The Wonder Years (TV Series 2021–2023) Poster


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A Charming, Deep Show
AnimatedCritic23 September 2021
I was a little skeptical about this reboot, but I actually found it to be pretty good. It's a charming show about a 12 year old boy discovering his path in life. It's a charming premise, and it's handled well. The show can also be deep and emotional, with the death of Martin Luther King affecting everyone. Some issues is that a little to much happens in this episode, and there could be a little less of Don Cheadle's narrating. Not that he does a bad job, he does a great job, be he sometimes talked over scenes that shouldn't have needed narration.

But besides that, it a charming take on the Wonder Years, that's also deep and emotional.
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Narrator Don Cheadle asks "Why do songs about oppression have to be sooooooo long?" I always asked the same question too!
Ed-Shullivan30 September 2021
That is the question the main character Dean Williams (Elisha Williams) shouts out in church at Sunday mass much to the dismay of his parents. Little do they know that their young son Dean just got his heart broken by witnessing his two best friends kissing in the pilot episode. A-List actor Don Cheadle narrates each episode through the eyes of the series young star Dean Williams.

For those negative IMDB reviewers who just couldn't wait to knock the series on the first day the series was aired, you better be prepared to eat your words as I see a very, very bright future for this re-boot 1960's TV series as seen through the eyes of the narrator Don Cheadle, an African American who lives with his middle class family in a middle class neighborhood.

This families stories, episode after episode, will gradually reflect back on any middle aged viewers who also lived through this period (as I did) whether you are black, brown, white or yellow skinned.

As the late great John Lennon wrote, "all we are saying is give peace a chance". All I am saying, is give this 1960's re-boot TV series as seen through the eyes of a middle class African American family a chance too!

I give the series an 8 out of 10 IMDB rating. Just one last comment, I love Dean's bicycle with the high handle bars and banana seat. Now those were the "Wonder Years".
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So far, so great!
and_shove_it_up_your_butt23 September 2021
Usually I am adamantly against remakes. So much so that I refuse to watch them. What's the point honestly? Have you seen what they've done to shows like He-Man. Knight Rider or the movie Nightmare on Elm Street? If they remake Three's Company, The Golden Girls or The Wiz (yes, it's a remake but it doesn't count) I'm jumping off the edge of the planet.

Initially I rolled my eyes over Wonder Years 2.0 but when I saw Don Cheadle in the credits I took a chance. I'm glad that I did. The Wonder Years 2.0 makes sense because it's not re-telling the same story about the same family. We are now on the other side of the city with a Black family and this changes everything. I love what they've done so far and I can't wait for them to really dig into this decade from our perspective.
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Who is the target?
amexspam24 September 2021
Nostalgia TV shows use timeframes targeting an audience when they were children. The original Wonder Years came out in the '80s and showed the 60s - going after 30 somethings; the same target as Happy Days (70s/50s) and The 70s Show (90s/70s). The furthest afield was the Waltons (70s/30s) that went after 50-ishes. The new "The Wonder Years" takes place over 50 years ago. The series writer was not yet born. The name implies a nostalgia show, but the target market would be septuagenarians. The more likely answer is the show is not nostalgia, but creative fiction using a spot in time - which is common in storytelling. If so, they could have picked a better name.
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I love this series
I sure hope it gets renewed. I can't fathom why anyone would give this show a low rating. It's entertaining, the actors are great, the themes are great, the settings are well done. I just love everything. I have laughed more watching this than I have for a long time. I am in my 60s though so I remember the era well. I look forward to each episode.
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It's not woke or political. This is how it was.
kgsouth24 September 2021
It's absolutely pathetic to see people judge this without seeing it or because the cast is black. You can call it political or close your eyes to it but this is how it was in 1960. It's not "woke" it's real life.

The characters are just getting fleshed out the story is just beginning and I am looking forward to seeing what stories unfold. It's 2021 and people act like these stories should just be buried... Or the infamous "get over it". Stop it. Stop it now.. to quote another closed minded reviewer here.

