51 Reviews
enough truth?.....
joanc-4085422 June 2018
Everybody knew this was a corrupt operation - I was in Baghdad in 97 and met some UN observers one told me when she went to the warehouses to check and they were empty, her bosses said to her "shut up and take your money"....there were some highly moral people hi up in the UN though like Dennis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck and Jutta Burghardt, of WFP who like the other two resigned. A very shameful time for the UN and of course the people of Iraq who still suffer to this day. This story needs to be told and the film should be pushed but it wont be...........
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decent movie, heavy story
connta2 May 2018
As a movie the piece is nothing spectacular and as such might not capture the average movie fan but for us who like a movie based on real events this is pretty good, to me a true story based movie is almost always better than the fictional one. Before you go saying "you really believe there are 100% true movies" ill stop you right there, no, i do not, but you dont have to take the movie at face value it can inspire you to do your own research about the matter if you are interested. To be frank i dont think i (or you) ever actually heard a 100% true story, human memory is not 100%, rarely anything is, this was close enough to get the point across.

This was a very big scandal, there is a reviewer here on IMDB who stated it is a fictional movie and that he/she was actually involved in Food-for-Oil which was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. I have a hard time believing that. Why did the people involved fled, why did all those companies settled and paid enormous fines, just not to go thru a hassle of proving oneself innocent? I am sure there are very fine men and women in the UN who really try to help but any and every organization is susceptible to corruption and UN is no different, where there is power there is abuse of power.

I wish there were more movies that are doing scandals of the time past so we dont forget and dont let them repeat.
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You can't fight the storm
nogodnomasters30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a brief biopic of Michael Sullivan, a UN executive assistant in the Iraq Oil for Food program that exposed its massive corruption. The film only covers a few short years. He worked for Pasha (Ben Kingsley) who deals in moral relativism, in that he wants to keep a corrupt program alive as it helps some people. His reports were truthful, but he chose his truths carefully.

The sandal ranks about number 4 in the common man's ability to understand what happened behind BCCI, Indonesiagate, and the 2008 Bank/mortgage crash. And for that reason much of the film was boring. Kickbacks and explosions. Internal drama.

Guide: F-word. sex. No nudity.
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the shadows of power
voigaswolpertinger22 April 2018
The movie backstabbing for beginners is not half as bad as some reviews have it. sure it does not invent the diplomacy thriller anew, but its solid handwork, a good production and the sets were good too. i was a bit irritated by ben kingsleys constant swearing, it would not befit a real high diplomat to use such foul language in public all the time. overall is a watchable film about a young idealistic guy getting assigned to a supposed dream job. but sooner than he imagined, he is caught up in the confusion that any multi billion dollar program and high politics bring along. whom can he believe? is it possible for one man to make a difference in a fight against corruption and greed? see for yourself
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Not tightly held together but....
jmccrmck-6517214 February 2019
The film gets a seven rating because Ben Kingsley's acting is first rate and never less than 1st rate and over all the story will hold your interest and has some twists to it, it will keep you guessing. The romantic parts of the movie feel like they were thrown in, like a focus group or a committee made the movie and the drama is suspended for those scenes. The dialogue and character development between Ben Kingsley and Theo James make the film worth watching. Pity that the entire script did not hold up as well as the better scenes. When you see of some of the uninspired fare that the streaming giants throw money at I say this is a worthy effort.
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Dramatic Tension Should Have Been Higher Here
larrys325 April 2018
Apparently a fictionalized account of Michael Soussan's 2008 memoir of the same name. Theo James stars as Michael Sulliivan, a 24-year-old hired for a high position at the United Nations to help administer the Oil-for-Food program in Iraq after the First Gulf War. He'll be a Special Assistant to the Under-Secretary-General (Ben Kingsley).

The seemingly naive Michael will soon find himself in the midst of massive corruption, kickbacks, yes-backstabbing, and even murder, with so many billions of dollars at stake. Some of the decision making by him and others had me often shaking my head in disbelief. Moving into the ridiculous, why did Kingsley's character "Pasha" find it necessary to use the "f" word in just about every sentence?

