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Memory Alpha
Crisis Point - The Rise of Vindicta title card

Title card of the movie

Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta was a holo-novel program designed like a blockbuster movie. The original program, Boimler Seven, was designed by Ensign Brad Boimler to help him prepare for a diplomacy workshop interview with Captain Carol Freeman. However, Ensign Beckett Mariner took control of the program and rewrote it.

Initially, the program was designed as a near-perfect representation of the USS Cerritos, and its holographic crewmembers were virtually identical to their flesh-and-blood counterparts (with the exception of Boimler, as he had no need for a hologram of himself in his own program). This was due to the fact that Boimler had used over seven years worth of the crew's personal logs to create them - an act that Ensign Sam Rutherford thought to be unethical, as some of those might have been private. Realizing how lifelike the holo-crew was, Mariner, still hurting from Captain Freeman sending her to the ship's therapist instead of the brig due to her brazen insubordination in violating the Prime Directive, overwrote the program to make it a movie-like program so she could direct her anger at the crew. While she was able to convince fellow ensigns D'Vana Tendi and Rutherford into joining her, Boimler instead tried to use the program the way he had intended. (LD: "Crisis Point")


The program starts out with the title of the revised program and then displays dazzling credits. It begins at Kabba Lake, where Captain Freeman is hydroscooting with her senior staff. Freeman and her crew then receive a message from Admiral Vassery. The Cerritos arrives at Douglas Station, where Vassery informs Freeman and her staff about the USS San Clemente's "wonderful second contact" at Idlocana VI. The admiral tells Freeman that there is no Starfleet ship with that registry, and orders Freeman to take the Cerritos to gather intel, get out, and to not deviate from the plan. Freeman and her senior staff then take a shuttle to the upgraded Cerritos.

The Cerritos arrives at Idlocana VI, where the planet's selenium rings disrupt the ship's sensors. A Klingon Bird-of-Prey of unknown class decloaks in front of the Cerritos. The ship's is hailed by the Bird-of-Prey's captain, Vindicta. Vindicta introduces her crew, and demonstrates her ruthlessness by killing one of her henchmen, Shempo, for bringing her coffee instead of tea. Vindicta informs Freeman of her vendetta against the Starfleet captain, then distracts Freeman by playing a recording of herself quoting The Tempest while she and her two remaining henchmen, Tendi and Bionic 5, board the Cerritos.

Vindicta and her henchmen start attacking and killing several members of the crew. In the mess hall, Vindicta is able to use a severed Borg head to protect herself from Lieutenant Shaxs, whom she promptly kills. Vindicta then proceeds to the bridge, where she kills the remaining bridge crew excpet for Freeman and an operations division officer. She then confronts Freeman, who refuses to surrender to Vindicta. However, Vindicta chooses to self-destruct her own ship and cause the Cerritos to crash onto Idlocana VI.

Freeman orders her remaining crew to evacuate the ship. The captain is then confronted by Vindicta and the two fight each other. As Vindicta is about to kill the captain, she is confronted by Ensign Beckett Mariner, who beams the captain away and fights Vindicta. Despite Vindicta defeating Mariner, Mariner triumphantly reveals that she was merely stalling Vindicta so the crew could escape the Cerritos' self-destruct sequence, which kills Mariner and Vindicta.

An impromptu funeral is later held for Mariner with the surviving crew, wherein Freeman reveals that Mariner was her daughter. Vindicta also survived by hiding in a photon torpedo casing, though she was quickly shot and killed by Leonardo da Vinci. (LD: "Crisis Point")


In 2381, Brad Boimler wrote a sequel to The Rise of Vindicta entitled Crisis Point II: Paradoxus. This holoprogram featured the crew of the USS Wayfarer joining forces with the Cerritos to thwart a Romulan ploy to kill the family lineage of Ambassador Koro, and a journey in search of a being known as Ki-ty-ha. (LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")

