Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

An aphrodisiac was an object or substance that heightened sexual desire and awareness, though this effect could be imaginary.

Humans had, at various times, used the ground horn of white rhinos and the bile of black bears as aphrodisiacs. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

Certain cultures considered perfume an aphrodisiac. (TNG: "Angel One")

According to Phlox in 2151, some species used triglobulin, produced within the bodies of the sentient Axanar, as an aphrodisiac. Pointedly, Jonathan Archer told Phlox that while Humans had collected aphrodisiacs from animals, they had not harvested them from people. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

Upon receiving a birthday gift from his friend Leonard McCoy in 2285, admiral James T. Kirk incorrectly guessed that it would be a Klingon aphrodisiac. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

According to William T. Riker in 2364, an aphrodisiac was "something used to stimulate or enhance sexual pleasure". Data was unfamiliar with the term. (TNG: "Angel One")

In 2373, Quark attempted to smuggle the Regalian liquid crystal aboard Deep Space 9, which was both highly intoxicating and a occasionally dangerous aphrodisiac. (DS9: "The Ship")

In the same year, while possessing the body of Kes, Tieran offered her power if she would join him and stop mentally resisting his possession, stating "I assure you, it is the finest aphrodisiac there is." Kes, however, was not persuaded. (VOY: "Warlord")

On board the Silver Blood USS Voyager in 2375, Neelix offered Tom Paris for his honeymoon with B'Elanna Torres a holoprogram of a mountain resort on the fifth moon of Cytrax, which had crickets with songs that were reputed to be an "auditory aphrodisiac". Tom turned it down, claiming that he and B'Elanna did not need aphrodisiacs. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")

In Tom Paris' altered holonovel based on board the fictional USS Voyeur, The Doctor used a Klingon aphrodisiac on Two of Three, much to the disgust of the real Doctor. (VOY: "Author, Author")

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