Overall, just not enough dramatic tension here to make this a really engrossing movie. It did have its moments but I can't rate it higher than fair.
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While the war in Iraq remains somewhat fresh in the minds of so many there is a generation that really doesn't know all about it nor the things that occurred to push the war into motion at that time. Teens today may have born at that time but to them it's the past. And if they aren't aware of the war itself then the odds of them knowing about what occurred just prior such as the oil-for-food scandal are pretty slim. BACKSTABBING FOR BEGINNERS provides a look at just that moment in history.

Michael Soussan (Theo James) is an idealistic young man, successful in his career handling figures but wanting to contribute more to the world. He wants to follow in the footsteps of his father, a career diplomat killed in a bombing when he was a child. He gets his opportunity when his resume crosses the desk of Pasha (Ben Kingsley), the man running the oil-for-food program for the United Nations.

Michael is immediately tossed into the mix with a sink or swim move to have him condense research on the program for Pasha. Having worked with his father, Pasha guides him and instructs him to learn to narrow down the focus of any presentation he has to offer. And like that the two are off to pre-war Iraq.

Once arriving Michael begins to question some of the things he's seeing and hearing about. Supplies that are being sent aren't being distributed equally with some sects of the country with close ties to Saddam Hussein getting the lion's share and the Kurds receiving next to nothing or spoiled goods, including medicine. He also begins to question the funding as bits and pieces of the money move about on the books.

Pasha assures him that this is nothing more than how diplomats negotiate transactions. But Pasha hasn't convinced Christina Dupree (Jacqueline Bisset) who's been doing her own investigation. Discovering widespread corruption and the channeling of funds into the pockets of others than who it was intended for she makes sure Pasha knows that her report to the UN Security Council will not be a whitewashed job for his sake.

Michael develops close ties with his interpreter, Nashim (Belcim Bilgin), a young woman who wants to do all she can to help those in her country. He learns from her that his predecessor was murdered for information he had, a list of everyone who'd taken kickbacks and payoffs from the program. As he learns this Dupree is also killed and her report tossed aside and replaced with one Michael has helped Pasha put together, one that he is called on to present before the UN.

Finding himself in the midst of what will turn out to be one of the most major corruption scandals of all time Michael searches for a way to either justify the actions of those around him or to leave it all behind. The list is passed on to him for protection and the decision of how to handle it goes to him. Along the way lives will be placed in danger and his career placed in jeopardy. But is it his career he is most focused on or his original goal to help others?

Much of the story told here was provided to news readers when it took place but the facts, figures and casts of characters involved were so vast that most would go on to forget it took place altogether. But in truth it displayed the amount of corruption that was found at the highest levels in the UN. It showed the weaknesses of the system put in place and this film does a great job of summing that up and making it much easier to understand.

James, known mainly for his role as Four in the Divergent series of films, presents himself well here. As Michael his character moves from nave to overwhelmed to seeking justice. In lesser hands the part would have come off as just lost start to finish. Kingsley's Pasha is well played and his penchant for accents put to use here. Some will find humor in the fact that whoever taught this character English apparently used the F bomb so frequently that Pasha accentuates nearly everything he says with the word.

No movie can present every single fact about a story like this one. But perhaps in being made it will cause people to revisit this story or at least encourage young people to learn more about it. As a movie it's entertaining and keeps you riveted waiting to see what happens next. It might seem dry to most since it's not non-stop car chases and hand to hand combat but it does hold your interest and is worth a watch.
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Decent enough film worth watching, but not a must see.
apjc7 May 2018
It's predictable but interesting enough to see it through. Fails to name names other than the usual sacrificial scapegoat major organisations toss out to the wolves - I.E. press and public. The U.N. is generally considered a useless talking shop, but there's literally billions of pounds sloshing around it's various departments. This film retells what is the tip of the iceberg, add in national foreign aid programmes you understand why certain leaders of poor countries end up with more income than the nations GDP. To paraphrase Churchill, capitalism is awful but it's the best we've got. I do agree with others who mentioned the pointless even annoying expletives used by the Kingsley character. Some points yes it would have been effective, but you end up thinking is he some old school mafia boss or a U.N. under secretary.
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'If you dig too deep, you may not like what comes up'
gradyharp27 May 2018
Michael Soussan's memoir of his experiences working for the UN during the Iraqi crisis has been transformed into a tightly woven screenplay by Daniel Pine and director Per Fly. The true story is at once enlightening, horrifying, and maddening - some truth about the degree of corruption on al levels of government not only in this country but also around the world.

