Terms of Service

A!-ID Service Terms of Use

Each User (defined in Article 1.1) of the various services including the points service (collectively, the “Services”) must read and consent to these A!-ID Service Terms of Use (these “Terms of Use”) in order to receive or use information regarding the operation of the A!-ID Common Login ID Site (the “Website”) provided by Amuse Inc. (the “Company”) or the Services, and conveniently use websites (the “A!-ID Designated Websites”) with one login ID and one password.

Article 1 A!-ID Membership Registration and Users

  • “User” as used in these Terms of Use means a person who has agreed to these Terms of Use, completed the A!ID member registration, and uses the Website as an A!ID member. Each User must comply with the following.
    • (1)

      Do not make any false statements in the registration information when applying for an A!-ID.

    • (2)

      If the User is a minor, the consent of a person with parental authority, a guardian, or another custodian of the interests of that minor is required to apply for the A!-ID, and when that User uses the A!-ID, it will be deemed that the consent of a person with parental authority, a guardian, or another custodian of the interests of that minor under the laws applicable to that User has been obtained. In that case, it will be deemed that that custodian of the interests of that minor has accepted the contents of these Terms of Use at the time of use.

  • The Company may refuse membership registration to any person who has applied for an A!-ID but has not yet completed registration (“A!-ID Applicant”) if the Company determines that any of the following applies or is likely to apply to that A!-ID Applicant.
    • (1)

      If the email address that the A!-ID Applicant wishes to register is already registered for an A!-ID member.

    • (2)

      If the A!-ID Applicant does not exist.

    • (3)

      If the A!-ID Applicant has been refused A!-ID membership registration in the past.

    • (4)

      If any contents of the A!-ID application are false, fraudulent, or incomplete.

    • (5)

      If the A!-ID Applicant cannot be contacted.

    • (6)

      If the A!-ID Applicant has conducted any of the prohibited acts stipulated in these Terms of Use in the past.

    • (7)

      If the Company otherwise believes it would be inappropriate to allow that A!-ID Applicant to be registered as an A!-ID member.

  • If there is a change in a User’s registered information, that User must immediately notify the Company in accordance with procedures specified by the Company.
  • The Company does not receive any registration fee or other money as consideration for A!-ID membership registrations. However, if a person has made a membership registration for a fee on an A!-ID Designated Website, that person must pay the usage fee stipulated in the respective service agreement by the method stipulated in that agreement.

Article 2 Application of and Amendments to these Terms of Use

  • These Terms of Use apply to all relationships between the Company and the Users in relation to the Services. When a User has registered as a member, it will be deemed that he or she has agreed to these Terms of Use.
  • The Services constitute a “standard transaction” as defined in Article 548-2, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code, and these Terms of Use constitute “standard terms of contract” as defined in the same paragraph.
  • The rules and regulations that the Company announces from time to time on the Website and the individual terms and conditions of each of the Services constitute part of these Terms of Use.
  • The Company may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code, amend, make an addition to, or abolish the contents of the Services, these Terms of Use, individual terms and conditions, or other rules and regulations by posting on the Website or by another method determined by the Company (the “Website, Etc.”) (1) the fact that those contents have been amended, (2) those contents after they have been amended, and (3) the effective date of that amendment. If any such amendment, addition, or abolishment causes a substantial disadvantage to a User, the Company will notify that User in advance by email or another method considered appropriate by the Company.

Article 3 Provision of Points Service and A!-POINT Designated Services

A!-POINT is a points service provided by the Company or a third party in partnership with the Company to users. The services (the “A!-POINT Designated Services”) for which Users can use A!-POINTS are specified by the Company in the online guide on the Website.

Article 4 Outline of the Points Service

  • Users may use A!-POINTS to accumulate and redeem points in accordance with the amount spent on the A!-POINT Designated Services and the status of use.
  • The Company will award points when a User purchases goods or uses services in the A!-POINT Designated Services using a method specified by the Company and in other cases considered appropriate by the Company. Points held in the A!-POINT Designated Services can be used to pay for all or part of a payment at a rate of 1 point = 1 yen. However, there are some cases where points cannot be used, and the details of those cases are specified on the A!-POINT Designated Services.
  • The Company will determine and notify the Users, on A!-POINT Designated Services, of the sites, services, and transactions subject to point allocation and use as determined by the Company (collectively, “Qualifying Transactions”), the rate of point allocation, and other conditions of the allocation and use of points as determined by the Company.
  • A transaction might or might not be a Qualifying Transaction depending on the type of transaction or the service used.
  • Points will be awarded after a certain period determined by the Company after the Qualifying Transaction has been conducted. If the Company confirms during that period that there has been a cancellation, rescission, return or withdrawal of a Qualifying Transaction (if the Qualifying Transaction is a service for the fan club or admission or continuation of membership in the fan club, including cases where there is a defect in the service, admission or continuation of membership in the fan club, or if the service, admission or continuation of membership in the fan club is cancelled, rescinded or withdrawn), points will not be awarded for that Qualifying Transaction and if the Company confirms that cancellation, rescission, or withdrawal after the above period has passed, the points awarded for that Qualifying Transaction will be removed. If there is a price change in a Qualifying Transaction, points will be awarded based on the amount of the purchase after that change.

