Halloween Party (2012) Poster

(II) (2012)

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Rock on!
songwriterscafe27 October 2012
I keep coming back to the music... I miss rock and roll and there's a healthy dose on this soundtrack. Also, there's the scene with the wolfboy and the spider that made me shoot beer out my nose. That and the fortune teller are worth watching the whole thing for. I love the subplot of how the guy uses different cams to spy on his own party. It's a very clever way for the director to change things up, visually, and add a unique element to the movie. The people look like real people... you don't often see that in movies... it's kinda cool. Planning on putting this one during my OWN Halloween Party this year, then blasting out the soundtrack when things get going.
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Halloween Party (2011)
beachkitty195116 October 2012
Recently enjoyed viewing this movie at the !st Annual Laughlin Film Festival. Of course, it's a Halloween Party at someone's home attended by friends, but it is the stories of some of the guests that bring special messages. This is what I loved most about the storyline. There are situations of adult confrontations, arrogant people, centered people, funny and gorgeous people, and very sensitive people. This movie contains young children in costume in adult situations and there are adults situations in the movie, so I personally do not recommended it for children under 14 unless the parent allows this. Most of the costumes are very in-typical for Halloween. That's refreshing. It gives me and my friends many different ideas for our Halloween party. The soundtrack is outrageous! I love blues and this soundtrack has many original songs by writers/singers from Nashville, Texas and California. I recommend this movie as a different spin of the usual Halloween ventures available out there.
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Terrifc, Fun Indie Film!!
craigahrens3 February 2021
I really enjoyed this little gem of a film! Bravo to all of the talented people that were part of this terrific production. I appreciated how this was very funny without being campy or over the top. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the characters! They were all very entertaining , talented and fun to watch!! I never found my wind wondering off or checking my cell phone! All good signs!! So for me, this film clearly gets a thumb's up!
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Boring. No Plot. Made No Sense.
rebeltaz-1870521 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So... yeah. This "movie" - and I use that term loosely - was boring, plain and simple. There was absolutely no plot whatsoever and the ending was... well.... let's just say that it ended.

The fortune teller who kept appearing and disappearing did so without any explanation or reason at all. The daughter, to whom everyone kept referring, was seen in one scene at the very end. Contrary to the impression they gave of her being some demon possessed monster, she was just a normal, boring, teenage girl. The "stud finder"... seriously? How do you get stud finder form that outfit, unless you've read the script? No one had any character backstory, with the exception of the "homeless guy" who we are told lost his kid and wife in a car crash involving a drunk driver. Everyone else was just ... there. Why? I don't know.

Worse that all of that, I would almost swear that every line in this "movie" was ad-libbed right on the spot without anyone ever once consulting a script.

If you are stoned out of your mind and you need something to kill half an hour, then I would highly recommend that you go watch paint dry, or maybe even grass growing. That is so much more entertaining that watching this "movie".
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Wow, this sooooo was BAD
thomas-4082 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is NO STORY. Just a bunch of amateur actors hanging out, talking at a Halloween party.

There's the hint of potential conflict. A homeless man has crashed the party. But nothing comes of this. At one point, Cole accuses the homeless man of being homeless and a thief. But the other party goers ignore this confrontation, so it goes nowhere.

Later, Cole seems to throw out the homeless guy. But then a few minutes later, we see that he didn't. The homeless guy is still at the party.

Everyone has a good time, and then goes home. The End.

What is this movie trying to be? From the title, I expected a horror film, but it's not.

For a while it seemed like the film was trying to be a romcom. One woman kept complaining that she can't find a good guy. But it's not a romcom.

Is it a chick flick? A bunch of woman engages in "smart chatter"? Well, but there are no real conversations. Just snippets of talk as the film moves quickly from one party goer to the next. And many of the female party goers are bimbos, not smart chick flick types.

For a brief moment, the film seemed to be a Christian feel good movie. Two party goers say they know the homeless guy. That he goes to their church. They explain that this guy is a brilliant community developer who became homeless after losing his wife and child to a drunk driver. But that he's learned a lot on the streets, and now has an amazing plan for an "environmentally sustainable homeless community."

Wow, this homeless guy sound so perfect! A loving husband and father who lost his family to a drunk driver -- AND he's working on an environmentally sustainable homeless community! No wonder the romcom girl is interested in him. Except that brilliant, sensitive homeless men are fantasies.

The film also takes a stab at magical children's fantasy. There's a gypsy fortune teller that keeps appearing and disappearing without explanation.

But there's also a lot of sexually explicit humor and semi-nudity, so it's not really a Christian feel good movie or a magical children's fantasy.

It's just a mess. No evidence of a script. Just snippets of haphazard conversation from a large, random group of party goers. Boring.

Sorry, I don't believe all the 10 star reviews.
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Comedic slice of American life with fabulous sound track!
sharonhart194516 October 2012
Halloween Party is fast-paced and funny, with just the right touches of drama, well-spaced throughout the film. The flow is excellent, with so many hilarious scenes my face hurt from laughing so much.

