The Purge 2024: Well made little short
17 May 2019
Recently I watched The Purge UK (2015) and it damn near killed my faith in the Purge concept. It was a truly dire fan made film so I went into this with really really low expectations.

To my surprise it's actually perfectly watchable stuff and clearly had people behind the camera who knew what they were doing. The whole thing looks the part and far more professional than you'd expect from such an outing.

There isn't much in the way of a story, merely a group of "Purgers" descending on their prey but getting more of a fight than they expected.

Again it looks great and overcomes a lot of inevitable limitations they'll have suffered in its production. Though it's nothing groundbreaking it's watchable, it's well constructed and personally I quite liked it.

I tip my hat to everyone involved, with a larger budget I'm confident you'd make a better Purge movie than Hollywood has managed thus far.

The Good:

Looks great

Loved the ending

The Bad:

Not much to it
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