Maigret (TV Series 1992–1993) Poster


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A good adaptation
enochsneed18 February 2009
The Michael Gambon Maigrets are very good realisations of the Simenon novels. If you haven't read the books you should know they are less 'whodunnit' than 'whydunnit'. This is what, for my money, gives Simenon the edge over other crime writers. Uncovering the criminal is almost an aside to stories of envy, greed, fraud, petty criminality and the hatreds and resentments in the everyday lives of ordinary people. "Maigret sets a Trap" is an excellent example of this and it makes a great final episode for the first series.

The series was filmed in Budapest which makes a very good 1950's Paris (although Maigret worked from 1930 to 1972 in the novels, by which time he would have been about 88) and spares us establishing shots of the Eiffel Tower every two minutes.

My only criticism is that the episodes would have worked better with a slightly longer running time, maybe 80 minutes. This would have given more time for the development of the characters (we need to know their motivations for Simenon's stories to work) and the atmosphere in which Maigret has to work. In 'Maigret Goes to School', for example, everyone in the village is against him. All we get in the film is a few minutes of abuse and antagonism from a couple of characters in the local bar.

Otherwise this is good, enjoyable TV detective work.
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One of the two great Maigret adaptations of the 1990s
jsmog7 June 2015
There are two great Maigret adaptations available online or in DVDs from the 1990s, the British version done by Granada for two seasons in 1992, starring Michael Gambon, and the Dune French version that lasted from 1991 until 2005 with Bruno Cremer. Both have strong qualities, although in many ways they are completely opposite. Gambon's Maigret is affable, poetic, emotional, sympathetic, and works in close concert with his men; his Paris (Budapest) is sunny and bright. Cremer's Maigret is taciturn and intense, preferring to wait silently while people reveal themselves, riding his men hard at times, especially the often incompetent officers he encounters outside of Paris; and his Paris (Prague) is always gray or pitch black, dark wet streets, his pipe glowing. In many ways the visual look of the shows are opposite, with the British series relying more on the romance and nostalgia of Paris, while the French series is a showcase for the dark psychological mysteries of Simenon. The French series hews more closely to the original stories, and also has the advantage of the episodes being 30 minutes longer; it is also a more complete canon, with nearly 5 times as many stories. In the Gambon series, Gambon is more pleasant, his men work with him as a clever team, and we see much more of Mme. Maigret, who appears in nearly every episode, but the humor and the characterizations are typically British, which can be somewhat disconcerting. The Cremer Maigret varies in quality with the directors, but he is almost always brilliant, playing his hunches and guiding his investigations with a deep psychology that truly honors the original Simenon novels. And it goes almost without saying, the French version pulls no punches and has a much darker way of exploring aspects of the French character that the heart of Simenon; Cremer spends a lot of time listening to people and asks questions which seem strange but reveal hidden truths. Gambon's Maigret does more of the talking and seems to succeed more through luck and teamwork, which may be failings of the shorter format and the transition from French to English storytelling. I'm fond of them both, but the Cremer Maigret is one of my favorite television programs, with plenty to love, at over 75 hours. It is also possible to watch the Cremer Maigret's over and over, picking out new clues and details, but there is no such depth to Gambon's Maigret.
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Delightful detective
blake-blamar9 August 2020
We have been having our daily dose of watching Maigret over the past month. We started with the Rowan Atkinson version which is very good but this Micheal Gambon version is far more approachable and likeable. He is intense but caring. The stories are a bit transparent but when taken as a "who dunnit" it is a good watch. I am looking to reading some of the books now that we have exhausted the series and seeing if they are equally as good as an escape.

If you like the British mysteries then I think you would enjoy Maigret and would recommend it. It is very British and make no attempt to embody French mannerisms, accents, or style. It does nicely capture the style of what we expect 1950's Paris.
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Wonderful series
lucy-6625 October 2000
Filmed I think in Budapest, it has the shabby, faded look of the 50s. Writing, directing and acting are all top-notch. Many respected thespians pass through: Peter Blythe, Edward Petherbridge, Betty Marsden, Toyah Wilcox, Anne Todd - yes, that Anne Todd. Like the Simenon novels, the episodes are thick with atmosphere and explore the seedy realities of life. The characters are not nice middle class people who appreciate classical music and whose children go to good schools. They are a spendthrift playboy in a mouldy chateaux, or a stripper with - not a heart of gold but a few moments of tenderness. They are dentist's assistants, schoolboys, mendacious antique dealers, toyboys, prostitutes. See it if you can. xxxx
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they don't make them like this anymore,the best version?
ib011f9545i6 March 2019
In 1992/1993 I was busy trying to make a career and did not see much of this series.I have seen some repeats but was delighted to buy the dvd boxed set.