The characters portrayed are so true to life I could identify many of them with people I know. I felt like I was at the party with my friends, neighbors and co-workers along with their dates and significant others.

Halloween Party is a true slice of life in America with a rich array of characters giving powerful insights into their day to day lives. The homeless man and the trick or treaters provide an in depth look at the attitudes, concerns and interactions of everyday Americans today. Very touching scenes.

And the music! I just wanted to get up and dance over and over throughout the film. All music lovers will be delighted with Halloween Party.
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A story within a story within a story within a story....
KwikChic23 October 2012
Fast paced, multi-faceted comedy guaranteed to keep you on your toes-or at least the award-winning soundtrack will! Ingenious filming angles and humanistic storyline contribute to the entertainment value of this hoppin comedy. A vast array of characters, each with their own unique contribution, truly adds to the fun. My faves were the fortune teller and dynamic police duo. The werewolf Donny was always good for a guffaw too so watch for him as well.

Be sure to check out the soundtrack too. Amazingly well put together musical variety-catchy tunes with lusty vocals by some extremely talented artists.

Happy Watching!! You'll be glad you did!!
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This informal and seemingly unscripted movie defines one Halloween Party that would truly be the event of a lifetime. Any others would just be, well, a party.
festearns9 December 2012
Halloween Party … Different. Mysterious. Emotional. Totally entertaining with a crazy-terrific soundtrack! This Halloween Party is not a typical house party. The attendees are an incredible, humorous cast of characters who left me wondering, "Just where are these people from?" The optical marvel of the traveling camera took me from room to room, bumping into people, recognizing a few, chatting with many, and watching others from a distance…I was there. The fast-paced action was so captivating that, when the party ended, I didn't want to leave. This informal and seemingly unscripted movie defines one Halloween Party that would truly be the event of a lifetime. Any others would just be, well, a party.
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Strange and Odd....But in a Good Way!
jtkueppers30 November 2012
I left feeling kind of trippy but also very festive. And I think that's the point. The title of the movie speaks for itself because you are transported deep into a crazy Halloween party, literally. The objective is to make you feel like you're participating with them, especially with the voyeuristic camera angles meant to capture everything...and I mean everything :) It also starts off one way and then takes you to another place that is actually touching and surprising, but always finds its way back to the party! The performances feel very authentic, too, even when they are drunk and in insane costumes...you believe this could all be happening.

This movie really entertains and when you're hosting a "Party"...what more can you ask for?
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A pleasantly zany and twisted ride through the typical insanity of a krewe of neurotic and hypersexualized middle age mayhem on All Hallows Eve.
alphadogblue19 August 2013
All I can say is OMG and WOW. This film kept me stuck to the edge of my seat and fighting my need to visit the facilities. This tittilating comedy was like being on the tilt-a-whirl and antipating the next hilarious spin of witty dialogue. I loved dark edginess in line with the Halloween theme. The main characters were brilliantly casted. I found myself completely empathizing with them to the point of mild infatuation. I was so utterly annoyed and angry at the self involved and perverted protagonist that I wanted to reach my hand right through the screen and choke his furry neck. The story shows that by not jumping to conclusion and looking below the surface, that even through the pain and suffering of a broken life, love can still be found and the healing begins. Kudos to the makers of this thoroughly enjoyable comedy of friendship and human nature.

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Go See The Movie
fyrdok24 October 2012
This movie is funny from start to finish, try to pick your favorite character, There are so many that add to the craziness. A fun movie and a fun time for all, and turn up the music as well, you won't be disappointed!!!! Filmed in Belmont Shore, there are so many one-liners and comedic adventures going on under one roof,(as well as on the roof), you will be wondering what could happen next. Another thing, I don't think the children that came to this house trick or treating will ever forget the special treats they received from this cast of craziness. So get comfortable and get a drink from Dr.Ben Dover's recipe list and get ready for a fun ride into Halloween.
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All in all, wonderful movie.
roxirose22 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw it, I was not sure what to expect. I wasn't sure if it would have the feel of a home movie or feel like a big time movie that I would go to see in theaters. It was definitely the latter. I had a great time watching the movie! The concept was definitely original, along with how it was carried out. The acting was great; I definitely couldn't have done a single one of those scenes with a straight face. I have to say that my favorite part, well I guess my favorite character that is, was the free mammograms guy! I'm not much of a person to actually laugh out loud at movies, but that definitely made me laugh! I would suggest to anyone on here that hasn't already seen it, SEE IT!
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Party Time
llg052828 October 2012
Enjoy the party! Enjoy the music! Go see this movie!

Entertaining and comical movie with the age old premise of looking for love with some clever twists and turns.

Great acting with a colorful cast of characters and some unique and funny costumes. A movie that everyone can relate to with a story that adds a good mix of reality and humor. Erin is looking for a relationship different than her usual type and found that what you see is not always what you get. Giving Mason a second look was a good idea for both of them.

