter?

I have a @RestController class with an endpoint like so @RestController @RequestMapping("/api/dog/filters") public class DogFilterController { ... @GetMapping(value = "/breeds",...
sharp_fortune's user avatar
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parameters of @Bean annotated method

In the following code, a MvcRequestMatcher.Builder bean is registered with application context. @Bean MvcRequestMatcher.Builder mvc(HandlerMappingIntrospector introspector) { ...
techie11's user avatar
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