It seems I had seen hardly any of the series. People are critical of this saying it is a British version of a French tale,fair comment but it is a well written and well cast and watching makes me want to win the lottery and move to Paris. There are 12 episodes and of course some are weaker than others but the acting is always good even in the small parts and it looks great.

Budapest plays Paris. I like the recent,Rowan Atkinson version of Maigret but this version is bigger budget and a better view of Maigret and his team in a more sinful Paris.

The plots assume than viewers would be willing to invest some effort into some complicated stories but this is less true nowadays
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Impman229 September 2021
I'd never heard of this series until last month. It's currently being shown on a British TV channel.

It's absolutely excellent, a real tonic.
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YAY Maigret!
eroyce4117 June 2007
We used to watch this in French in high school! I absolutely loved the days when we'd walk in and be told we got to watch Maigret. They're kinda old, but way interesting, and we almost never knew what was going to happen. The episodes aren't predictable, which makes it all the more interesting. I hate when you know what's going to happen before it does, but I don't recall an instance where that was the case. It's totally worth checking out if you like a good mystery. And they really are great for French classes. I don't think we watched them in French with English subtitles like we did with other movies, but he's a French detective and there are a lot of French words and sites that are helpful to the students. We also used to write summaries of the stories entirely in French, so if you're a teacher, it's a great combination of comprehension and writing. If you decide you like these, or are looking for something similar, try watching Poirot. It's a series based on the stories by Agatha Christie. Same type of thing, but I'm partial to Maigret myself!
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Splendid but marred.
john-39394 October 2009
This is a splendid series which I have recently obtained on DVD. Memories of when I first watched it seventeen years ago have come flooding back. But so did the irritation over one particular episode - Series 1 Ep 4. Maigret returns to his home village on All Souls Day (2nd November) a day when a priest is allowed to offer three Masses. Here the priest for a requiem Mass is dressed not in black vestments (appropriate for Masses of the dead in the 1950's) but in green vestments and not vestments for a priest but those of a deacon. When so much authenticity is captured in a production it was a pity that woeful ignorance of simple ecclesiastical matters was allowed to have such free rein. If those concerned in production are unsure about church customs then it is usually easy to find out for certain. But, all in all, a great series - delightful to watch and I give it 8 out of 10.
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A shabby first series, followed by a marvellous second series
mdjedovic26 August 2021
The difference between the first series of Granda's "Maigret" and the second series is vast. In fact, it is the difference between quality television and a forgettable yet valiant attempt. In the 1990s, several prestigious adaptations of famous detective novels were made by various ITV outlets. Granada had started the trend with their outstanding Sherlock Holmes series starring Jeremy Brett, LWT followed it up with their equally definitive Poirot with David Suchet, while Central gave us my personal favourite, the John Thaw Morse series, and the less iconic but nonetheless highly entertaining Cadfael with Derek Jacobi in the lead. This "Maigret", starring Michael Gambon as the indefatigable commissaire (here reranked into a Chief Inspector), at first glance, slots quite nicely among this set were it not for one aspect, the budget allotted to the first series was clearly far smaller than the ones given to any of the other, more distinguished series.

Why this was, I don't know, but the results are more than evident on screen. Like "Cadfael", the series was shot in Hungary rather than in France, but whereas "Cadfael" made wonderfully atmospheric use of its medieval locations, the first season of "Maigret" seems almost shy to show theirs off. Instead, the series got locked into a series of drab-looking interiors, cheaply designed by Chris Wilkinson and unimaginatively shot by directors James Cellan Jones and John Glenister. However, it is cinematographer Elemér Ragályi who nails the final coffin into the visual identity of the first season with his ugly, overlit and frequently blown-out photography. Such a technically faulty and artistically poor job I have never seen outside of amateur productions. The first season pales in comparison not only with its contemporaries on British television ("Cadfael", "Poirot", "Morse" etc.) but also with the cinematic Bruno Cremer "Maigret" which was airing on French TV at the time.