The original story has not been destroyed because this one exists. Regardless Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage) himself is involved with the making of this show.
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Gentle comedy about family life in the 60's from a different than usual perspective !
johnalewis-4589423 September 2021
As usual any show showing life in the good ol' US of A from anything but a Lilly-white perspective is immediately called "too political"!

I remember watching the original series whilst still at school and wondering where all the diversity in America is? I was getting into rock, blues and jazz music and Jimi Hendrix was my hero.

This seems to a gentle comedy show about late 1960's era family life in a black middle class neighborhood in the south. But it will not shy away from showing a black perspective.

Good start, hope the characters and story live up to the premise. We shall see.
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Misses the point
JaeBianca2 October 2021
As a black female who watched the original Wonder Years at the age of 10, I feel like whoever greenlighted this series misunderstood why it worked when it did. In the 80s there was a a great deal of 60s nostalgia, especially with music. The Beach Boys we're back on the charts and Frankie & Annette were once again movie stars. Young people nowadays feel the same kind of nostalgia about the 90s, if not later. And quite frankly, 35 years later, I find the characters somewhat unrelatable. In the reboot, I find them downright unlikable. There isn't even a soundtrack so good that I can ignore the unremarkable casting.
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Great 1st episode.
moesizlak8123 September 2021
Pretty funny and set the tone and atmosphere really well. The actors were charming and endearing. Looking forward to where it goes in future episodes.
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Not a Remake, a New Chapter
NosCustodimus23 September 2021
I enjoyed the pilot. The adult cast is excellent with familiar faces (and voices!). The acting, writing, etc. Wasn't stellar in the pilot (which is normal), but I think it'll all improve as the series progresses. They nailed the look (as far as I can tell) and there were a few things that really hit close to home for me, positively and negatively, but always poignantly.

I laughed out loud a couple times, as I'm sure did others who remember being told to "stay out of grown folks business" and that being the last word on the subject. I have had at least three teachers/ coaches (just the ones I can remember off the top of my head) who, as the show puts it, "[weren't] prejudiced" and clearly were. I might've also laughed a bit too hard at the baseball scene as I flashed back to similar situations. I think, like any period piece, The Wonder Years (2021) will be enjoyed by everyone in the target demographic and maybe sway a few others if they're open-minded enough to learn another chapter of the Wonder Years story. Give it a watch. You'll enjoy it.


And it's on that note that this review diverges to address the larger discussion: Nostalgia vs Revisionist History. First and foremost, as someone who once wrote a paper on The Wonder Years (true story, 7th grade English), anyone saying this show is "too political, unlike the original" has not seen the original and should have their review deleted. Imagery in the first 10 secs of the original pilot disproves this. 1x04 includes a dinner table political debate wherein a draftee alludes to the possibility of fleeing to Canada. These aren't the only time "politics" were addressed in the original series, as anyone would tell you who actually watched the show and understood it.

It's disappointing (though painfully predictable) that people who clearly know nothing about the show, the time, or the culture would make such a concerted, vitriolic effort to downvote a show simply for daring to tell the second chapter of a story from a non-White perspective. This anger on their part actually proves the larger point: that shows like this are necessary. People need to see and learn different perspectives and experiences and they need to see them in the mainstream, not tucked away on a niche streaming service or channel that can be dismissed and ignored by those hoping to maintain the status quo while silencing diverse voices.
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Southerners with Northern Accents...hmmm
labenji-1216327 December 2022
1968 Montgomery, Alabama and no one has a southern accent. I can't get beyond that. Additionally, I have to agree with another viewer that asks the question about who is the target audience. I was born in 1968, therefore I really don't remember life before the 80s, when i turned 12 in 1980 and graduated elementary school, life prior to this date I clearly recall my childhood, but no what was going on in the today at 54, I can't relate to this show. Considering we are 20+ years into a new millennia perhaps Hollywood should consider the Wonder Years to be the 1980s or 90s, as anyone born in the late 1950s early 60s is probably not up at 9 pm watching TV.
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Based on Pilot...Loved it
marymcfarland-0186623 September 2021
This is how to properly reboot a classic. Totally fresh take, great casting, loved the beginning narration showing that 50 years later, everything is pretty much the same. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Ignore the low rating. Definitely worth the watch.
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A Good Show in its Own Right
madtomflint-9975016 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this by admitting I've only seen the pilot episode. That being said... As a child of the '80s, who grew up watching The Wonder Years, I had mixed feelings when I heard about this planned reboot. Part of me felt like TV executives were recycling the nostalgia of my childhood for a quick payday, and I worried the new show would be more "Preachy" than "Wonder." On the other hand, some of my favorite '80s movies were reboots of earlier movies, like John Carpenter's The Thing; so I can't say reboots are simply bad on principle. I also thought that this reboot (if done well) might be a chance for a new generation to experience the same 'in-the-moment-nostalgia' that I had felt when I was a kid.

