Founded in 2008, Zivtech is a full-service web design and development agency that specializes in open-source software. We offer design, development, strategy, and project delivery services to a wide range of clients across a variety of industries. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations through technology and provide our clients with digital products that are attractive, accessible, functional, and adaptive.


Zivtech conducts public and private Drupal training workshops for all skill levels, from newbies to seasoned developers. Our team specializes in creating advanced and custom curricula for our clients. Please visit our Drupal Training page for more information.

Drupal contributions

Zivtech is an active member of the open source software communities in which we work, most notably the Drupal community. We believe community participation is essential to the expertise and professional development of our team. We advance the open source platforms on which we work by contributing our time, code, and knowledge. In return, we stay on the cutting-edge of technology and our work benefits from consistent peer review.

We contribute in a variety of ways, including:

  • Giving our employees time to work on Drupal projects
  • Releasing, maintaining, and patching contributed modules
  • Patching Drupal Core
  • Assisting with, including the Git migration and Drupal 7 upgrade
  • Organizing, hosting, and sponsoring Drupal meetups, camps, and conferences
  • Conducting sessions at Drupal meetups, camps, and conferences
  • Evangelizing Drupal at non-Drupal-specific events
  • Training new Drupal users at public and private workshops
  • Improving documentation and contributing case studies
  • Writing blog posts for the Drupal Planet

2 supported contributor roles

Contributor roles

jakaeser's picture

From 2019-04 until 2019-04
Teaching Assistant, DevOps for Drupal, DrupalCon Seattle

tim.plunkett's picture

From 2012-03 until 2012-06
Drupaldelphia 2012