621 Reviews
A Really Enjoyable Comedy
Doublej200053 March 2021
A really charming adventure with well developed characters, good performances and a very strong emotional centre. All of the performances are really good, particularly from Zack Gottsagen and Shia LaBeouf, and their characters have enjoyable relationships that leads to a lot of natural humour coming from them. It's nice to see down syndrome representation in films without that big of a deal being made about it. I really like the visual feel of the film - the landscapes are great to look at and the colour palette matches the feel of the film perfectly. Most of my issues are smaller, such as some bad editing, but overall this is a fun and charming film that I would definitely recommend.
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Hidden Gem
RobTheWatcher31 January 2021
This movie completely exceeded my expectations. The story was thoughtful and inspiring. These are the types of movies we need more of
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nomercy199924 August 2019
As the father of a son with Down Syndrome I had high hopes and expectations for this movie. I watched all the interviews and reviews and was super excited to watch this. My wife and I went to watch it this morning, first showing and first people to purchase tickets from our local movie theatre. The movie starts and we were in awe of Zak and Tyler. They're chemistry was electric. You could tell Shia truly loved being beside and being with Gotteagen. This movie made my heart happy more than anything. I understand the movie had to tackle the dreaded "R" word and it hurt hearing the word tossed out by a child at the beginning but Zaks response was legendary and I will never forget it! It did a great job of shedding light on people with Down Syndrome and the struggles SOME go through. Unfortunately there are still people out there who don't know the joy of having a person with Down Syndrome can truly bring into they're lives. All in all an amazing movie that makes perfect sense. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone who has any heart. Hopefully this will become a series cause I would personally love to follow this story for as long as it can go on.
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Friends are the family you choose!
laradee-6911824 August 2019
Wow this movie has all the feels! There is heart and soul in this movie. The openness and awareness they are a bringing to the the Down syndrome community. They captured the charm of the south, while showing the even more unique charm of parts of Dare County, NC. This movie wasn't written by some big time directors, it was 2 guys with a vision to give an aspiring actor with Down syndrome a chance, and that is exactly what Zak got! The is a must see of all ages, yes in the young ones can see this one! Tyler Neilson and Mike Schwartz really have something special. Must see!
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A sweet film!
We finally got The Peanut Butter Falcon playing in my town so naturally I was first in line to see it. After hearing all the hype from this film it's safe to say I was ecstatic to see it. After the film ended I had a great time, but I felt it was a bit overhyped.

First of all the pros of this film, Shia LeBeouff and Dakota Johnson give a great performance with a fun story that kept a smile on my face throughout the film. I also felt the film looked fantastic. The cinematography was gritty, real and did a great job of capturing the swampy area of the North Carolina Outer Banks.

As for cons I felt that there were some scenes that didn't really work for me. They seemed a little pretentious or out of left field. And I don't know if I really buy the ending of the film. It seemed a little far fetched for my tastes.

However, I love this film. Looking at it from a critics standpoint it has some issues, but looking at it from a movie viewer it's a great time! I plan to watch this again as soon as it comes out. If this film is playing in your town go check it out!
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Utterly Endearing
gigitville6 September 2019
I didn't have many expectations for this movie, the trailer mainly just made it seem like something original, which is always a plus nowadays. But this movie was heartwarming, funny, and certainly original. The chemistry between Shia LeBeouf, Dakota Johnson, and Zack Gottsagen felt very genuine and natural, not to mention likable.

The first half of the film was mainly a road movie with Shia LeBeouf and Zack Gottsagen's characters, and it was enjoyable and funny as all get out. There were some moments of character development and flashbacks that were very tastefully done that utilized subtlety to show Shia LeBeouf character's background. And Zack Gottsagen's character felt very natural and likeable, with layers to his performance and connection with wrestling that showed a lot of characterization.

Not to mention, the cinematography and music was very captivating and gave the film some subtle and charming personality. The only real issue I had with it was that the pacing lagged a bit about ¾ of the way through. But it quickly found its way again and became pretty unpredictable as to where the story was going. Overall, this movie was so enjoyable, heartwarming and it was a great character movie and road movie that truly felt like a breath of fresh air.
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useful old style story
Kirpianuscus7 March 2021
A pure old fashion story , eulogy of freedom and friendship, touching, sweet, nice, honest and adorable. And a beautiful proof of the art of Shia LaBeouf. Short, maybe, a high useful film for remind the deep taste of life in the time of preassures, fears and fake expectations. The axis of film - magnificent Zack Gottsagen.
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Cute film if you don't overthink it
bk75327 September 2023
First things first... Zack Gottsagen is a revelation and he steals the entire movie. His interactions with. Shia LaBeouf are heartwarming, and (rumor has it) often spontaneous and unscripted. Probably the most unusual "buddy film" you will have seen in ages.