Article 5 Validity Period of Points

The validity period of the points issued under A!-POINT depends on the type of points. Points are no longer valid after their validity period has passed. Users should check the validity period of each point in My Page on the Website.

Article 6 No Transferring, Sharing or Converting Points

  • A User may not transfer or pledge his or her points to another User or share his or her points with another User.
  • If a User has registered more than one A!-ID, that User may not combine the points he or she has in each A!-ID.
  • Users may not redeem their points for cash.

Article 7 Temporary Suspension of Points Service and Lapse of Points

  • A!-POINT might be temporarily suspended in the following cases.
    • (1)

      If it becomes impossible to use the Website or any of the A!-POINT Designated Services due to a system failure or another reason.

    • (2)

      If it is suspected there has been unauthorized use of the points service.

    • (3)

      If the Company otherwise deems it necessary.

  • A User’s points will expire in the following cases.
    • (1)

      If the User’s membership registration is cancelled.

    • (2)

      If it is confirmed that the User has misused the points service.

    • (3)

      If the Company otherwise deems it necessary.

Article 8 Checking Point Balances

A User may check the number of points he or she currently has and the validity period of the points by accessing the Website and logging in.

Article 9 Preparation for Use

  • Each User must, at his or her own responsibility and expense, procure all software, communications equipment, hardware, etc. necessary to use the Website and prepare an operating environment (including regulatory requirements in the country or region where the User is located) including the execution of agreements (including, without limitation, telephone use agreements and Internet access agreements) necessary for communication services. The Website does not provide support for software, communications equipment, hardware, or communications services.
  • Each User must, at his or her own responsibility and expense, take security measures to prevent computer viruses, unauthorized access, and information leaks, and take other security measures depending on the operating environment.
  • The Company has nothing to do with the operating environment of each User (including regulatory requirements in the country or region where the User is located) and is not liable for any inability to receive the Services or delay in transmission of information or any other inconvenience caused by a User’s failure to use or prepare the operating environment.

Article 10 Use of the Services and Compensation for Loss or Damage

  • Each User must use the Website and the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  • Each User is solely responsible for the information he or she transmits through the Website.
  • The Company will not be liable for any damage if a User causes damage to another User or a third party in connection with the use of the Website or the Services (including any dispute between that User and another User or a third party).
  • If a User violates these Terms of Use and causes damage to the Company, that User must compensate the Company for that damage.

Article 11 Distribution of Email Newsletters

  • The Company may send email newsletters to the Users to provide information and services related to points, goods, tickets, contents, etc., as well as to provide other information and services available on the Website under these Terms of Use, and it will be deemed that the Users accept the provision of that information and services in advance. If a User does not wish to receive the information and services provided in email newsletters, that User may opt out of those newsletters by a method specified by the Company. However, Users may not opt out of emails with important information about the service in general.
  • The Company is not liable to Users or third parties for any damage that might occur as a result of registering or canceling the email newsletters described in the following items.
    • (1)

      Damage incurred from using information obtained from an email newsletter

    • (2)

      Damage incurred by a failure to notify a User of a notice from the Website due to an event that is not attributable to the Company

    • (3)

      Damage incurred because an email newsletter is not delivered, has not been delivered yet, has been delivered late, or has been delivered to the wrong address regardless of the reason

Article 12 Intellectual Property Rights

  • A User may not, without the consent of the Company or the copyright holder, use, disclose, or otherwise deal with any information provided through the Website beyond the scope of the User’s private use as defined in the Copyright Act.
  • All information, programs, trademarks, trade names and all other rights associated with the Website, including editorial copyrights, trademark rights, and publicity rights, belong to the Company or a third party (excluding Users). Users may not reprint, copy, store, or transmit the contents of the Website without the Company’s permission.

Article 13 Prohibited Matters

The Users may not engage in any of the following acts or any act that is likely to constitute any of the following. If the Company judges that a User has conducted any of those acts, it may restrict the use of the Website by that User by, for example, terminating the User’s A!-ID registration or suspending the User’s login.

