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(Reguidit frae Elephants)
Temporal range: Pliocene–Present
A female African bush elephant in Mikumi Naitional Pairk, Tanzanie
A female African bush elephant in Mikumi Naitional Pairk, Tanzanie
Scienteefic clessificationEdit this classification
Kinrick: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Cless: Mammalia
Order: Proboscidea
Faimily: Elephantidae
Subfaimily: Elephantinae
Groups included
Cladeestically includit but tradeetionally excludit taxa

The elephant is a muckle laund mammal o the order Proboscidea an the faimlie Elephantidae. Thare are twa bidin spece: the African bush an the Asie elephant (cried the Indie elephant an aw). Ither spece hae become extinct langsyne the last ice age, the mammoths bein the maist kenspeckle o thaim. Thay war ance clessifee'd alang wi ither thick skinned ainimals in a nou invalid order, Pachydermata.