The story isn't as dazzling as Zack is, but it's warm and sweet with all the feels. Two "pals" on the run for very different reasons... one pursued by tattooed thugs, the other by his beautiful "jailor." The clashes are predictable, as is the romantic entanglement. But it works, because Zack holds it all together with his charm and innocence.

Shout out to the wonderful Thomas Haden Church, who does a great turn as a gruff retired professional wrestler, with a heart of gold. His scenes with Zack are priceless and it's a pleasure to watch him work.

All in all, it's a cute film if you don't think too hard about the implausibility it all, and just go with the flow.
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Perfect since I have ASD I know what its like to be different!
UniqueParticle27 August 2019
Beyond heartwarming and funny; I absolutely loved everything about this movie! I'm thrilled that Shia Labouf is acting again, he was off the radar for awhile. Dakota Johnson is precious and Zack Gottsagen - I have only one complaint is the word retard even for someone like me with autism hurts my feelings. I smiled so much during the entire film, highly recommend to anyone!!
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"I want to be a hero."
classicsoncall7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Early in the picture, an elderly citizen of the retirement home (Bruce Dern), says to the story's principal character - "Friends are the family you choose". The rest of the picture demonstrates how that all plays out, as Zak (Zack Gottsagen), a young man with Down Syndrome, becomes a runaway to pursue his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. It appears that the story takes place in the present day, but if so, the owner of Bubba's trading post/gas stop is sorely behind the times with regular unleaded priced at a dollar nineteen, and premium at a dollar seventy five. Probably not going to get rich quick that way,

Occasional flashbacks show how renegade Tyler (Shia LaBeouf) lost his older brother, as he undergoes a transition that allows him to become Zak's on the road caretaker and mentor, similar to the relationship he had with his older sibling. Tyler's personal hygiene and outgoing personality don't necessarily mesh when it comes to charming Zak's counselor Eleanor (Dakota Johnson), who makes it her mission to track down the missing youth. I didn't really see the chemistry there, but the story allows that to play out reasonably well in a fairly formulaic fashion.

Before it's all over, Zak gets to meet his wrestling hero, the Salt Water Redneck (Thomas Haden Church), who retired years earlier but maintains a local connection to the back yard wrestling circuit. Hearing about Zak's dream, 'Clint' has a change of heart and decides to point the young man in the direction of his life affirming mission. Entering the wrestling ring as the Peanut Butter Falcon, Zak turns the tables on the local villain Samson (Jake the Snake Roberts) with a self improvised Atomic Throw, thus fulfilling a personal goal to become the hero he always wanted to be. Former wrestler Mick Foley also makes an appearance in the film as the wrestling referee and owner of 'Jacob's Inferno', the local wrestling hot spot. While all this was going on, I had to wonder why the role of the Salt Water Redneck wasn't cast with another pro wrestler, but Church was so good in the role it didn't really matter.
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Don't Let Anything Stop You...
Xstal21 April 2020
...or get in your way if you want it hard enough; no matter who or what you are - just go for it, you'll achieve nothing if you don't. Inspirational and heartfelt stuff to be found here in spades, and while those words get overused on far too many occasions they are more than appropriate in describing the courageous and endearing Zak Gottsagen who brings a spark of magic to proceedings. A true role model to all and one to be looked up to and admired in his own right.
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A Nice and fun movie
marie_skallerup11 February 2021
I am a fan of Zak. Good, cute and fun movie, above average. Story is a bit weird but the relationship between Tyler and Zak weights it up.
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Strong 2 // A film cannot stand on intentions alone
ccamp8924 August 2019
**Mild Spoilers**

I'd like to give this film a positive review. It's low in budget, pure in heart, and earnest in intent. It's a film about friendship, acceptance, following your dreams and staying true to yourself. What's not to like? A lot, unfortunately. Intent will only carry a film so far, and it can't excuse a non-sensical plot filled with contrivances and clichés. A retirement home sends a key employee on a wild goose chase, with the company shuttle no less? And the employee happens upon that goose on a random riverbank seemingly in the middle of nowhere? And then she just decides to go with them instead of calling the police in a situation that's at worst a kidnapping and at best just plain dangerous? And she doesn't even rethink this decision after they're nearly shot and killed by third party pursuers seemingly intent on revenge? I know we're going for the heartstrings here and, I'll admit, there are moments that succeed in strumming some chords. But these moments ultimately succumb to a nagging banality, and the meat-and-potatoes filmmaking doesn't do anything to add some much-needed spice. The cherry on top is a puzzlingly abrupt ending that fails to deliver on the catharsis the film seems to be aiming for. An unfortunate misfire on a well-meaning premise.