The scripts for this first season tended to be plodding and dull and seemingly written for the old studio-bound production style. Scenes go on forever, dialogue is long-winded and exposition-heavy, and there is minimal use of locations. The adapters do Simenon a great disservice by stripping his novels down to their bear essentials and turning them into straightforward detective stories robbing them of their unique, psychological complexity. It doesn't help that the guest cast is mainly comprised of B-list supporting players who presumably are cheap to hire and willing to fly out to Budapest for a week. In fact, the casting formula for the first season appears to have been as follows. Have one "big name" per episode (Cheryl Campbell, Christopher Benjamin, Struan Rodger, Joanna David, Jim Norton, Jonathan Adams, Ann Mitchell), a supporting cast of minor character actors, and fill out the bit parts with Hungarian actors. This method, however, backfires badly. The "big names" are merely recognisable faces and none of them does more than adequate jobs. Of the minor character actors a few do quite well (Margery Whithers and Leonie Mellinger) but most range from utterly bland to shockingly awful. John Warnaby, for instance, ruins "Maigret on Home Ground" with his uncouth, unemotional performance of a highly complex character from the original novel. Meanwhile, the Hungarian actors are awfully dubbed with ill-fitting voices and you get such laughable moments as when a featherweight French policeman speaks out with the voice of Sherrill Milnes.

The best episodes of the first season, "Maigret Goes to School" and "Maigret Sets a Trap", do offer some fun, but they are weak and undistinguished efforts compared to other ITV mystery shows of the time and certainly when compared to the Bruno Cremer series.

Watching through this first season, I frequently thought about quitting the series altogether, but I am exceedingly glad I didn't because the second series provides a seismic change. Seeing they had a potential hit on their hands, Granada poured more money into the second season and the result is unbelievable. The ones drab, overlit sets are replaced by rich, ornamented interiors full of character and period atmosphere. The static, dull scripts become exciting, full of beautiful location scenes, and free of the boring expositional dialogue. The direction, now by Nicholas Renton, Stuart Burge, and John Strickland greatly improves turning each episode into a superbly realised mini-movie, true to the spirit and the complexities of Simenon's wonderful novels.

Most importantly, however, the casting choices improve greatly. Now there isn't an episode without a genuinely major actor in it. Peter Barkworth, Brenda Blethyn, Edward Petherbridge, Jon Finch, Kenneth Haigh, and Eileen Paige lead the guest cast list along with superb turns from such reliable character actors as Oliver Ford Davies, Sorcha Cusack, Jane Wymark, Pip Torrens, Clifford Rose, Alan David, Tony Rohr, and Christopher Ryan. Along the way, there are also fun appearances from future stars including Michael Sheen, Minnie Driver and Steven Mackintosh. Appearances from poorly dubbed Hungarians are kept to a minimum and occasionally an unknown actor shows up to give an outstanding performance such as Susie Lindeman who absolutely steals the show with her witty and loveable performance in "Maigret and the Maid".

The stand-out episode for me is "Maigret and the Minister", wonderfully directed by Nicholas Renton and with a typically majestic turn from Peter Barkworth, in my opinion, the greatest character actor of all time. It is a fast-paced, entertaining romp through the hallowed halls of power, with several surprisingly expressionistic moments. The adaptation by Bill Gallagher doesn't quite have the same bite as the Simenon original but it retells the story with clarity and wit.

Now, a paragraph on the two consistently excellent aspects of the series. First, there's the music. Not only Nigel Hess' beautifully haunting theme music but also the first-rate incidental scores by Hess, John Keane, Ilona Sekacz, and Bill Connor, all well-respected composers. Secondly, and most importantly, there's the main cast all of whom are superb and carry the shoddy first season on their shoulders. Michael Gambon is spot-on as Maigret, one of the best and most faithful to the books as a matter of fact. Physically imposing, yet quiet and thoughtful though with a mischievous glint in his eye. He is well supported by Jack Galloway and James Larkin as Janvier and LaPointe, respectively, with Geoffrey Hutchings giving what is, in my mind, the definitive portrayal of the faithful Sgt. Lucas. Also definitive is John Moffatt as Monsieur Coméliau absolutely embodying the snooty, disruptive and snobbish judge from the novels. Mme Maigret was recast between the seasons with Ciaran Madden playing her in the first and Barbara Flynn in the second. I must confess, in this instance alone, the first season wins. I liked Flynn's portrayal but she lacked the warmth of the character and chemistry with Gambon both of which Madden had. I wouldn't call either definitive, however. That distinction still belongs to Helen Shingler.

So, in conclusion, the first season is a drab-looking cheap endeavour whilst the second season is the prestige show you'd expect from a Granada-produced "Maigret" series. I would recommend watching the last six episodes first and then going back, if you must, to the largely forgettable first season.

