Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Automated Logout

autologout block example

This module provides a site administrator the ability to log users out after a specified time of inactivity.
It is highly customizable and includes "site policies" by role to enforce logout.

Typed Data API enhancements

The Typed Data API Enhancements module adds functionality to the core Drupal TypedData API without altering the operation of t

Multiupload Filefield Widget

The File module of Drupal 7 enables you to select only one file at a time which can be very time consuming in case of many files.

Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation

When configured to do so, advagg can improve page rendering speeds


Note: AdvAgg needs a major rework for Drupal 10.1 - recommend holding update or disabling AdvAgg until a new release comes out.

Quick Edit

Screenshot of a node being quick-edited.

Quick Edit allows content to be edited in-place.

Quick Edit is a backport of the Drupal 8 In-place editing for Fields.

Entity Clone

Entity clone

What is this module?

This module adds a new entity operation which allows Drupal to clone many of the entities (config & content) provided by Drupal core.

Menu Breadcrumb

This module allows you to use the menu the current page belongs to for the breadcrumb, generating breadcrumbs from the titles of parent menus.

You may also:

Plupload integration


Provides integration for the Plupload widget into Drupal. Plupload is a GPL licensed multiple file uploading tool that can present widgets in Flash, Gears, HTML 5, Silverlight, BrowserPlus, and HTML4 depending on the capabilities of the client computer.

Security warning

In order to protect your site you should ALWAYS delete examples subfolder from Plupload library. There is a patch, that can help you to do that in one simple step or to include it in a distribution.

Compatibility warning

Library version v2.0.0 and later are currently unsupported. Latest supported version of library is v1.5.8, which can be downloaded from

Image Effects

Adds various visual effects and filters to images, enhancing the aesthetics and creative possibilities for image manipulation and presentation.

Override Node Options

A screenshot of the Override Node Options permissions

The Override Node Options module allows permissions to be set to each field within the Authoring information and Publishing options field sets on the node form.


Drupal Geocoder PHP module

This module is a Drupal wrapper/implementation for the Geocoder PHP library: "The most featured Geocoder library written in PHP, which helps you build geo-aware applications by providing a powerful abstraction layer for geocoding manipulations".

It is commonly used to automatically Geocode string/text Point addresses and WKT Geometries into Geofield, so as Reverse Geocode Geofield Points into String/Text Point addresses, and other Geocoder PHP library formats.

Automatic Entity Label


"Automatic Entity Label" is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of entity label fields. To prevent empty labels it can be configured to generate the label automatically by a given pattern.

This can be used on any entity type, including e.g. for node titles, comment subjects, taxonomy term names and profile2 labels.

Patterns for automatic labels can be constructed with tokens. Drupal core provides a basic set of tokens. For a token selection widget install the token module. Some entity types (e.g. profile2) provide tokens via the entity_token module (part of entity).

Advanced users can use PHP code for automatically generating labels.

Menu Item Extras

8.x-2.x fieldaable menus.

Menu Item Extras provides extra fields for the Menu Items without using additional entities. This module is NOT an alternative of all Mega Menu modules - it is unique implementation of Drupal core’s Menu system.
All fields are placed upon the Menu Item edit/add form and use core Menu link content entity for storing all data.


@font-your-face logo


@font-your-face provides an administrative interface for browsing and applying web fonts (using CSS @font-face, supported in all popular browsers) from a variety of sources. Try it out on


  • A font browsing interface allows selection of fonts from from several providers:
  • Fonts are automatically loaded on site simply by clicking "Enable"; no need to create font files, write CSS, add JS, nor figure out different methods for every font provider.
  • Clear indication of license restrictions on provided fonts.
  • Fonts can be applied to specific text on the site either by using the provided font-family identifier in theme CSS, or by typing a CSS selector directly in the @font-your-face interface.
  • The @font-your-face code is designed for re-use, so other modules can both supply and read active and available font information.
  • You can also import your own local fonts in WOFF format.)
  • Fonts can be exported/imported(7.x-2.x via Features, 8.x via core configuration)
  • Automated tests (8.x via TravisCI)

Quick Tabs

Quick Tabs

The Quick Tabs module allows you to create blocks of tabbed content, specifically views, blocks, nodes* and other quicktabs*. You can create a block on your site containing multiple tabs with corresponding content. Clicking on the tabs makes the corresponding content display instantly, using jQuery.