Theo James takes on the role of Michal Soussan as he unravels the tale of the misappropriation of United Nations money in the Oil for Food program that was intended to supply food and medicine to the victims of Saddam Hussein's brutal madness in Iraq 2002 - 2003. The cast is uniformly excellent with the superb Ben Kingsley as the UN undersecretary Pasha in charge of the Oil for Food humanitarian effort to aid the desperate Iraqi citizens. He hires the somewhat naïve Michael Soussan to go to Baghdad to oversee the supposed infiltration of evil in the humanitarian program. Michael's naïveté fails to face the complex dealings of Christine Dupre (Jacqueline Bisset), the Kurdish Nashim (Belçim Bilgin), the evil Rasnetsov (Brian Markinson), and other characters portrayed by Rossif Sutherland, Rachel Wilson, Peshang Rad, among others.

The depth and extent of corruption in the manipulation of the billions of dollars sent for humanitarian aid but foiled by Hussein and the governments and big businesses of the world leading up to the attack on Iraq by President George Bush's included photomontage speech is horrifying. Yes, we all have heard and read about the extent of global corruption, but to watch it occur along with mass killings and degrading behaviors is staggeringly real and disgusting. Did the film need to be made? Yes, if we all care about somehow finding a means to end the greed and hypocrisy that still remains a global plague. Not an inspiring film, but a necessary one. And well done.
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It's worth watching if you have a subscription but don't rush out to buy it.
rotherhambadgirl17 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A tale of nepotism in action,

Take the plot with a pinch of salt, a rather dry true story of bribery and corruption has been sexed up more than the famous dossier that led to the invasion.

The romantic subplot felt unnecessary and was shoehorned in, as per usual.

Ben Kingsley was excellent, whilst his language seemed out of character to me for a diplomat his performance was stunning.


a pragmatist who worked with corrupt system available in order to save as many lives as possible or a heartless profiteer is up to the audience to decide.

What this film lacks more than anything is the list of high profile names of those involved.
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Missed the Mark
madhumitarouth-0457411 October 2021
The story is based on true events that happened in 2004, and is based on the book by the same name.

The movie was tagged as a political drama/thriller. It's neither. The story doesn't meander, it stays on track. However, the track is very linear.

The movie wanders the thin line between black and white. And the colouring reflects this monochromatic sense and is one of the key beauties of this movie.

Ben Kingsley carries the movie even though Theo James is ostensibly telling the story. Pasha's character gets a huge boost from Bens crazy as "Fak" portrayal of Pasha.his chemistry with Theo is extremely good!

Theo James' voice over - Theo has a voice and delivery that makes for a soothing backdrop. However as versatile an actor as he is, he gets little opportunity to flex his acting muscles. It's a straight up character with barely any nuances or growth Jaqueline Bissett is completely wasted in her role.

The script and editing lack any tightness or tension. I really couldn't understand the unnecessary introduction of the romance subplot, especially as there's no chemistry between the two. And Theo can deliver chemistry in spades!

All in all, it's a pretty mediocre movie that had a lot of promise but doesn't deliver as much as one would want.
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Baneful history to remember always
Bachfeuer21 July 2018
It may be inevitable that a true story involving serious issues will be hard pressed to be as good a "yarn" as one made just for the action and excitement. This highly worthwhile and fully attention-holding film has suffered from unfair comparison with pure entertainment films. It is well for us to be reminded from time to time, what misery and devastation venal US foreign policy has wreaked in various regions. The present asymmetrical cyber-warfare on our political institutions is largely blow-back. I hate to think that the Trump presidency may at least have prevented a repeat of this film's appalling scenario perpetrated upon Iran. By the way, be sure to notice Belçim Bilgin as the femme fatale--a Turkish actress paradoxically cast as a Kurd. Oh well.
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make Michael smarter
SnoopyStyle12 June 2021
It's 2002. Michael Sullivan (Theo James) is hired for a job in the UN's Food for Oil program working under Pasha Pasaris (Ben Kingsley). There are obvious kickbacks, corruption, and deliberate diversion of aid for the Kurds. Michael points it out but Pasha tells him to spin everything for the sake of the people. Pasha's boss Christina Dupre (Jacqueline Bisset) is writing a report to the UN and distrusts him intensely. The CIA wants to recruit Michael. He comes from a family of diplomats and his father died in the Beirut bombing. In Iraq, he falls for translator Nashim Hussani.