RATINGS: First Season: 6/10 & Second Season: 8/10.
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sly, smart, urbane, and fun
ncmathsadist6 August 2023
Reat mystery series set in Paris before the guillotine was reitred. It's compelling fun to see Maigret slice through the layers of lies he's told to nail the villain. The theme music is fabulous and it sets the mood. You really feel. As if you were back in '50s Paris.

This has a Colomboesque feel; the interest is in seeing how he garners the evidence to obtain the conviction.

I have seen two of these and am will binge the rest. I lok forward to seeing him mount oleaginous malefactors on the skewer of evidence and send them to the guillotine for their misdeeds.

Regrettably, not nearly enough of these were made.
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Maigret by Gambon - superb
Tony-Holmes29 January 2023
This as much a review of a review, than the series, as I've just read the earlier reviews and must correct the outpouring of pretentious nonsense from 'mdjedovic'.

In that he (she?) lambasts the first 6 episodes of the Gambon Maigrets, but praises the other 6, all done with heavy doses of pretentious name-dropping. This criticism is pointless, and frankly ludicrous. All the shows are great, plenty budget compared to the much-loved Davies versions done by the BBC in the early 60s, a good team faithful to the books, and lots of good support acting.

Far better than the later (& big budgeted) ones done 20 years later with Rowan Atkinson turning in a rather glum, taciturn Maigret.

And THAT brings me to the French Bruno Cremer version, which I see gets praised in some quarters. Atmospheric, sure. The lead is a good actor, sure. BUT - these are not really true to Simenon's stories, Cremer does almost everything himself, the team appears rarely (Lucas is only in a handful of episodes - ridicuous!!) and Mrs Maigret is similarly hardly ever seen. Plus, the hero is far quieter and not really true to the book impression, Simenon's hero has a sense of fun, and cracks the occasional joke. This is readily evident with Gambon, who apparently read some of the books, presumably along with the directors and producers?!
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Maigert The British Detective
jjb-94 September 2011
Having read most of the short and long Maigret stories and seen a number of Bruno Cremer's version (French with subtitles), I had looked forward to this version if only because it did not require me to read subtitles. But I was very disappointed.

Essentially, the BBC has transformed Maigret into a hard-boiled British detective with none of the subtlety of Georges Simenon's French detective.

Of course they take liberties with the stories, and this is normal and to be expected with TV / movie dramatizations of books, but the dialog is very disappointing and not at all the Maigret of Simenon.

It's not terrible, but Michael Gambon's Maigret is not good either. Better to obtain and watch the Bruno Cremer version, even though it requires you know French or read subtitles.
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A great, but short-lived mystery series
Barry-7327 January 2003
Unlike many Maigret fans, I have never read any of Georges Simenon's books. So I never heard of Maigret till one of our PBS channels started showing it on "Mystery!" several years ago. Right away I knew I loved it. This show is so realistic! Michael Gambon is great as Inspector Maigret, and his subordinates and the bad guys are all great characters as well. The cases the Chief Inspector solves are really very interesting. Also the locations and sets make you feel as if you are right there on the case with the Chief Inspector and his men. It's great to sit back and watch him slowly solve a mystery. You can tell that a lot of thought was put into the making of this show. Pity it was only made for 2 seasons. But at least that gives us 12 great episodes to watch. I was able to tape series 2 before our PBS channel stopped playing it. Fortunately it's available on video if you know where to look. I'd rate this at least a 9 on a scale of 10.
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Michael Gambon IS Maigret!!!
leeklug-9365927 February 2024
Having read most of the Maigret stories, I must say that Michael Gambon to date has given the closest portrayal of the Maigret who comes to mind from reading Simenon's work! It is a true shame that Simenon died before Gambon's 12 Maigret episodes were created. There are, as expected, a number of minor changes to plots and characters in order to facilitate "live" performance, but the changes do not take away from the stories. The sets and staging take one back to post war Paris even if it really is 1990's Budapest. They actors in the series are also a true sampling of acting talent from later 20th century British TV/movies. May both Gambon and Simenon RIP!!!
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Disappointed with British 1992 Maigret
hrbuildingblocks19 June 2012
Yes the sets and costumes are great/historically appropriate, and yes Michael Gambon is a good actor, BUT the BRITISHNESS of this 1992 series, is almost too much...very very strong English regional accents are at odds with the supposed French setting. The acting is actually a bit plodding too, despite the good actors. Perhaps this is a faulty script/direction, but I can't see how the 1992 series got so popular..perhaps it was the BRits watching other Brits and who cares about authenticity of accent or pacing of plot line/direction. Have seen Gambon in many movies, series and even he cannot completely 'save' this from being a bit underwhelming.,..and a bit boring...
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