Strong 2/5
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Simply Delightful
truemythmedia14 November 2019
The Peanut Butter Falcon is this year's feel good movie, and it might as well be this decades for all that matters. It's a perfect look at how we as a society treat people with mental disabilities, and how that needs to change, how even the most rugged battle hardened people like Tyler have the most common sense of the situation in front of him, he shows us that compassion can go a long way. And while he still has to pay for his sins, he's fully aware and ready for the confrontation. The talent here are all at the top of their games, especially newcomer Zack who is an absolute delight to watch, full of humor and emotion of which LaBeouf and Johnson meet on equal caliber. This film is perfect for family viewing at anytime, for anyone anywhere, don't miss this one.
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The Heartwarming Film We Need
sweidman-280167 September 2019
The Peanut Butter Falcon Review:

The Peanut Butter Falcon follows Zak, a Down's syndrome patient living in an assisted living home, as he runs away from his care home to make his dream of becoming a wrestler come true. Along the way he meets Tyler, a man on the run after committing a crime, and the two make an unbreakable bond as they spend days together learning about each other. I had heard only good things about this film since it aired at various film festivals. I tried not to have the plot revealed too much to me which I think benefits sometimes. I was very surprised to see how many people went to see this film at 10 in the morning. That was giving me high hopes. Also the almost perfect critic and audience score told me something as well. What a heart warming film. We haven't had a film like this in a while that has a great message and is made to make us happy. The plot, though it can be pretty unrealistic at times, makes for a fun adventure. Zack Gottsagen as Zak is definitely the standout here. What a great performance. He has so much to work with to embody his character. He provides most of the comedy and there's no way to hate him. Shia LeBeof has finally had a great performance and I personally think the best of his career. I understood where he was coming from and how he perceives himself. One of the questions asked in the film is who's the bad guy and who's the good guy. He knows the bad things he has done and doesn't know which is heartbreaking almost. Yet he continues on with life an eventually meets Zak. Their bond was so strong where I stopped seeing Shia and Zack and saw their characters. You can tell a film is good performance wise when you forget who is playing who. I'm was just so happy when they were together and the serious scenes too. Dakota Johnson plays a worker from the assisted living home who is trying to find Zak. She did very well and probably one of her best performances as well. I want too invested in her character but she provided some good topics to talk about. One of my favorite scenes was with her and Shia and he's explaining to her that she's treating him differently since Zak has Down's Syndrome and she should just treat him like any normal person and not like he's a child. This film is very good at provides good insight and a beautiful way. I realized this film was special when the woman sitting next to me started crying at a feel-good moment that was a little emotional. Great films should affect you in some sort of way, typically it happens through emotion. It does get emotional at times. It was needed and knew when to keep on a scene longer or when to switch. There was one exception with the climax of the film. A big event happened and about two minutes later it ended. I would've liked just a little more since it ended abruptly. That was my only major flaw. Technically this is a beautifully shot film with amazing shots from above of the scenery, especially along the beaches and water. The score was good and peaceful. The technical stuff set the tone right for me. I'd definitely recommend seeing The Peanut Butter Falcon. I really hope it's in consideration for awards this upcoming season. If you live around the central Wisconsin area it'll be playing at the Stevens Point theater and I believe still at the Cedar Creek cinema in Wausau (that's where I saw it).

My Grade: A-
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Nice,easily seen, but a bit artificial
nikthefreak23 September 2020
An easy going, fresh film,with sweet moments, adventurous moments,sad moments. One of the best films of 2020. The only problem is,that it is more or less a bit artificial and beautified.
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You'rt not invited to my birthday party
nogodnomasters13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a heartwarming tale that centers around Zack (Zack Gottsagen) who has Downs Syndrome and is a ward of the state. He lives in a retirement community and desires to leave and become a professional wrestler. Saltwater Redneck (Thomas Haden Church) is his hero and has a school. With the help of Bruce Dern, Zack escapes and winds up traveling with Tyler (Shia LaBeouf) who is wanted for stealing crabs and setting a fire to crab traps. Meanwhile Dakota Johnson, who is not into anything kinky, is tasked with finding him.

