279 Reviews
This movie needs more credit
esminamartins13 February 2021
I see what everyone else is saying okay? But the summary already promised you the Groundhog Day trope. Only, it's NOT Groundhog Day. This was a completely different ride. Groundhog Day taught us to seize the day. This movies was telling us to look at all the perfect things in a day. Taking away the overused trope, this movie was extremely charming in its own way. I recommend it as an easy watch on a tiring day.
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Future teen classic
ugmmb12 February 2021
This is going to become a cult teen classic in the not too distant future. It's about living in the present, not being a passenger or just an observer in our world.

Good lessons for living as part of our shared future.
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Significantly better than expected
Pixel-315 February 2021
Movie got off to a slow start and I didn't feel any chemistry between the leads at the beginning but it developed into a poignant and very sweet story. The end was a little unhooked and didn't quite resolve things but it was still pretty enjoyable.
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Its exactly like you expected
SleepingMorpheus12 February 2021
This movie trope has been done so many times that nothing in this movie feels original enough. Still for any newcomer in the genre, its good entry point. For any seasonal viewer, you have seen all of this before, this time with teen rom-com in it.

Still, this movie is charming enough to just sit back and enjoy. God knows there are far worse movies streaming nowadays.
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Gordon-1115 May 2021
I think the film is quite sweet, and it's an entertaining young adult film.
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A tad more to it than just another same-day-repeating type of movie...
paul_haakonsen23 April 2022
Initially when I sat down to watch this 2021 movie, I was sort of thinking that it would be just another one of those run-of-the-mill movies with the theme of the same day playing out over and over, which has been seen in other movies several times already. But still, I opted to give director Ian Samuels' 2021 movie a chance, since I hadn't already seen it.

And essentially this was a rather generic storyline about the same day repeating over and over for Mark (played by Kyle Allen), but it was spruced up with putting Margaret (played by Kathryn Newton) into the play. So at least writer Lev Grossman managed to differentiate "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" from many other movies about the same concept. However, I will say that towards the ending and when it is revealed why the same day keeps repeating, there was a hint of something more profound and beautiful added to the storyline.

However, while "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" certainly is watchable, this is hardly a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time. Yeah, kind of paradoxid isn't it, that the movie doesn't have repeatability to its contents? Once you've seen the movie and sat through the storyline, then director Ian Samuels' movie just doesn't have more to offer. So this is pretty much a watch once, then bag and tag kind of deal.

The acting performances in the movie were good. I will say that, and I wasn't familiar with the majority of the cast in the movie, aside from Josh Hamilton.

All in all, then "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" made for a fair enough viewing that one and single time it can and will be viewed. As such, my rating of "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Sterile but cute
right_naw12 February 2021
You already know what this movie is about: "Groundhog day" meets teen rom-com with a PG-13 sticker on it. As usual, we don't get any answers to "why?" and "how?" and while the whole setting is too sterile, still it delivers enjoyable experience. I liked it, solid 6.5 stars!
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Perfect Simple Little Huge Film
Her-Excellency26 February 2021
As a cinephile, most pictures such as these are too formulaic and way too overdone (at this point) for me. Not to mention that almost each one involves some sort of superhero or villain nowadays, and although I very much enjoy that genre also, I can't tell you enough how pleased I was to find the treasure which is The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. To find, and share with you, that it does so much more, and more powerfully, than what bigger, flashier films try, with such a small footprint, is been beyond delightful.

Kyle Allen steals the show as Mark. His easy chemistry with the screen is magic. Kathryn Newton is a little less fluid in her role as Margaret, especially at the beginning. The small, seldom-seen, supporting cast is tremendous.

As for the tiny perfect things, some indeed are tiny, or perhaps not on the level you or I would consider to be perfect. In fact, a better definition might be: things that makes us smile and think. In any case, the film uses them effectively in that they do indeed bring a smile, and we think; and in fact, we may miss some if we blink. More so, however, they are effective in that we cannot help, at least for a brief time after watching the film, to look for our own.

In closing, this is a rich, yet simple film with deeper undercurrents of love and loss, yes, but more so, beyond being tender and uplifting, it is generous in its message that there are miracles around us every single day, if we just look a little.
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The Film of Tiny Plot Holes & Perfect Clichés (6/10)
matt_hew14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is nice... (just nice).

It isn't bad, it certainly isn't original, is full of the typical teen clichés and desperately wants to be more than it is whilst trying to be quaint - an Amazon movie production that wants to be a small indie film.

And that's a bit of a problem. It tries soo hard to be original - even when it spends the whole movie commenting on similar movies. The acting is really ropey (sorry) which gets even more cringey when combined with the some (most) of the cheesy narrative.