    • (1)

      Unauthorized use of an A!-ID and password

    • (2)

      Infringing on the property rights, credibility, reputation, privacy, or other rights of another User, a third party, or the Company

    • (3)

      Infringing on the intellectual property rights (including copyrights, publicity rights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights, and trademark rights) of another User, a third party, or the Company

    • (4)

      Conducting an act that violates public policy, a criminal act, an act in violation of a law or regulation, or any other act that disturbs others

    • (5)

      Providing the Company, another User, or a third party with information that is or is likely to be contrary to the facts

    • (6)

      Conducting an act through or in connection with the Website for commercial purposes without the consent of the Company or conducting an act in preparation for such an act

    • (7)

      Accessing the Company’s network or server without authorization, conducting an act that puts an unreasonable or excessive burden on the Company’s network or server, or conducting any similar act

    • (8)

      Installing or executing a virus or other program or file that interferes with the proper operation of information terminals, network equipment or systems managed by the Company or a third party, interferes with or controls the operation of those terminals, network equipment or systems, or reads, retrieves, or damages data

    • (9)

      Slandering or defaming another User or a third party

    • (10)

      Conducting an act that interferes with the provision of the Service or interferes with the Company’s business or operations (including making repeated inquiries or requests to the Company that are unnecessary or have already been answered by the Company on numerous occasions)

    • (11)

      Conducting any other act that the Company considers inappropriate and displays on the Website

Article 14 Discontinuance and Suspension of the Services

  • The Company might temporarily discontinue or suspend the provision of the Services by giving prior notice to the Users on the Website or elsewhere due to system maintenance, an inspection, or a similar reason.
  • The provision of the Services might be temporarily discontinued or suspended without notice in the event of a system failure or other unforeseen circumstances caused by a natural disaster, power outage, interference by a third party, or other similar event.
  • The Company might terminate the Services due to the operational status of the Services or other unavoidable circumstances. In that case, the Company will notify the Users on the Website, Etc. in advance to the extent possible.
  • The Company will not be liable for any damage to a User caused by the discontinuation or suspension of the Website or the Services.

Article 15 Disclaimer

  • The Company does not explicitly or implicitly warrant that there is no factual or legal defect (including, without limitation, any defect, error, bug, or infringement of rights related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, efficacy, fitness for a particular purpose, or security) in the contents of the Services or the Services themselves. The Company is not liable to any User with respect to any damage incurred by a User in connection with the use of the Services, damage suffered by a User due to unauthorized access by a third party to any equipment or system necessary for the provision of the Services, or the temporary suspension or a restriction on use of the Services, damage suffered by a User due to an amendment to these Terms of Use or cancellation of a contract, or damage suffered by a User due to a dispute between that User and a third party unless that is due to the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases expressly provided for in these Terms of Use, individual terms and conditions, or rules and regulations.
  • The Company is not liable to any User with respect to damage caused by an interruption, delay, or discontinuation of the system or a loss of data due to a failure of telecommunications lines, a network or a computer or a failure related to the use of points, damage caused by unauthorized access to data, or any other damage incurred by a User in relation to the Services.
  • If the Company issues a notice regarding the Services (including a notice prescribed in Article 2.4) to a User to the email address registered by that User, it will be deemed that that notice reached the User at the time that notice was issued, and the Company will not be liable for damage incurred by that User because that notice did not reach that User because that User failed to notify the Company of a change in his or her email address in violation of Article 1.3 or due to a system failure or another reason.

Article 16 Deregistration of A!-IDs

If a User wishes to cancel his or her A!-ID registration, that User must follow the procedures specified on the Website.

Article 17 Use and Provision of Personal Information

The Company will handle all personal information of Users obtained by the Company in association with the use of the Website and the Services by the Users in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy.

Article 18 Other Matters

  • All information and services to be provided by the Company to the Users and all information and services to be provided from the Website, and all notifications (including the notifications prescribed in Article 2.4 and Article 15.3 and the email newsletters prescribed in Article 11) to be provided under these Terms of Use are to be provided in Japanese. The Company might, at its sole discretion, provide some information, services, or notices in a language other than Japanese, but that does not obligate the Company to provide or suggest that the Company will provide all of that information or those services or notices in a language other than Japanese.
  • These Terms of Use and the use of the Services are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  • The parties agree that, depending on the amount of the case, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court has exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance over all disputes related to these Terms of Use and the Services in preference to all applicable principles of conflict of laws.
Effective as of March 2, 2015
Partially revised on September 17, 2019
Partially revised on November 13, 2020