This is trying to be Jack Ryan with a real world scandal. While I like the attempt, I would like Michael to be presented as smarter than this. He lacks enough cynical street smarts and sincere boy scout smarts. Sure, he's a reality person making reality mistakes. He needs to speak the truth inside his head even if he does make mistakes. It's fine for him to give in to the nihilism if he tells us with his inner voice. This does not have the tension to be a good fictional thriller. It does not have enough of the truth to be a historical drama. It does have just enough of both to be passable.
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Decent plot lead by mediocre leading actor
bogota9092 January 2021
Movie started strong with a decent narrative but as movie unfold the leading actor was hard to believe, only decent actor was Ben Kingsley but unfortunately washed down by mediocre director and amateur leading acting that wasn't believable.
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Navigating an impossible maze
Gordon-1116 July 2018
This film tells the story of a young diplomat who navigates an impossible maze of lies, deceit and death threats.

The diplomat is in a huge dilemma, but he navigates the situation well and ends up way more fortunate than many others in the film. The film is a little slow, and can use tighter editing. Still, it is an interesting film to watch.
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Informative, but not all that entertaining
rutzelb26 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based upon a true story

Michael Sullivan (Theo James) takes a job at the United Nations with supervisor Pasha (Ben Kingsley) a United Nations Under Secretary who runs the Oil for Food Program and Michael eventually learns how "diplomacy" really works. Michael learns that there is corruption everywhere he looks, but goes along with Pasha's "don't rock the boat" philosophy because Pasha wants to keep his job and also to insure the funding continues for the Program.

This is really NOT an entertaining story. It's more like a documentary about the corruption within the United Nations, and sometimes it's difficult to follow characters that come and go and we are not sure what they do except to say most are up to no good.

All you really have to do is to follow Michael and his take on everything. Remember, he took the job to make a difference in the world, but is constrained by Pasha and his don't rock the boat philosophy. Michael's change of heart started with Michael befriending and defending Nashim (Belcim Bilgin) a Kurdish woman who fears for her life if she is found out to be Kurdish in Iraq.

After the attack by the US on Iraq, Michael sees the opportunity to get the evidence for all the corruption that involves many well known companies and other countries who greased Saddam's hand. Ben Kingsley plays Pasha perfectly and we all know he is guilty and we wonder how Michael will expose him and all the rest. And this is where the major backstabbing takes place because Pasha is found guilty as well. Pasha admits to Michael later on that this was well-played by Michael.

Notable: Jacqueline Bisset as Christina Dupre, who is opposed to the Food for Oil program because she knows the program is corrupt and all the food never gets to the people and worse the drugs that are supposed to help cure illness are so out of date many deaths come about because of that.

Stay tuned to the end to see statements about what happened to everyone.

An aside: To see more backstabbing incidents, watch any daytime Soap on TV. Ha !

Again, not entertaining, but quite informative and this is a difficult story to follow, but Pasha does make it interesting. (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No Nudity: No. Humor: Some. Language: Yes. Rating: B
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Slow movie rescued by James and Kingsley
oaeinet13 March 2021
I am not bowled over by the movie generally; but I beg to differ with other reviewers that had a problem with Kingsley's character Pasha dropping F-bombs. This brought out something about Pasha, since he could turn on the charm to anyone he wanted to schmooze on a dime, yet out of earshot show his vindictive f-bomb dropping side. That Kingsley made that work is a credit to Kingsley's acting skills. Generally, the movie is a garden-variety diplomat/espionage flick buoyed up by the fact that it is based on a true story, and much was done to give realism to the political events it is based on.
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Brilliant movie, must be seen
maxineash8 July 2018
Excellent movie, based on a true story. It's really quite an eye opener. It's right up there in the top of the must be seen movies.
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UN Conspiracy
fmwongmd8 May 2019
Complicated but we'll directed and portrayed story about corruption in the UN. Good acting by Theo James and Ben Kingsley.
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Important story, a litly 'dusty' as film
EskeRahn18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is in genre not on the list docu-drama, where the whole thing are based on the real story and real people in the scandal about Oil For Food.