Simplenews publishes and sends newsletters to lists of subscribers. Both anonymous and authenticated users can opt-in to different mailing lists. HTML email can be sent by adding Drupal Symfony Mailer (or Mime Mail module for D7).


  • Sending nodes as newsletters to subscribers
  • Multiple newsletter categories with separate settings
  • Per category and multi-signup Blocks and Pages
  • Subscriber management including mass-subscription and export
  • Optional E-mail confirmations for anonymous users
  • Customizable newsletter templates
  • Support for HTML (including text alternative) newsletter when used in combination with a supported mail system module
  • Views and Rules integration
  • Support for multi-language newsletters

CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack

CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack is an official set of free plugins extending functionalities of CKEditor 5 for Drupal, maintained by CKSource.

Currently available plugins:

Image URL Formatter

This module add a url formatter for image field. Then you can output image url directly.

Most of the code, maybe more than 90%, is just copy from the drupal core. I think it is stable enough.

I have created a content type, and add an image field instance to it, later i use views to export the data of this content type.And i want to output the data,then i could import it into another drupal 7 site with feeds module. What i need is the url of the image field, but i could not export the image url directly. That is why i create this small module.


(1)After install this module,then you add an image field,then you can goto this bundle's manage display page,here at format column,you can choose "Image URL" instead of "Image".

(2)When you add an image field in your views,then you config the Formatter for this field, here you can choose "Image URL" instead of "Image".

Then you can output image's URL instead of Image itself.

Compare with the method shipping with views

(1) timofey give another method that do not using this module:
Based on Drupal 7, Views 3
Add a "File Usage: File" relationship (Advanced->Relationsips)
Add a "File: Path" field, NOT "Content: Image" (Block details->Fields)
You will have limitless options on image path output. Click to Display download path instead of URI.

Taxonomy Manager

Taxonomy Manager Interface (7.x)

This module provides a powerful interface for managing taxonomies. A vocabulary gets displayed in a dynamic tree view, where parent terms can be expanded to list their nested child terms or can be collapsed.

The Taxonomy Manager has following operations and key features:

  • dynamic treeview
  • mass deleting
  • mass adding of new terms
  • moving of terms in hierarchies
  • merging of terms (using the Term merge module in 7.x)
  • fast weight changing with up and down arrows (and AJAX saving)
  • AJAX powered term editing form
  • simple search interface
  • CSV Export of terms
  • i18n support for multilingual vocabularies (per language terms)
  • Double Tree interface for moving terms in hierarchies, adding new translations and switching terms between different vocabularies

For using the Taxonomy Manager you should have JavaScript and automatically load of images enabled in your browser.

This is a Google Summer of Code 2007 project. Read my proposal and my status reports for more information.

Drupal 7
The Taxonomy Manager is incompatible with the Devel Themer (#874488: Clicking Add button does nothing - incompatibility with Devel module and Tao based themes (like Rubik))


The Profile module provides configurable user profiles.

Job Scheduler

Simple API for scheduling tasks once at a predetermined time or periodically at a fixed interval.

Exclude Node Title

A checkbox to exclude title

This module handles a very simple functionality, decide whatever to exclude a node title from full node page or node teasers.
It provides a checkbox on node-edit pages for easier exclusion, or you can use the admin page to manually enter a list of node id's to exclude title.
Also provides the option to hide all titles of a certain Content type. From the administrative interface you can select a content type to hide title for.
Use case: Let's say you create a content type called: Lightbox content, and in your layout lightbox content will have titles set on title attribute of the link, rather than inline on your page, so you would like to exclude title from displaying inline for all your nodes of type Lightbox content, simple, just check the option and voila.

How it works?

This project has some other, very simple approaches, like hiding the title from CSS using display: none or applying the template_preprocess_page hook in your theme to make the title variable null.
Actually Exclude Node Title does the same thing, only that you don't have to manually make different hacks, hard to track from the administration interface.

New features 7.x-1.5

Views Field View

There are a lot of cases in views where you want to embed a list inside each row. One example could be, you have a list of groups,