Plot holes are also an issue. The movie 'tries' to be intellectual but as the movie and characters develop the story starts to play fast and loose on the concept of time in order to focus on the relationship between the two lead characters.

If you can get past all of this then you'll probably enjoy it, but you certainly wouldn't want to watch it on repeat ;-)
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Romantic, positive, creative, and mindful
imdb-11847-6114412 February 2021
As other reviewers have posted - the 'time loop' trope has been used in movies many times over... but this movie certainly dispels the myth that it's an antiquated trope.

A feel good (psychologically) encouraging movie, filled with; humor, art, romance, tragedy, success, chivalry, friendship, conflict, selflessness, sympathy, empathy, kindness, and an attention to detail, good music, (and puppies of course).

Love it. Good job Kristy, James, and Dee!
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Good movie...needs better conclusion
peterschiff19 February 2021
It is a fine Groundhog Day type movie...except they got the ending wrong. No spoilers so I'll leave it at that.
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Not just your typical teen drama influenced by former great films
keithporteous12 February 2021
The characters in this film have real charm. It does not drag on like expected and wraps itself into a very amazing film. Its warm heart raises it above other films inspired by great concepts in other amazing films. Its very witty, beautifully shot and heart wrenchingly honest.
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Groundhog Day it is not and who cares.
cbisbee-7399512 February 2021
There always seems to be the starting point for some reviews of time-loop movies, it was done before in Groundhog Day. Well, I wouldn't doubt that the time-loop concept was done before Groundhog Day and really does it matter. Spaghetti sauce contains three ingredients, yet, it is the ratio of those items and possibly the addition of another item that makes it different or more or less enjoyable.

The writers and actors of 'The Map of Tiny Perfect Things' didn't create something perfect. But there is just enough manipulation of the ingredients and a little something added to make it enjoyable. Light and easy it is.
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Cute but not great
theprogs29 October 2021
The movie was cute and lovely, but the main idea was used several times in many movies, the story line was a bit boring, the good moments didn't exceed 10 - 15 minutes, the rest can be forwarded without missing anything important.
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A slight departure from Groundhog Day, the movie.
TxMike20 February 2021
We really enjoyed this movie, it is well written and never lost our interest. It borrows from Groundhog Day and the characters even mention that movie, comparing their experience to it.

It turns out two people, teenagers, a boy and a girl, both of them refer to their experience as a temporal anomaly, a disruption in the spacetime continuum which can be related to time travel. At precisely midnight each day they each revert to waking up time again, repeating the same day.

In this mode they experience an increasing number of "tiny perfect things" in daily life, eventually he creates a map of their community noting the place and time of each one. Thus the name of the movie.

It isn't just a time-loop comedy, it also has serious themes of appreciating life and the people around you. In a sense it parallels Groundhog Day in that they can't get out of the loop until they acknowledge and accept certain things in their lives.

Good movie, my wife and I watched it at home on Amazon streaming.
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Tweeners reliving the same day over and over, sounds like déjà-vu.
deloudelouvain29 August 2021
Another movie with the same theme as Groundhog Day. I don't know how much more movies they can make with people stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over. The story is of course a tiny bit different but still at one point enough is enough. I gave it a six because my wife liked it more than I did. To me a five star rating would have been more accurate. The movie just gets boring after awhile. I guess the audience they were looking for are tweeners. The classic cheesy romcom, I can't say it's really my thing. There's certainly not enough comedy for me to make me laugh. The acting wasn't bad but nothing special either. I will forget everything about this movie in a couple days, in fact I already start forgetting about it.
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Perfect day (?)
kosmasp26 August 2021
Is there such a thing? Well I guess if you have infinite tries you can make it happen ... but would it remain perfect? As in could you catch lightining in a bottle over and over again? Wouldn't that become boring? As concept that is of course.

All the movies that handle a theme like this (Groundhog Day is best known, but as the characters here also note you also have Edge of Tomorrow), are telling us something ... about life, about repetition, about morals and other things. Having said that, it will depend on how much slack you are willing to cut a movie. Now this right here starts immeditately with the knowledge of the main character. You are thrown into the mix and you will learn quickly what he already knows .... what he already does. How he is "perfecting" his and other peoples day. Knowing what happens, makes him predict things obviously and therefor he can "save" people from certain things happening to them.