And as such it is an important film, so those that are too young to have lived it or just have forgot the story have it told/refreshed. (It was big back then).

It is well played by the actors, and the director -as usual- does a good job. But some parts gave me a dry and dusty feeling in the mouth (and no, not due to the sand...), but for obvious reasons not all parts of a real story are equally dramatic, but the slightly boring parts are important to get the full story.

8 is a bit high, but 7 is a bit too stingy...

(I'm not sure about the spoiler tag, since it is based on a real story)
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Good Film
honorharris11 March 2019
Hubby and I really enjoyed this film. Better than expected. Well worth a watch !
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Deja Vu
arfdawg-128 October 2018
The problem with this movie is that it's been done countless times before and follows the same format. It's also very slow which sets boredom in very quickly
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Would You Like a Career as a Diplomat?
lavatch1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the bonus segment of the DVD of "Backstabbing for Beginners," writer-director Per Fly described his goal of capturing in the diplomatic world "the grey area of life where every human being exists." He also observed that corruption is the only way of life in the "system" of geopolitical affairs.

The film was adapted from the Michael Soussan book that exposed the duplicity and greed behind the United Nations multi-billion-dollar "Oil-for-Food" program that was rife with bribes, kickbacks, and sweetheart deals. The corruption was so widespread that it involved two thousand companies and fifty-six countries.

The screenplay depicted the intersection of the shady "Oil-for-Food" operation with the equally duplicitous pretext for the United States to invade Iraq. Occasionally, documentary footage is interspersed with the action of the film. Initially, Per Fly wanted to make a documentary film, then reshaped his screenplay into the fictionalized version of the story. But the blending of documentary and fictional styles is effective for this subject.

The film was successful in evoking the director's vision of the "grey area" of characters who may be simultaneously humanitarians and crooks. This dialectic is no more apparent than in the character of the diplomat Pasha, brilliantly performed by Ben Kingsley. Pasha has genuine concern for feeding and providing medical care to starving children. But that does not prevent him as well from becoming a cynic and a grifter.

One might even argue that Michael, the idealistic young protégé of Pasha, also lives in a grey area where he will sacrifice a vital piece of incriminating evidence in order to save Nashim, with whom he has fallen in love. Still, the young diplomat whom Pasha calls "The Kid" has enough integrity to continue the fight for of peace and justice.

It is unfortunate that we do not have many examples of "The Kid" in current diplomatic affairs. But when they do surface, it is a cause for celebrating our humanity and the desire to move closer to a peaceful world order.
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No good deed goes ...
kosmasp31 December 2020
To the right people? Have you ever wondered where the money you gave to a charity actually goes? Obviously officially it always will be said that it goes to the cause one gave the money for ... but not just something like the Trump Foundation (though they've been quite blatantly) probably has done other things with the money.

In this case it is about the goverments money or program. Now of course, if you are a tax payer, it sort of is your money too. Just not in a direct way. In this case we get to see what happens behind the scenes, how political theatre has to be played, so people in need get at least some help. Enticing concept and Theo James does a decent job. Though he is outshined by the always present Sir Ben Kingsley ... well I wouldn't blame him for that.

Whatever the case, this is a decent thriller, based on actual facts (that I have not read up on) ... tension is there from beginning to end
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Wasn't bad, wasn't that good...
jakebrann9 June 2020
Maybe I'm a dick but as the movie progressed Mr. Sully became obnoxious with his self-righteous attitude to the point I was hoping he would fail and all the crooks would continue to receive their kickbacks! I wanted him knocked down a peg or 2 (or 3) or at least his vehicle to hit an IED... too much to ask?! Not to mention he looks 35 and was supposed to be 24!?

The fast fact at the end of the movie tells me all I need to know... "his exposure of the scandal led to some of the most significant reforms in the history of the United Nations." Soooo... he didn't change a f'n thing! They try to make him out to be some hero and that's all they can say? Okay, cool! Way to go Mikey!

Decent movie that's worth the watch mostly because of the performance by the ever smooth, Ben Kingsley! He's excellent as usual. It's just the story, plot and other characters that are a little boring and slow. Oh well, there's my useless .02 cent review!
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