Give it a chance.......it gets better
10 February 2016
I love the books having read them all more than once, the movie was OK ish but I was very excited when I heard a series was being made. I watched the first episode and I wasn't sure, the acting was a tad wooden but that's not unusual for a new series in the pilot episode especially for new young actors. So I watched the next one and it started to grow me and now I'm hooked and can't wait for each new episode. Yes it is slightly different to the books but no film or TV adaptation is 100% true to the book, what works on the page doesn't always translate to screen hence they say 'based on'. I have likened this series to True Blood, I watched the first episode or two of that and thought it was a bit naff but I stayed with it a became an avid True Blood fan, loving every episode. I am hoping Shadowhunters will be the same. In conclusion give it a chance, it could be a really good watch.
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