Overall a decent effort and depending on your feelings towards the two main characters you may like this a bit more or less than I did.
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A familiar story put in a lovable jacket
joostkale15 February 2021
Yes, we have seen this premise for a movie before, but it knows that. The movie knows that it's not groundbreaking stuff. It doesn't try to be something original, but it just tries to be a fun and loveable movie. The first half of the movie is just what it needs to be. It doesn't try to hide the fact that it's a time loop movie. It just has fun with the idea of being stuck in the same day. Then after some fun moments with the protagonist we meet the other character who is stuck in the loop. After that the movie just becomes very loveable. From the moment they meet I couldn't help but smile. The main actors are so good together. Their acting is also fantastic. My main problem with the movie start around the second act. What makes the movie strong is that it doesn't try to be complicated in the first half. It just shows that a story that we know can still be fun. That's exactly why I didn't like the second half as much. It tries to be more that it is and overcomplicated things. I also didn't like the storyline of everything revolves around us. At the end it just leaves me a bit disappointed after that great first half. Still a very sweet Rom-Com with amazing acting performances.
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Beautiful film
durgan512 February 2021
What a lovely film. If you have a heart this film is for you. Get lost in the story.
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Cute but cliche
mendoza_marlene14 February 2021
A mishmash of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the repeated mentioned, Groundhog's Day and The Fault in our Stars. Cute but cliche. Also no chemistry between the leads. The kiss felt forced instead of a build up it looked cold and awkward.
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Charming without cringe
Esther-890-41341812 February 2021
Was really pleasantly surprised by this film. Clicked on it expecting to turn it off after 15 minutes, and found myself drawn in and charmed by the simplicity of observations about what makes life and relationships and hope and momentum meaningful. Thank you to all who contributed to making this film. Time well spent. 😊
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Heartfelt and Warm, but Slow
mikaylan-1632712 February 2021
I went into watching this film with the expectation that it was a normal teen romance, which was definitely not true! The movie is more centered around the idea of the time anomaly.

I like the warm mood of the film, but I think it oftentimes felt like it was going on forever. The actors have okay chemistry, but it does seem predictable.
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An enjoyable little movie.
paulig-gr13 February 2021
This little movie ticks all the checkboxes for me. Beautiful picture, good actors, likeable characters, indie music, great score, interesting long takes. You'll have good time if you just want to relax and watch something sweet and inoffensive.
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Nothing New Here
sweidman-280162 March 2021
"We're the ones sleeping. Everyone else is awake, and it's just us dreaming. I know it's going to hurt really bad. But I think that I have to wake up now."

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things follows a teenager contentedly living the same day in an endless loop who gets his world turned upside-down when he meets a girl who's also stuck in the time warp. What follows is a love story with a fantastical twist, as the two struggle to figure out how and whether to escape their never ending day. I didn't realize this was a time-loop movie when I put it on. A few minutes in there's one of those classic scenarios where the character is mimicking and moving around the setting well. Palm Springs did this well last summer. I kind of groaned at the fact that this is another one of those movies, but it didn't disappoint me in anyway. Surprisingly, I found myself entertained and liking some of it. The style is fun. The way it's presented hooked me in. Kyle Allen as the leading guy is a good casting choice here. Since this is geared towards teens, everyone has this fun nature. Kathryn Newton has been appearing in many things lately. I like her as an actress and she does well here. The two work well together. The romance element is bound to happen from the beginning and I guess it worked here. With all the charming moments, these two use the best qualities of themselves and characters to make an enjoyable time. It is an entertaining watch.

Obviously, we've seen so many of these types of movies that it does become redundant. The movie thinks it's smarter than it actually is with the direction it takes. Kathryn Newton's character, for example, has a secret that she's trying to hide. When it's actually revealed, there's nothing new here and it feels forced. A good portion of the script feels forced. The runtime overstays it's welcome. At one point I thought it was getting close to the third act, but I wasn't even halfway done. There's so much it's trying to accomplish but it really needed to go a simpler route. The movie is still entertaining and fun at times but it also feels way too familiar making it average. I can't say too much about The Map of Tiny Perfect Things. Usually I don't take a liking to this kind of movie but it's charming enough watch for some to enjoy.
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For Existential Teenagers
Neon_Gold14 February 2021
The movie is pretty average across the board. It uses a extremely over done thing in film and does it passingly.

It isn't some cringefest teen drama which i expected it to be. It wants to be more than that. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing because it was really pseudo intellectual. It really thought it was cracking new ground or wanted its teen viewers to feel like "wow iv just had my eyes opened'.

I think that Palm Springs (2020) did this in a much better way all around. It has the same sort of ideas under everything but Palm Springs delivers it in a more charming, funny and subtler way than this movie. This movie what's to bash you over the head with its ideas and beg you to believe that it may be the most eye opening thing that has ever grace the face of the earth.

Like i said i think this is better than it being a throw away teen romcom i just think it should have subdued its message. People would have got it without it shoving it in your face.

The acting was fine and so was the writing. I think the writing showed the teen part of the movie the most. There was some clunkers and it wasn't really funny.

It was nice and short and not terrible so you could give it a watch.
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