Definitely a fun movie to watch.

First rate sound track and the music is the perfect backdrop for any Halloween party.
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A fun edgy movie!
gdpaye27 March 2017
I appreciate the premise of the movie "Halloween Party". It's about people at a party in costumes that allow them to let go of their inhibitions as their hosts secretly film their interactions during the evening, illuminating their problems, secrets, fantasies and more.

The characters and theme are very "Hollywood." Initially I thought that the characters were shallow. There was a lot of sex play. But as the film continued, the plot thickened and some of them got interesting. Here are some of the more interesting characters: * Dr. Ben and Julie are the hosts. Ben makes mysterious drinks like Vampire wine. Julie is dressed as an Earth mother. I had a lot of curiosity about Megan, their hidden, mysterious, ominous, troubled teenage daughter whose room emitted strange lights and noises. That held my attention! * The little dog with a hidden camera was very cute.

* Erin was an interesting character. She can never find a decent man. She gets a homeless guy (Mason) to keep her obnoxious Teen Wolf former boyfriend and other unappealing men at bay. But soon she begins to fall for the homeless guy and Teen Wolf dude gets jealous. Her girlfriends tell her to stop falling for losers but an interracial couple tell Erin to give Mason a chance because there is more to him than meets the eye.

* The Jewish fortune teller (enlightened woman) was my favorite character! She was mysterious and seemed to know everything about everyone. And she kept disappearing.

* Other fun characters included Elvis, Sarah Palin, Marilyn Monroe, cops, Presidents Kennedy and Obama, Jesus, 3 crayons of different colors, a nurse, Zeus, a prison inmate, the Grim Reaper , Mammogram guy, Jane of the jungle, Mermaid dating a shark, a devil, a naughty maid, and the Pope. The "Pirate of the Caribbean" had a bitchy pirate wife. The costumes were funny and great! * Cute trick-or-treating children came to the door and were given inappropriate treats by the guests! I enjoyed the movie from an artistic standpoint. It went back and forth between a high quality camera, cheap video footage from the people at the party, and black and white shots. The costumes were fun and camera angles unique. The acting was solid. It was visually entertaining and appeared to be done on a small budget in a single location (a house).

There was a lot of witty dialogue. For example the banter between Jesus and Elvis was hilarious and they remained in character. My personal tastes run towards more serious themes, but it wasn't that kind of a movie. Overall, it was quite entertaining!
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The Best Halloween Party of Your Life
sophia-1122 October 2012
Remember that raucous and racy Halloween party that stands out as the best Halloween party of your life? You probably got drunk, and maybe, if you were lucky, you even got laid?

Never mind, if you were actually there, you were too drunk to remember. Or maybe you embarrassed yourself so much that you just wish you could forget. Now, what if this party had been secretly videotaped, so now you will never forget--and neither will your friends.

Halloween Party is that party! It will remind you of people you know--and some you wish you didn't. It's the best Halloween Party you ever went to. With a rockin' soundtrack.

So put on your sexiest Halloween get-up, and get ready for a howlin' good time!
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A light hearted comedy that will definitely set the Halloween Party mood.
d_carson1001 November 2012
At first you are drawn in by utter curiosity! As the first scene unfolds you will begin to feel right at home, literally as one of the guest at the party! The mood and pace are set early and effortlessly, contributing to this feeling of actually "being there". As you are carried from scene to scene, it becomes apparent that great pains were taken to create the impression that each scene is happening simultaneously. The movie expertly depicts Halloween as light hearted, a time to have fun and as with all great movies there is an underlying meaning, a "special twist" if you will. I highly recommend this movie! Beware of the twist, it will surprise you!
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If you like American Pie, you will LOVE Halloween Party!
maryelansing102618 October 2012
Trick or treat!

What happens when your friends host a Halloween party & invite you plus your ex, You find yourself drawn to a man dressed as a homeless guy (or is he??), there's a kooky fortune teller coming & going, a guest taking pictures of his co*k AND everyones move is being recorded to make a film & spy on you?! These are just some of the zany problems going on for Studfinder, Erin, at Ben & Julie's Halloween Party! Filmed on location in gorgeous Long Beach, California, Halloween Party features hilarious characters & is a great film, along with the cast & music... its just plain FUN!
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Music is "Freaky" Good!
lindapalmer18 October 2012
The movie is everything we expected it to be. Very "Adam Sandler" like in comedic style with a little heart thrown in. The fortune teller and the homeless guy give performances that everyone LOVES! You may recognize the hosts as the comedic geniuses they are in our last film, "The Wedding Video". What stands out as the stellar out-of-this-world quality of the movie, is the original music through out! 28 original songs, 6 written specifically for the film! Not many big budget movies do that, but this lower budget, character driven film has scored huge with what will likely become a cult classic, not only for music but for its "Halloween" fun! It was recently awarded "Best Soundtrack" at the Laughlin International Film Festival 2012!
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