This is a feel good film. While it is not a comedy, it is light for the most part.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
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Short but Sweet
eilraie1 September 2019
Do not overthink, go watch this film when you are in a good mood.
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What a marvel
connordiaz13 March 2019
I'm not going to go too deep into this, but I just want everyone reading to know that you absolutely should see this. The acting is amazing, the cinematography is stellar, editing and dialogue is quippy, and you fall in love with the characters. Although a bit unbelievable, it's so funny and absolutely charming. Shia, Dakota, and Zack are all amazing, and this is the feel-good movie of the year. I have honestly no real gripes with this, and it's so refreshing to see this wonderful tale of friendship put to screen.
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The underdog in all of us!!
accview5420 August 2019
Overall Movie was good- acting was great, dragged a little, towards the middle. Is this the movie of the year, or academy material, no- is it an original storyline, not really. BUT sure beats all the superhero stuff we've been stuck with lately! If you enjoy going to the movies then go see it! Will it rock your world if you don't, not really.......
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Heartwarming little gem.
deloudelouvain20 November 2019
After briefly reading a synopsis I didn't really know what to expect from The Peanut Butter Falcon. I was wondering if this would be a movie that I could enjoy but I'm glad I gave it a shot as it's certainly one of the better movies I watched this year, and I watch a lot of movies. It's a simple but effective story, showing us that people with down syndrome can have dreams and a fullfilling life. The chemistry and complicity between Zack Gottsagen and Shia LaBeouf looks sincere and is what makes this movie an enjoyable and emotion rich movie. I laughed a lot whilst you would think there is not much to laugh about with a serious subject like down syndrome. Zack Gottsagen did an excellent job playing his character, he made my day. Good cinematography, an excellent cast, an easy but amusing story to follow. I will definitely recommend this movie to others and I'm sure I will watch it again in the future.
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An entertaining spin on Huck FInn set in contemporary Outer Banks.
JohnDeSando21 August 2019
"Friends are the family you choose." Tyler (Shia LeBeouf)

The Peanut Butter Falcon is about as odd and endearing as the title, which refers to the alter ego of Zak (Zack Gottsagen). His dream of being a pro wrestler like The Salt Water Redneck (Thomas Hayden Church) is hampered by the fact that Zak is a down-syndrome lad escaping from a nursing home in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Lucky for him to meet Tyler (think Matthew McConaughey in Mud, but less flamboyant), who is himself on the run. As might be expected for those who are familiar with Hick Finn, the two encounter disreputable good old boys and caring ladies while Zak learns how to survive and maybe fulfill his dream.

Here is an odyssey that doesn't pander to notions of romance and rehabilitation; rather it gently shows the sweet and sour of life that Tyler can give to Zak with mixed results.

With the exception of John Hawkes playing his usual lean and mean redneck, the cast is unusually without stereotype. Church's Clint/Salt Water is especially right for a former wrestler given to kindness. In fact, the film is best exemplified by the opening quote to this review: the search for family is even more important than a lifelong obsession with becoming a pro wrestler. With the emergence of do-gooder Eleanor (Dakota Johnson), family becomes more possible than finding that Florida wrestling camp.

"This is not 'Lord of the Flies.' There's rules. There's regulations!" Eleanor (Dakota Johnson)
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Shia is a great actor
ahmdpodcast6 December 2019
And we can see him carrying this movie above his head, Atomically, so to speak. I had problems with the pacing of this film as it came to an abrupt stop without fully exploring the characters and their narratives. Especially Elanore, who seems to stick out like a sore thumb on screen as a miscast and a character that could have been handled differently. Overall the scenery and "Georgia" makes it a worthy watch and Mr PBF wasn't too bad as well. Good for one watch but that's pretty much about it. Goodluck Shia, you're awesome!
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It was ok
Homer_Ate213 November 2019
Yes it had some heartwarming scenes, and it was fun to see how Zak changed the lives of those around him. There were even some funny scenes I got a giggle out. But the overall story was what let this film down. Still a 5/10, it was ok :)
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Will put a smile on your face
chkhyati26 December 2019
It's a really sweet film, digs deep into the meaning of friendship. Shia's acting is amazing. The movie depicts strength and vulnerability at the same time perfectly balanced with emotions. It is pure sweetness and hope with no unnecessary love stories. Loved it!
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