This show doesn't live up to its potential, by any stretch of the imagination...
9 July 2009
This show doesn't live up to its potential, by any stretch of the imagination. I started watching with the idea that it would be scientific and informative, instead, "That's Impossible" came at me with repetitive graphics and moral dilemmas, none of which they answered. The first episode (Invisibility) kept promising how they would explain the evolution and the current state of the technology, yet came out preachy and propagandic. I was really disappointed with the actual knowledge that the show seemed to have about the topic; being very little to speculative. Overall, the graphics were good even though the same ones were being used to explain totally different things, none of which helped to convey the information. This show has potential, it just needs to focus more on what it intends to rather than try to entice viewers and be as conspiracy theory - like as the crystal skull documentary.
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