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Using Crowd-Sourced Data to Study Public Services: Lessons from Urban India

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Studies in Comparative International Development Aims and scope Submit manuscript


As cities throughout the developing world grow, they often expand more quickly than the infrastructure and service delivery networks that provide residents with basic necessities such as water and public safety. Why do some cities deliver more effective infrastructure and services in the face of rapid growth than others? Why do some households and communities secure better services than others? Answering these questions requires studying the large, politicized bureaucracies charged with providing urban services, especially the relationships between frontline workers, agency managers, and citizens in informal settlements. Researchers investigating public service delivery in cities of the Global South, however, have faced acute data scarcity when addressing these themes. The recent emergence of crowd-sourced data offers researchers new means of addressing such questions. In this paper, we draw on our own research on the politics of urban water delivery in India to highlight new types of analysis that are possible using crowd-sourced data and propose solutions to common pitfalls associated with analyzing it. These insights should be of use for researchers working on a broad range of topics in comparative politics where crowd-sourced data could provide leverage, such as protest politics, conflict processes, public opinion, and law and order.

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  1. As Scott (1996, pp. 74–75) famously noted, such information asymmetries can arise from experiential knowledge (“mētis”) as well as technical skills.

  2. See World Bank (2016, Chapter 3) for a more extensive catalog of such initiatives.

  3. See also

  4. While water meters can tabulate flow through specific pipes and connections, these are typically read manually at regular intervals and thus do not give utilities real-time information on how often and when water is delivered to particular areas.

  5. NextDrop’s revenue model involved charging utilities for information services, including real-time information of water flows.

  6. NextDrop was started by a group of U.C. Berkeley engineering graduates, among others.

  7. The emphasis on assessing the accuracy of a principle source of remotely collected data thus differs subtly from triangulation, usually defined as inference based on multiple sources of evidence, such that “diverse viewpoints cast light upon a topic” (Olsen 2004). Groundtruthing, in contrast, focuses on data validation rather than inference.

  8. This section draws upon Hyun et al. (2018) and Kumar et al. (2017).

  9. Only a small percentage of social media data is geo-referenced, because this requires obtaining user consent or extracting location information from posted messages using automated text analysis. For example, approximately 25% of Tweets are geo-tagged (Bryant 2010; DuVander 2010). On the general point of selection bias in crowd-sourced data, see Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier (2013) and Offenhuber (2017, p. 169).

  10. Van der Windt and Humphreys (2014), for example, compare conflict data sourced electronically from observers with survey data.

  11. See Hyun et al. (2018) for more detail.

  12. Lawrence (2017), for example, constructed a systematic sample of “first mover” protesters and potential protesters in Morocco. This in turn allowed her to recruit participants for a Facebook survey experiment from a network of activists. Van der Windt and Humphreys (2014) provided a set of individuals in randomly selected villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo with mobile phones and training in reporting conflict events.

  13. Our research focused on nine valvemen in one of the utility’s 32 subdivisions. They were shadowed for approximately 4 months in total.

  14. Observation of this sort can, of course, suffer from the Hawthorne effect. In our case, the danger would be that valvemen would be more likely to report as expected when observed. However, this made observations of divergence from expectations in our presence particularly informative.

  15. Hyun et al. (2018) provides this analysis.

  16. A fuller discussion of the use of incentivizing data contributions appears below.

  17. Details in this paragraph are drawn from Kumar et al. (2017).

  18. Van der Windt and Humphreys (2014) also utilize qualitative groundtruthing, in their case to assess the accuracy of reports of conflict. The authors sent field coordinators to verify the quality of their “crowdseeded” conflict data from the Democratic Republic of Congo: coordinators observed whether or not contributors understood coding schemes and assessed the accuracy of reporting. The paper, unfortunately, does not provide detail on the types of qualitative research methods used to assess data accuracy.

  19. Many control group observations are usually needed for sufficient statistical power under such a design (Baird et al. 2015; Gerber and Green 2012, p. 260).

  20. Centers facilitating such collaborations include the Social Media and Political Participation Laboratory at New York University (, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society at University of California at Berkeley (, and the Media Cloud at Harvard and MIT (

  21. While recent work suggests that citizens most often approach state officials, such as elected representatives, directly (e.g., Kruks-Wisner 2011; Bussell 2017; Kruks-Wisner 2018), our emphasis here on SLBs is distinct.


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This research was funded by a “DIL Innovate” Grant from the Development Impact Laboratory, Blum Center for Developing Economies (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-A-13-00002, Alison Post and Isha Ray Principal Investigators), U.C. Berkeley, and a dissertation fieldwork grant from the Institute for International Studies, U.C. Berkeley. Tanu Kumar and Isha Ray, U.C. Berkeley, are co-authors of the impact evaluation project described in this paper. We thank Maria Chang for research assistance. We also thank NextDrop, the Public Affairs Foundation, and the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) for their support of our research. We are grateful for comments from Thad Dunning, Agustina Giraudy, Tanu Kumar, Katerina Linos, Aila Matanock, Isha Ray, and seminar participants at U.C. Berkeley and American University.

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Post, A.E., Agnihotri, A. & Hyun, C. Using Crowd-Sourced Data to Study Public Services: Lessons from Urban India. St Comp Int Dev 53, 324–342 (2018).

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