So it was with trepidation that I watched the pilot episode and I really enjoyed it! The writing, acting and pacing are all really good. I actually laughed out loud at a couple points, and I felt the emotional impact they were trying to convey at the end of the episode. I think this reboot will be really good if they keep doing what they did in the pilot! But that's the problem with this show...

Why did they piggyback off of The Wonder Years? If they had made an original family-oriented, coming-of-age show set in the late '60s it would naturally have been compared to The Wonder Years; but it would still be judged on its own merits as a great show. But because they chose to borrow on the wealth of the original show's fandom, people have no choice but to judge it based on the original show's merits, and this reboot sadly falls short.

Look, The Wonder Years was lightning in a bottle. The extraordinary combination of Joe Cocker's voice over that grainy home movie opening, Daniel Stern's soft yet evocative narration, and the timeless themes of family, adolescent struggles, and growing up in a turbulent time of great change all combined to give viewers a wonderful sentimental feeling toward the characters and the show as a whole. In short, the original perfectly captured the wonder of growing up.

I like Don Cheadle but he's no Daniel Stern. His voice lacks the same comic quality and poignant feeling that Stern put into The Wonder Years. When you heard Stern's voice over you immediately knew you were hearing the adult Kevin Arnold looking back on his childhood. Cheadle just sounds like he's narrating a story. That might have something to do with the writing and the timing, as well. When they filmed the original show, Fred Savage could hear the narration during his scenes so he could time his reactions accordingly.

Another thing I felt was lacking in this reboot is the interaction between siblings. Dean has an older brother, but as of the start of the series he's away in Vietnam. Whereas in the original you get to see and feel the brotherly love and antagonism between Kevin and Wayne. I grew up with two older brothers so that aspect of the show always affected me very deeply. As a viewer, I got to know and love Wayne Arnold the way I knew and loved my own brothers. In this reboot, even if they bring Dean's brother back from Vietnam, it won't be the same. Wayne was the older brother, yes, but he was still pretty naive and innocent. He was just a kid, albeit an older kid. But the relationship with older kids is a big part of being Dean's or Kevin's age. I'm sorry they left that out of the reboot.

But like I said, I think this reboot is a quality show and I hope they keep making it.
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stop making reboots of our classics
pinico19 June 2022
Nonsense reboot, and far inferior of the original classic series. Writers are becoming lazy, predictable, woke and unoriginal. It is pathetic when shows like this push agendas instead or focusing in a good story.
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kbrabant23 September 2021
I found this episode to be well written and wonderfully acted. I can't wait to enjoy the rest of the series.
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I'm looking forward to watching more!
genesteve24 September 2021
I'm a fan of the original series and made a mental note to watch this when it premiered. The pacing is quicker than the original, which reflects the change in TV production over the past 35 years (and shortened attention spans). And there was maybe a bit too much narration for the pilot. But I love that viewers get to experience the same timeframe portrayed in the original through a different cultural lens. There is so much that can be covered in this series, and I for one am looking forward to going on the journey with these characters.
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Woke what!?
rickyedington23 September 2021
Now I'm usually the first to call out the woke society but the pilot was fantastic. Stop calling it a remake. Stop jumping to conclusions. Give it a chance. Things actually happen this way back then. No matter what you want to believe.
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Could have been better
xenafina-725548 October 2022
I love the premise of the show. As a black American with solid roots in the South, I was disappointed that they opt'd to not have the actors speak with southern accents.

