They don't make them like this anymore...
19 July 2004
War movie? Anti-war movie? For you to judge on this one.

Fact is that this is a crude depiction of what happened a bit everywhere in the Korean war.

Gregory Peck, a gentleman of an actor, delivers a very strong performance as an officer tasked to take that darn hill. His conflict goes both ways.

He has to order his men to "get out there and take the Hill at all costs" and at the same time he has to keep their spirits together before they totally crack-up.

In fact, you actually can feel the bombs and the mortars shelling you throughout the movie. Imagine how you would feel if you had actually been there...

This is probably a good companion to "M*A*S*H" (the Movie and/or the TV series). It's just on the other side of those Hills. It's these boys who were delivered on Hawkeye's operation table.

Never forget that!

It's honest, well played and has much less war-glorifying aspects than one would imagine or expect.

The DVD edition is a bit better than its VHS counterpart and is in the correct 1.85:1 aspect ratio.

Now, if some producer is still able to make a 90 minute movie with a similar gripping story nowadays, then you may call me Santa Claus!
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