.tk ni Internet amioro orile-ede top-level domain (ccTLD) lori Internet fun Tokelau, agbegbeile New Zealand ni Guusu Pasifiki.

TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryDot TK (run by BV Dot TK)
SponsorGovernment of Tokelau and Teletok
Intended useEntities connected with Àdàkọ:TKL
Actual useA narrow variety of uses, generally not related to Tokelau; DNS hosted by registry or elsewhere. Free domains available or paid registrations for legal ownership with no activity requirement
Registration restrictionsCannot be registered as "Google! Apps" since 2010, March (Tested by all free domains only, including but not limited to "google.tk")
StructureRegistrations are taken directly at the second level; domains are redirected to actual website addresses within a frame, or point directly to a webserver or nameserver
Dispute policiesDispute Resolution Policy