While I love Dule Hill as Burton Guster, his character was a miscast, in my opinion. It would have been better if he used his own speaking voice versus the one he chose.

I do appreciate the topics they discussed, as I found them very relevant and relatable to my life; however, I believe they should have made it about a family in the 80s vs the 60s. Would have been great to see a Cosby Show 2.0 but not trying to actually BE the Cosby Show. I believe it would have definitely been more relatable to a wider audience.
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HorribleDrBones2 October 2021
Just a cheap knock off of a great show. It's capitalizing off the recognition of the original series. I loved the original "Wonder Years" but after seeing the first two episodes of this version, I won't even recognize this updated show as existing.
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Love it so far!!!
Expat-in-America23 September 2021
After just the first episode I know I want to keep recording and continue watching! Usually it takes me a few episodes to warm up to a new show, but this one is really funny and totally entertaining.

I was a HUGE fan of the original series, as I was born in the 70s and was a kid in the 80s, the same age as the cast. I am very glad this new version seems to get it, what the original show was about, being that age in an era of important changes but more worried about getting the girl/boy of your dreams because most of it went over your head. Nice to see a reboot that has heart.
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Up to episode 8 and enjoying it
JackHammer6911 July 2023
There is an agenda in this show, yes. But it's delivered in such a way that they're not clobbering you over the head with it. If they were to make it realistic, the show would have been another HBO style R rated (or NC-17) drama/thriller. We've already seen "Them" and we get the point. Pretty sure anybody with a heart will never be able to watch that tragedy again.

I think the people who are really upset with this show are probably hardline Christians - and Aryan fanciers...

To me, this show contains some of the spirit of the original with its lessons, Dean's overly dramatic daydreams and some of the family dynamics. However, Bill Williams is just cool - he's no terrifying Jack Arnold 😂 Just a look from Jack scared the crud out of me when I was a kid.

The original show and this one contain some filler, but life contains a LOT of filler. It's good to chill out a bit while watching things.
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mustanglovr-3952521 August 2023
Took 1 of the greatest shows from the 80s 90s and ruined it. Seems like the people in today's age enjoying ruining shows and movie's. It's like taken Sanford and Son's making it an all white cast in today's way of making new shows. Better yet let's take Bill Cosby show and make it an all white show also. Better let's make Madea an old white lady instead of an old black lady. Let's take Black Panther and turn it into an all white cast to make it fair and equal. See what I mean here. I am not the only 1 that is very sore over this show but I am the only 1 that isn't scared to post my opinions and thoughts of reality. So if you don't like my review it shows your a weak salty Karen that hates facts.
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I like these people
bendwbl6 January 2022
Nice group of characters to spend time with. No furious or clueless parents. No bratty kids. No screaming. The show is warm. Everyone in the family likes each other. Their friends are lovely people.

This is the kind of series I need.
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A 'wonder'ful show for everyone
claddagh7230 September 2021
First of all, please try and judge this show on its own merits, not the color of the actors' skins (or even against the initial show as this is an original.) The racism in many of these "reviews" is horrifying, but I suppose not surprising to POC.

This is a wonderful show that mixes wry humor, the awkwardness of puberty and settling into one's identity. For the 12-year-old main character, his identity certainly includes coming to terms with what it means to be Black in the turbulent Civil Rights Era of 1968. This should go without saying, but this show isn't just for an audience of POC or an older generation, but for everybody to understand others' experiences...both with the heartbreak and the humor life holds.
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So Woke
mtuller-4380828 April 2022
I watched 3 episodes and that was enough. Woke garbage. Disney, ABC just seems to be making shows that are trying to create a division of people in our society.
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